Posts by Alco_Rs11

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    1. Username, UUID, IP(s), and short ban reason for each offender. Format as follows:

    2. What did they do? De_Shroob2 tried crashing the server with minecarts. The other individuals are accounts associated with indefinitely banned players who then bypassed their ban after failed login attempts.

    3. What indefinitely bannable offense does this fall under according to the guidance for sanctions?
    New Policy:


    1 . Respect & remain mindful of other members of the community.
    2 . Respect the platforms we run

    Old Policy:


    1a. Attempts at harming the server.
    1b. Repeated rule-breaking (recurring category 2 & 3 offenses or punishment bypassing)
    1g. Using an exploit that restricts a player’s experience.

    4. Add logs and/or screenshots of the occurrence here, and tag any witnessing staff. Evidence of previous offenses that are not the direct cause of this request can also be added here. Witness: @"Anti95"#397 @"videogamesm12"#4

    Carts Kid:

    [21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: The server has not responded for 10 seconds! Creating thread dump  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Ticking entity: minecraft:minecart, entity class:  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity status: removed: false, valid: true, alive: true, is passenger: false  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity UUID: 14b5d626-2453-4a04-9d3c-c2f19bc249e8  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Position: world: 'flatlands' at location (12159.5, 50.0625, 45059.5)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Velocity: (0.0, -0.0, 0.0) (in blocks per tick)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity AABB: AABB[12159.009999990463, 50.0625, 45059.00999999046] -> [12159.990000009537, 50.76249998807907, 45059.99000000954]  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Current Thread: Server thread  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:   PID: 25 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:   Stack:  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.util.LoadingIntMap.get(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimingHandler.addDiff(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimingHandler.stopTiming(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimingHandler.stopTimingIfSync(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimingHandler.close(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tickNonPassenger(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.WorldServer$$Lambda$7286/0x000000080250ec90.accept(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.lambda$tick$7(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.WorldServer$$Lambda$7283/0x000000080250d2e0.accept(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tick(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$$Lambda$3675/ Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       java.base@17.0.2/  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH ---  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:30] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH  - git-Scissors-36 (MC: 1.17.1) ---  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: The server has not responded for 15 seconds! Creating thread dump  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Ticking entity: minecraft:minecart, entity class:  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity status: removed: false, valid: true, alive: true, is passenger: false  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity UUID: 52a157e9-ef7b-4cc9-ba2a-2c849d170e51  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Position: world: 'flatlands' at location (12159.5, 50.0625, 45059.5)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Velocity: (0.0, -0.0, 0.0) (in blocks per tick)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity AABB: AABB[12159.009999990463, 50.0625, 45059.00999999046] -> [12159.990000009537, 50.76249998807907, 45059.99000000954]  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Current Thread: Server thread  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:   PID: 25 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:   Stack:  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//$TransformingRandomAccessList.size(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       java.base@17.0.2/java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       java.base@17.0.2/java.util.ArrayList.<init>(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.entity.CraftEntity.getPassengers(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       Carz.jar//io.github.a5h73y.carz.utility.CarUtils.getPlayerDrivingVehicle(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       Carz.jar//io.github.a5h73y.carz.listeners.VehicleListener.onVehicleCollide(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor226.execute(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$$Lambda$5103/0x0000000801b72848.execute(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tickNonPassenger(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.WorldServer$$Lambda$7286/0x000000080250ec90.accept(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.lambda$tick$7(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.WorldServer$$Lambda$7283/0x000000080250d2e0.accept(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tick(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$$Lambda$3675/ Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       java.base@17.0.2/  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH ---  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:35] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:38] [Async Chat Thread - #61/INFO]: [OP] jamel » e  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH  - git-Scissors-36 (MC: 1.17.1) ---  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: The server has not responded for 20 seconds! Creating thread dump  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Ticking entity: minecraft:minecart, entity class:  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity status: removed: false, valid: true, alive: true, is passenger: false  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity UUID: 4162503a-a352-4820-8a37-fda871a62d8a  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Position: world: 'flatlands' at