Posts by YungAnzu

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

      enchy downplaying the trauma of a rape victim giving birth to a baby saying it's worse for the fetus in the womb with no fucking concept of the world is downplaying rape victims experiences making rape and rape pregnancies like nothing- it's apart of rape apologist culture, you might not realise this but its the rhetoric.

    source: common sense, being a mental health worker myself, being a rape victim

    being for banning abortions as a whole excludes mothers who are at risk, you should have made this clear in your wording.

    You don't understand systems of oppression, the people in power. It's a deeper issue. Beyond statistics and further into learning about the stories of actual women. Anyway agree to disagree I guess, I just think it's a little bit fucked. It's all fucked. Glad I'm not in america as a female sex worker especially but heart goes out to american people with uteruses ig.

      enchy Nah I read them, I’m just disgusted that you are spreading rape apologist rhetoric. You don’t have a fucking uterus, you are not a woman.

    Did you know that a lot of women are on life saving medications that they couldn’t take if they didn’t terminate a pregnancy ? A friend of mine recently had an abortion because she is on bipolar medication which she couldn’t take if she kept the baby, she would have gone catastrophic if she discontinued that.

    Women in America on Methotrexate (chemotherapy drug) have reported being denied their continued script for their medication because it could be used for a termination. I’ve been on that medication for years, I couldn’t walk without it.

    Women who are against abortion are entitled to their opinion, but they’re somewhat privileged for not fighting alongside their sisters with disability, their sisters medically compromised, rape victims, LITERAL CHILDREN who have been impregnated.

    Why should 12 year olds have to give birth. Because they were assaulted ? So they must give birth to a child of trauma at an age that their bodies aren’t even physically capable of giving birth to a child without compromising them, that could and will be fatal in so many instances.

    Or maybe they consented ? But kids shouldn’t be having intercourse? Why’s that? BECAUSE THEIR BRAINS AREN’T FULLY DEVELOPED. Oh and funny that fully developed brains make mistakes, why should they have to live with that mistake for life.

    Abortion is sad. It’s a traumatic process for everyone. But it is essential healthcare.

    in the end, it’s just a big cluster fuck. This isn’t about morals. This is about power. This is deluded men AND a percentage of women brainwashed and oppressed by them.

    This thread is fucking horrid I’m gonna be straight up. I can usually be civil with other peoples opinions but- those of you saying there shouldn’t even be an exception for rape cases, you are truly just acting gross. Literally misogynistic. Whatever opinion or religion you follow, that’s fine. But you’re full of shit if you see this as an entirely moral or religious issue. Stop picking random bible verses and step back for a second. This is a war against women, not about saving fucking children. I’d like to see anyone anti abortion go on a maternity ward and hear an 11 year old give birth. I can tell you, it’s not pleasant.

      SuperRyn The video you linked is a surgical abortion. The diagram animation is over dramatic considering it's pretty medically inaccurate and a surgical abortion where the foetus is as developed as the diagram implies, is a pretty small percentage of all abortions. Usually people are only getting abortions like this if it is an ectopic pregnancy or something. Abortion is sad, it's traumatic, it's difficult. But it's a human right and anyone with a uterus should have access to a safe health practice to be able to make an informed decision. Banning abortions doesn't work, you're just banning safe healthcare. Religion isn't really a source either, I respect that your faith influences your opinion but this is a biological human right, not a political or religious moral issue.

    We even have pro-life politicians in America advocating for the banning of terminations for ectopic pregnancies, which are literal medical emergencies. Medically uninformed men should not be making decisions on women's healthcare.

    (side note: it hurts my brain trying to accurately word things about the medical side of this, thank fuck I didn't choose midwifery and settled with nursing)

    So the other day my sister proceeded to tell me that she watches TikTok on the toilet then when she wipes her ass she leaves her phone on the floor and the same video replays 20 times by the time the toilet is flushed, this leaves me wondering… do people really use their phone on the toilet? Like do you guys tf!list on the shitter? Or is it unhygienic ? I’m personally not a fan, I wouldn’t bother taking my phone in for a simple piss anyway, that shit requires my full concentration. Discuss below, I know this is a heated debate so please don’t get too political.


    What is your full discord name (Ex: DiscordUser#1234)

    What is your Minecraft IGN? (Ex: Wild1145)

    What is your timezone?
    Do you have any previous experience in discord moderation or administration?

    I'm currently modding CHIISAI 18+ which is a fairly large discord server so I'm learning still but I pick up these things quite quickly and I've previously modded smaller less complicated discord servers.

    Describe in 50 words or less how you would be the ideal candidate for this position.

    My behaviour in the TF discord has improved tremendously and I am actually proud of the changes I've made myself. I've been on TF for a long time so I know the rules fairly well. We also REALLY need an aussie discord mod, and I am obviously Australian. I also have a strong vouch from Nick which I'm assuming he will confirm below.

    How much time in the average week can you dedicate to moderation activities on the guild?

    Most of the week in the daytime and some of the night I'm online. I'm pretty free while I'm waiting for my nursing course to start in feb.

    Have you read and also understood our current discord rules? (Yes or No)
    Have you read and understood Discord’s Guidelines & TOS? (Yes or No)
    Have you read the note(s) below? (Yes or No)

    Note 1: All Candidates must have their 2FA enabled and have their phone number connected to their discord account before applying. This is to keep all discord moderation staff accounts safe and secure from any unauthorized access.

    Yes all good.