Posts by enchy

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    i really liked flarum

    i liked how it looked, it was always very easy for me to use, and imo it looked nicer than woltlab

    but apparently it was a clusterfuck for moderation and stuff so whatever

    appearance and themes can be changed but how the forum works cant and ig woltlab has better functionality than flarum

    Went through the Woltlab plugin store and found some themes I think look good. They’re all free btw.

    Basic Core - Dark Edition - WoltLab®
    Optimized WoltLab Suite design with unique features and setting options. Responsive, freely adaptable and configurable!
    Lucent 2 - WoltLab®
    wewexmedia Stil - Lucent 2
    Vioven - WoltLab®
    wewexmedia Stil - Vioven
    Mileniano - WoltLab®
    wewexmedia Stil - Mileniano
    Steam-Art - WoltLab®
    This style is closely related to the gaming platform Steam and is ideal for clan sites that use their website with the WSC.

    I think some of them let you upload an image to be used as like a background or banner thing so a TF specific image, maybe with like a Minecraft landscape and the TF logo, could work well with that.


      alophia Christian with a uterus here.

    i can already tell where this is going


      alophia I’ll cover your quote of Jeremiah 1:5 first. The chapter covers God talking to a 13 year old Jeremiah who was appointed as a prophet and was feeling unsure about his abilities. God tells Jeremiah that he pre-determined his abilities and purpose before this point. The writer uses birth to describe how God transcends time, and is therefore able to know what happens before Jeremiah was born. This verse is about Jeremiah understanding that his purpose is greater than himself, and he shouldn’t let temporal things like age or hard skills to deter him from pursuing that.

    while yes, it does show God’s plan for Jeremiah and His knowledge outside of time, the main point is that God made Jeremiah for a purpose, and He is calling out to Jeremiah to tell him that he has been set apart. God says that He formed Jeremiah in the womb and that He consecrated Jeremiah before birth in every translation i found. now imagine what would have happened if Jeremiah’s mother had an abortion. i’d think God would be angry that the one He set apart to be a prophet got killed before he could even be born. how many other children could have gone on to be “prophets” in their lives but were killed before birth?


      alophia There isn’t any message that is explicit to birth, abortion, or even the determination of life. Here’s a link to BibleHub, which is a website that collects multiple versions of the same verse and compares them to each other and with the original language as well. There’s a helpful breakdown of the Hebrew if you scroll down a bit.

    it does say that God is active before birth (before something has occurred from your biblehub hebrew thing). it says “I set you apart,” and the tense of the verb “hifil,” or to be set apart, is perfect. perfect tense means an action is completed or finished, or perfected. God had done a completed act of setting apart Jeremiah before birth. to have an abortion would have been to deny God’s completed action of setting Jeremiah apart. while it does not specifically mention abortion, it’s implied that God is active in our lives before we are even born, and that shows God loves and has a plan for us. i think that is enough of a reason to say that abortion is wrong since God loves babies before they are even born.


      alophia Sorry to break it to you, but using Jeremiah 1:5 to justify the parameters of life without adding the appropriate context would be misquoting the Bible.

    ironic given your next point


      alophia A friend stated that its important to fight with the pro-choice movement regardless her moral stance on abortion because of how Jesus loved the marginalized. The assuming the majority of people receiving abortions are women and out LGBT people who don’t present as female, we can automatically assume they are marginalized at some level (yknow, because of how much of a hellhole the US is).

    Without bringing up any specific passages, though I could if needed, Jesus loved and fought for those who society hated. This included prostitutes, taxpayers, lepers, you name it. He sought them out first because society put them last. He preached to them and loved them first. Why should we not fight with those who are already living?

    this makes absolutely no sense.

    1. saying we should support whatever the marginalized do despite our own moral beliefs makes no sense. you can support the marginalized without supporting their actions/beliefs. affirming their right to love and care does not necessitate that you support every action they take
    2. saying women are marginalized is flat out wrong given they make up 51% of the population, have higher voter turnout, and have suicide rates 4 times lower than men.
    3. youre right, Jesus did seek out prostitutes and tax collectors and preached to them, but he did not encourage their sin. where in the Bible does Jesus tell someone to continue taking unfair taxes, or to continue being a prostitute. Jesus shows his love to them but does not ever encourage their sin, and we should do likewise. protecting women in harmful situations has nothing to do with supporting abortion

      alophia Along with those systems, a solution to abortions would be promoting better sex ed and family planning, which the majority of Christians strongly oppose. So, I would love to hear, how are Christians supporting and loving the marginalized by trying to strip the means of eradicating abortion away from society? Enlighten me.

    i personally know christians who run pregnancy services that provide care for parents before and after birth. they encourage not getting an abortion and provide ultrasounds, but they also provide diapers, toys, clothes, and parenting classes.


      alophia Another thing my pastor argued is that abortion has been legal since the 70s, so the reconciliation should have happened by now if it was going to happen. First, since the legalization of abortion, I’ve barely seen any Christian circles try to truly reconcile with the “other side” by understanding them. All I’ve seen are people with signs and vans covered in repulsive images of aborted fetuses, and barely any advocacy for a better healthcare and childcare system.

    reconciliation has happened. youre a christian and your christian friends and pastor support abortion. the real question is whether or not reconciliation is a good thing. we can reconcile with the people but not with the idea of abortion. proof: christians who have had abortions, regretted it, and turned to Christ for forgiveness. its not a good thing to reconcile the church to beliefs that are actively against Christian teaching. doing so hurts believers who are taught false beliefs, christians who reject the false teaching and are cast out of their own church for holding to good teaching, and the credibility of the church.

    about childcare, the first step to childcare is actually having children. our childcare system hasnt killed 50 million babies.


      alophia In conclusion, Christians have not done their part to reconcile with other communities, and its dumb because that’s literally our job. We’re called to share the good news of Christ, and we can see from Jesus himself that the proper method is to connect with the people genuinely rather than shoving Bible verses taken out of context down their throats.

    our job is also to hold fast to what the Bible says, not to try to combine the Bible with the beliefs of the world around us. read judges for an example of what happens when followers of God take in the culture around them. Jesus does show the proper method of reaching people, but youre completely misreading his method.

    all in all, youre trying to fit Jesus into your narrative of supporting all people’s beliefs and supporting the marginalized no matter what. the problem is that it doesnt fit. while Jesus shows love towards sinners, he does not show support towards sin. you are conflating supporting sinners with supporting their actions. as christians we have a responsibility to protect those who need it, but also to teach good theology and an honest interpretation of the scripture, not to combine the Bible with popular beliefs of our surroundings

    edit: youre an alt, whats your main account