location (12159.5, 50.0625, 45059.5)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Velocity: (0.0, -0.0, 0.0) (in blocks per tick)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity AABB: AABB[12159.009999990463, 50.0625, 45059.00999999046] -> [12159.990000009537, 50.76249998807907, 45059.99000000954]  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Current Thread: Server thread  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:   PID: 25 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:   Stack:  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.util.LoadingIntMap.get(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimingHandler.addDiff(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimingHandler.addDiff(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimingHandler.addDiff(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimingHandler.stopTiming(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimingHandler.stopTimingIfSync(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimingHandler.close(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tickNonPassenger(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.WorldServer$$Lambda$7286/0x000000080250ec90.accept(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.lambda$tick$7(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.WorldServer$$Lambda$7283/0x000000080250d2e0.accept(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tick(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$$Lambda$3675/ Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       java.base@17.0.2/  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH ---  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:40] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:42] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO]: [Discord] [MB] Speriencefan1028: Who the freak is indrawn  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:43] [Async Chat Thread - #61/INFO]: [OP] jamel » do we know who built this  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:44] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO]: [Discord]  ginlang: last tick 90s ago...  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH  - git-Scissors-36 (MC: 1.17.1) ---  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: The server has not responded for 25 seconds! Creating thread dump  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Ticking entity: minecraft:minecart, entity class:  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity status: removed: false, valid: true, alive: true, is passenger: false  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity UUID: 2ef39662-1c2f-49a1-8c67-4e72eb995211  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Position: world: 'flatlands' at location (12159.5, 50.0625, 45059.5)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Velocity: (0.0, -0.0, 0.0) (in blocks per tick)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity AABB: AABB[12159.009999990463, 50.0625, 45059.00999999046] -> [12159.990000009537, 50.76249998807907, 45059.99000000954]  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Current Thread: Server thread  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:   PID: 25 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:   Stack:  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//$TransformingRandomAccessList.size(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       java.base@17.0.2/java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       java.base@17.0.2/java.util.ArrayList.<init>(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.entity.CraftEntity.getPassengers(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       Carz.jar//io.github.a5h73y.carz.utility.CarUtils.getPlayerDrivingVehicle(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       Carz.jar//io.github.a5h73y.carz.listeners.VehicleListener.onVehicleCollide(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor226.execute(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$$Lambda$5103/0x0000000801b72848.execute(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tickNonPassenger(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.WorldServer$$Lambda$7286/0x000000080250ec90.accept(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.lambda$tick$7(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.WorldServer$$Lambda$7283/0x000000080250d2e0.accept(Unknown Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tick(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$$Lambda$3675/ Source)  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       java.base@17.0.2/  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH ---  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:45] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:53] [Server thread/INFO]: videogamesm12 issued server command: /stoplag confirm  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:18:58] [Server thread/INFO]: videogamesm12 issued server command: /wh minecart  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:19:00] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO]: [Discord]  ginlang: 100s last tick  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:19:04] [Server thread/INFO]: xPkz_ issued server command: /o 6000 minecarts  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:19:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [ADMIN] xPkz_ [Admin]: 6000 minecarts  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:19:05] [Server thread/INFO]: videogamesm12 issued server command: /oi De_Shroob2  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:19:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Antigamesm12 issued server command: /tps  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:19:11] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO]: [Discord]  ginlang: we ticekd again  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:19:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Antigamesm12 issued server command: /oi de_sh  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:19:15] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO]: [Discord]  ginlang: who fuck server/.  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:19:19] [Server thread/INFO]: videogamesm12 - Casting oblivion over De_Shroob2  @@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@[21:19:19] [Server thread/INFO]: De_Shroob2 will be completely obliviated!  

