Posts by characterslimits

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    Many people are just sitting on #freedom-01-server-chat posting memes or brickering with other people. But why not do that on Freedom-01?

    Why should you play Freedom-01 instead on sitting on #freedom-01-server-chat? Because playing F-01 grants you benefits that you won't get on F-01-Server-chat

    Benefits include:

    • Being able to place and break blocks
      • You can't do that on Discord!
    • Support the server
      • Even if you do nothing on F-01, you are still supporting the server by increasing the player count by one
    • Gain Mentally Unstable
      • If you rank #10 most playtime for the month, you gain mentally unstable. Which means you get lots of coins and a spot in the ward that shows everyone how dedicated you are to TF!

    You won't get any of these benefits by hanging in Discord all day! So why not join

    When you're scrolling social media you're like impressed about all the accomplishments these people they have done. You're like, "Man! I wish I was that person". The truth is that social media is nothing more but a highlight reel, as people on social media show themselves to be as presentable as possible because that's what gets the most likes. The failures and the bad of the people's lives are not shown are hidden away because that's not what gets likes.

    I'm going to show some of the stuff that I cannot do, because in reality, I'm not some talented person that can do remarkable things, though I wish, but if reality is what it is, then reality is what it is.

    I cannot draw

    Yesterday, I tried to draw a picture for lyicx's birthday yesterday. Unfortunately for me, I cannot draw:

    Here's the failed picture that I didn't submit because it's bad:

    Large Image


    I cannot build

    My craftsmanship is extremely poor, these Master Builders on the server, I'm jealous of them because they can build while I cannot.

    The best I can do:

    Large Image


    I cannot code

    I cannot code. If I could code, I would have applied for Developer by now, however the only thing I know is writing "Hello World" statements, but that's not something remarkable.

    How did this shift from unreadable characters / names to Unicode

    This discussion was always about Unicode / non-alphanumeric names

    Here's the original post:

    Theres no harm in doing this it allows people add non-alphanumeric characters and I think that will be cool

    also because I want to make my nickname invisible, to fit with my entire theme

    Also Erin previously made the point this suggestion conflicts with the 6th point of the community guidelines.

    Not all usages of Unicode / UTF-8 / non-alpnumeric names breaks this rule. Not all characters are unreadable or invisible. Although that the original poster did say that they wanted their name to be invisible, that's only one use of Unicode / UTF-8 / non-alpnumeric names.

    Yes and no. If you check the kernel version or run /ver in the command prompt you'll see it's just 10 reskinned with a GUI that hates power users.

    Version numbers are not an accurate representation of how much things that have changed. How updates are numbered is depends on the people the made the software.

    Jumping from 1.0 -> 2.0, rather than 1.0 -> 1.1 gives the illusion of an update being big even though in reality, the update is the same size no matter what's the next version number.

    Microsoft could just bump the 10 to an 11 without making significant changes and that would shut people up about Windows 11 just being a reskin of 10, even though this argument could be applied to any Windows version as majority of the codebase of Windows is intentially left untouched for compatibility reasons.

    I have realized, that I have been so defensive here, that I even have forgot to provide any actual input of my own.

    As much as there are complants about FPS lag and invisible nicknames. Allowing unicode usernames will allow an aspect of user self expression.

    For those people who are like "Nah this is useless!", think yourself: How many servers allow this self expression? For those types of people that really care about the way they show themselves to others, unicode nicknames and self expression are a very important feature to them.

    If your not that person that's so engrossed into self expression, then you're not going to see how important self expression is.

    One man's garbage is another man's treasure.

    What if there's some super secret hidden person that has even more power than the Owner? Well recently, there has been some evidences and proofs that recently have surfaced that may have proved that a "Super Owner" may existed or currently is existing on TotalFreedom.

    What powers does this "Super Owner" have that Wild doesn't?

    The exact powers of the Super Owner are unknown, but we do know that the Super Owner has the following powers:

    • The power to issue section -1 bans.
      • Basically, section -1 bans is vaporization. When you are vaporized, your existence and your history of existence is completely removed from TotalFreedom, its records (including logs, screenshots, forum posts, literally any references of them), and the universe and is replaced by a fictional person. No-one will be able to recall the unperson that has been vaporized and all records and memories of this person are replaced by this fictional person.
    • The power to be completely unable to be voted off.
    • And of course, all the powers of the current regular Owner.

    This is only a partial list of The Super Owner's powers, there are many more powers that the Super Owner probably has that we don't know.

    But, if there's a so called "Super Owner", then why isn't their title in TFM's source code?

    Because that's how powerful the Super Owner is, the Super Owner doesn't need a title or a rank to have Super Owner permissions. There are many different theories to what rank or title the Super Owner poses as, but all of them say that the Super Owner used to be Senior Admin and is now currently an Operator, but even though the Super Owner might be an Operator, the Super Owner still retains Super Owner powers.

    Who is this "Super Owner"?

    Nobody knows, the Super Owner's identity is secret, so secret that not even Markbyron, Windows, Seth, or even Wild, knows about the true identity of the Super Owner

    There are however, some theories to who what the Super Owner could be

    Theory 1: The Super Owner is Markbyron

    It is possible that Markbyron is actually the Super Owner, but he's just denying it. However, I disagree with this theory because the theory is just based on the fact that just because Markbyron founded the server he must be the Super Owner. It's possible that Markbyron is only claimed as Founder by the Super Owner to make it harder for people to uncover the Super Owner's true identity.

    Theory 2: The Super Owner is the server itself

    This collides with the Server-Conscience theory, where the server itself is actually alive and has consciousness of it's own. It is said that the server itself created TotalFreedom and therefore, the Super Owner is actually the server. However, there's a major problem, if the server created TotalFreedom, then what created the server? This would mean that the Super Owner is not the server and actually the person that created the server. Therefore, the Super Owner isn't the server itself.

    Theory 3: The Super Owner is admin-user

    We need to talk about admin-user, because according to his forum profile, he only has been on TotalFreedom since July 16th of this year and already has Forum Administrator. How can someone one be so new to this server and already have Forum Administrator? Who even vouched for this guy's promotion? And why has nobody questioned him for randomly having Forum Administrator? Unless... he's the Super Owner, that would explain how he has Forum Administrator and only has joined TotalFreedom since July 16th, and nobody has question admin-user about it.

    Theory 4: The Super Owner doesn't actually exist

    Basically what it says, it claims the Super Owner doesn't actually exist. I disagree, I feel like people who say the Super Owner doesn't exist are probably mislead by the Super Owner to discourage people from finding the real identity of the Super Owner.

    Personally, I agree with Theory 3.

    So, what do you guys think? What theory do you believe in? If you don't believe in any of the theories, but have a theory of your own, feel free to share it by replying to this thread.

    May you please train me so I can be more informed in how TotalFreedom works?

    you won't get the passive grief protection provided by the Skyblock plugin.

    This is what admins are essentially there for, plus with the server not being very active any more, I don't think grief is much of a major problem. iirc admins can also allow only you to modify your "plot" with WorldGuard.

    Although yes, admins do exist, they cannot always be on the server 24/7. While the server is not very active and that means less griefing, you never know that the server will become active once again. Finally, WorldGuard is reserved for special cases and admins aren't going to always be able to create a private region for everyone.

    Then let's remove Worldedit, after all, it can easily be rolled back so what's the point?

    the fuck kind of response is that? worldedit has nothing to do with this (and actually has a useful purpose, unlike this suggestion.)

    If I'm interpreting this correctly, wasn't your argument that because that one feature can cancel down another feature that therefore makes the cancelled feature useless?