Posts by Darth

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

      enchy In the U.S, systemic racism affects a large number of minorities, particularly African-Americans. They are more likely to be convicted for drug offenses (despite repeated studies showing that drug use rates are consistent between races), denied housing and employment, targeted by law enforcement, and have fewer resources in their schools (public schools are funded in part by taxes, poor communities pay less in taxes because they make less, the schools, in turn, are given less funding resulting in a lower quality education, perpetuating the cycle of poverty through lack of resources). And this is mainly due to the ghettoization of inner cities that resulted from the "white flight" to the suburbs during and after the Civil Rights Movement.

    With all this in mind, denying that systemic racism is a component of U.S. society presents flawed logic. Those who deny it seem to believe that the U.S. is a complete meritocracy, and anyone with a poor quality of life is entirely responsible for it (e.g, people who complain about lazy people living off government benefits and believe they are the cause of fewer people working, instead of considering that the problem lies mostly with the employers for refusing to provide adequate wages). And since segregation is illegal, then all minorities must be on the same footing as Caucasians, making them as responsible for their destiny as anyone.

    While this logic completely ignores historical context, its underlying point, whether intentional or not, is that minorities struggle to make it by in life because they are "not working hard enough" or are "not willing to improve their situation". This ignores the deeper circumstances entrenched in society that make life more difficult for minorities and instead creates the implication that they are just lazy and more willing to complain about their lives than actually improve them. Also for the record, I am a minority but am quite well off. I didn't have to experience what I've described to know it exists. Keep in mind that I'm not saying all people are racist, I'm saying that lingering effects of intentional racism from the Civil Rights Movement era still has an impact on current minorities even though the laws have made direct targeting of people based on race illegal.


      Windows Pandemic is effectively coming to an end for us finally.

    Except it isn't. The pandemic is "ending" in the US as far as restrictions go, but it's still extremely prominent in other countries, especially poor/undeveloped places. As long as large-scale transmission is still happening, there is the risk of a variant that becomes resistant to current vaccines evolving which then comes back to bite us. The most important thing right now is stopping (or significantly slowing because stopping completely is impossible) transmission in other regions. Until then, lifting restrictions is great but we shouldn't lower our guard. If a vaccine-resistant variant evolves, there may be a second round of restrictions later in the year. The pandemic is far from over.

    For context, the Spanish Flu pandemic never actually ended, it just infected and killed such a large portion of the global population that it needed to mutate to continue infecting people. All seasonal influenza strains, swine flu, etc, are all descendants of what was once called the Spanish Flu, and they exist because we weren't able to halt the pandemic a century ago.


    @'_97' The only places that require masks are hospitals.

    That should just be standard practice now lmao

    The best way to lucid dream is to:
    eat an ENTIRE (very important that it's the whole thing) blueberry weed muffin, wait 15.43 minutes, drink 3.8l of water, swish in mouth for 7 seconds, then jump on your bed like a horny hyena and cross your eyes while reciting the words "totalfreedom sex" as you drift into sleep. You will then wake up, it will feel like a real life simulation of your daily life (most likely wherever you went to sleep), you will feel slightly off and that just means it's not real so you can do WHATEVER you want.