Posts by FromTimeToTime

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    objection. for all the things you were criticized for in the last application, i've only seen a downward trend.

    as i said last time: event hosts stand in for admins during events. you tend to be unpredictable and reckless, which are great qualities for a TF player, but not qualities i look for when i vote people into power.

    if i join an event i want to be able to expect unity and consistency from the event hosts. even if an event is meant to be crazy, i want to know the event hosts are all on the same page. you're a loose cannon and that endangers the quality of everyone's experience.

    update 12 feb 2022: i always objected, and haven't changed my mind, but this player is more impulsive than i thought. they can not be trusted with an administrative role.

    neutral for now. however:


    @'__Sky___' and even to cheater(but ofcourse i punish them)

    i get what you're saying and i appreciate that. however please remember where you are. cheating and exploiting are core parts of this gamemode. if you haven't reviewed the rules lately, please do, i promise they're not the usual. imo with the kind of server this wants to be, admins should serve mainly as a deterrent for people trying to break the server.


    @'Ryan' I’m trying to move away from TFM where I can, this is one of the areas it made a lot of sense to do so.

    @'Ryan' I’m not sure what you mean by “Holiday message integration” though and AFAIK they’re just custom announcements…

    tab messages, hub decorations, and other changes are planned to change more often for significant events, and some of that will be handled by plugins automatically. i am only thinking ahead - if NM doesn't allow for the extensibility that we might want at some point regarding announcements, this is a good time to plan ahead.


    @'Ryan' I also want to move a lot of this stuff to the website when we build it

    as in something like


    @'Ryan' I doubt the NM Announcement system supports that, but will find out.

    this is a tiny bit off-topic, but is there any chance of announcements going back to being handled by TFM? i suppose that might require the other servers to run a stripped-down TFM stand-in, which doesn't exist atm. i'm trying to consider how we might want to extend broadcasts in the future, like the holiday message integration.


    @'Ryan' It shouldn’t resolve in a web browser at all… It should just take you to the bungee in game… Not sure what there is to put SSL / TLS Against given there is no web server behind it afaik.

    that part of my message was mostly because Firefox has integrated HTTPS Everywhere functionality, so it doesn't like to load insecure pages without user confirmation. if there's no plans to make use of the site, no problem there.

    vouch, reliable & trustworthy history.


      Tizz I think it’s a bit early not to believe most of the vouches will be for popularity or just because we don’t have other choices in your time zone.

    imo i don’t care much for timezones, and popularity is no more a factor in this vote than any other. i suspect this is about mental health. have your doubts resurfaced since the reinstatement? (link)

    this is technically a few suggestions in one, but the ideas are closely-related enough that i thought they should be introduced together.

    Information category:

    additions (#reaction-roles):

    pronouns: Ask for Pronouns, Any Pronouns, She/Her, He/Him, They/Them, It/Its
    region: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
    guild: Guild Announcements, <list of guilds> (see next section)
    playstyle: Builder, Redstoner, NBT Item Creator, Roleplayer (could use improvements here)

    Guild Information & Announcements category:


    • remove the #guilds-information channel. move "Guilds Information & Requirements" to #information and guild role selection to #reaction-roles.
    • remove the #guild-announcements channel in favor of #announcements as an opt-in role
    • remove the Guild Information & Announcements category entirely (private guild channels will still appear in their own section)

    the IP is likely their real IP, so as far as i can tell this appeal is meant to be taken seriously.

    usernames (known):


    !- AntiBoy, IO__O, ranscot, GokuDoesCannabis, Tbom56, Helpfulness, Linexx14, NaiNye, lilspookyy, CommentaryTastic, and Mrorange34.
    it's reasonable to believe they don't actually own a minecraft account, but rather exclusively use public alts.
    i wouldn't be surprised if they were also matscalle, but i have no hard evidence to back that up. the two have a close relationship, very similar communication styles, and matscalle often randomly calls for anes' unban. although they could just be good friends.



    !- allegedly, attempted account stealing. breach of computer misuse & data protection laws in jurisdictions relevant to tf

    • framing any member of tf
    • frequent ban bypassing. if anes is matscalle then you can add vote manipulation
    • attempted IP logging


    i object. tbh they're not even a very big threat to the server, they just have a tendency to deliberately get themselves into deep shit. and instead of reflecting and expressing remorse, they undermine our ban system and voting process

    in general, i have no issue with public alts being used on the server. but as an OP, there's no way to tell them apart from an impostor (no don't) or bypasser. so i couldn't trust one as staff, nor with perms in my guild, faction, region, plot, etc.

    i object. imo that does not look like a lag machine as much as a bored player entertaining themselves with the falloff of powered redstone. i searched their name and i figure you made no attempt to communicate with them before banning.

    that player has been active on and off since at least late august. when they first arrived, they said they've been around since 2014. if there is more evidence that they're regularly a nuisance i might reconsider my opinion.

    i object. during events, you would be expected to act as an admin, and you would represent the server in an official capacity, both things which i object to. you actively ignore community guidelines and seem to put very little effort into communicating. i don't believe that's due to a language barrier but either by choice or lack of interest.

    object. many of dree's supporters are insincere. they have urged this player to apply because they would enjoy watching dree face harsh responses, not because they actually trust dree to do a good job. that isn't every vouch.

    even so, dree has low maturity, no respect for others or their boundaries, and no respect for server policies. from my personal experiences with them they have proven themselves untrustworthy and not committed in any way to the server.