    5. Are they known under any other names or IPs, and if so, are they currently (indefinitely) banned under those names and IPs? This information is used to keep track of ban bypassers. Yes.

    I Vouch. Working to resolve corruption in an era where TF was riddled with it is very admirable although done in poor taste. Enough time has passed. I'm sure you've learned your lessons and I see no reason for you to not be welcomed back.


    @'Ryan' If there are examples of where this has been actively problematic that would be helpful because afaik there haven’t been any recent incidents where someone couldn’t apply a patch where it was absolutely critical.

    A recent example in which a patch took a bit to be implemented and then caused some significant damage was those minecarts that crippled flatlands. A patch was made via paper jar by Telesphoreo and Steven had to DM me to obtain access to the said jar after it was confirmed to patch the exploit, bypassing the development team procedures in its entirety because of the exploit was severe and kept bricking the server with the attackers showing no signs of stopping. This is also the same exploit where the server crashed at least a hundred times while Video and I attempted to remove them prior to the patch.

    I Vouch. This could easily rapidly speed up exploit patching and various development tasks within his scope as a developer. He's trusted by the community as well and poses no risk to server security. This also helps with those low-sleep nights where we're awake at late hours trying to keep the exploit losers who come out in the dead of night for their foul play while Video's patching said exploits. Video having file access clearly benefits everyone and the server as a whole.

    I'm going to reduce some in-game activity because the constant drama and bullshit are making my head hurt. I'll continue to do executive things behind the scenes and I'll respond in crises such as crashers, writing IBRs, and shit, but most general admin things don't expect much from me until the circus of drama dies down.

    I'll use some of this time to focus on things that matter to me like building on my project server and doing activities that don't give me headaches from endless bs.

    I may disagree with Ryan on many things but he's brought stability and some level of admin accountability. There's been no actual corruption in the executives (such as that time under the previous owner where shit was covered up by selected friends of his along with them being installed into power.) And if Ryan is removed, who's going to replace him? There are not really any candidates that I see who are active enough or qualified enough for the role anyways. He's also taken lots of abuse by this community and still manages to retain a level of calm and professionalism expected by the owner.

    This is why I vote 'No.'

    Given fssp is banned on all other platforms but the server itself, Ryan has decided not to ban him unless he's done something serious enough which is understandable and clearly also avoids any additional shitshows over Ryan using his powers as owner, but since admins have been calling for him to be banned because he tends to bend the rules as much as possible with an intent of trolling people, this post was made.

    The purpose of this post is to gather a majority consensus on whether or not fssp should be removed from the server which may ultimately lead to Ryan making a decision to ban him or not. I'll leave the thread open for any additional input and opinions on why fssp should be banned.

    This is the community guideline he's broken on several occasions.


    6) Don’t make it awkward for staff or other players to interact with you.

    Some things fssp has said to try and incite drama or make people uncomfortable for context:

    Here's @"Ryan"#1's statement regarding this matter and why this post was created.


    I've been waiting for him to do something bad enough that someone reports him tbh.

    On the grounds that this is the exact reason people are currently rioting and trying to have me removed, I'm not sure it's in my best interests to do anything... Like, genuinely make a thread in the admin section, if people support it, I'm happy to yeet him, but it's also one of those where unless Steven thinks he needs to be banned, I don't think this is a time that pushing the "I'm the owner card" is going to help me...

    I'm banning them at such a rapid rate I don't have time for templates. I'll continue to edit this with new players until it's inevitably approved. They're trying to crash the server with varying degrees of success. This IBR is the successor to this one because it got too full.
    Witness: @"videogamesm12"#4


    [03:45:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Grimmo_Shepherd issued server command: /tp -29999800 50 -29999800  
    [03:45:39] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 12 - TotalFreedomMod/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Rollback or restore aborted.  
    [03:45:40] [Thread-57/INFO]: [BukkitTelnet] x.x.x.x logged in as "bowic".  
    [03:45:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Grimmo_Shepherd issued server command: /cartsit  
    [03:45:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Grimmo_Shepherd issued server command: /cartsit  
    [03:45:48] [Server thread/INFO]: bowic issued server command: /o welp  
    [03:45:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [ADMIN] bowic [Admin]: welp  
    [03:45:50] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO]:  Grimmo_Shepherd » Did the command really not show up the first time  
    [03:45:56] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO]:  Grimmo_Shepherd » What a blunder  
    [03:46:03] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO]:  Grimmo_Shepherd » That would have been incredibly annoying  
    [03:39:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Maybachmusic16 issued server command: /cartsit  
    [03:39:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Maybachmusic16 issued server command: /tp -29999800 50 -29999800  
    [03:39:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Maybachmusic16 issued server command: /cartsit  

    I always find it funny that whenever a habitual rulebreaker who has a reputation for doing retarded things gets removed for doing something stupid. People always then try and find ways to try and invalidate their ban and make a shitshow out of it despite there being evidence to make said ban valid. This whole 'discussion' likely wouldn't happen if a complete nobody was banned for the same reasons.

    Ivan's ban is 100% justified.
    New Policy:


    5) Don’t pretend you’re someone you are not.

    Old Policy:


    0c. Any action / content (of any sort) which brings the reputation of ATLAS Media Group Ltd or its projects (Which include TotalFreedom) into disrepute.