Posts by uvb

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    so u made all those names such as making fun of ryans weight 5 months ago. remind me, was this not at the same time flobbier and bobpop were raiding saying very similar things?

    makes me wonder who these friends you ‘wont name’ are

    im somewhat friends with flobbier but lmfao thats not who was doing it with me lol its p obv who they are if you used your eyes and looked ^^

    (anything in a different colour is probably a link)
    I'm simply making this post to address the actual reason why I was actually banned, as I believe the players (who don't have access to the IBR) should know why.

    The real reason why I was banned was due to me and some friends I won't name (but I know this info will inevitably be shown when Ryan punishes more players for this) joining the server with fake FQDN's over 5 months ago. This was used to show funny join IPs using plan. This at the time was just as a joke and most people who saw it took it as a joke. Me and some friends then started to mention nocom and jokingly mention burgers (this is an inside joke) and Ryan. After like a week or so we mainly stopped messing with plan, but we always had atleast 1 funny message there. Fast-forward to a couple days ago and I find I'm banned due to joining with these FQDN's. Mainly: mentions of nocom, the burger inside joke, and Ryan.

    If you just wanted to see why I was banned, then there you go. You can leave, but if you want to hear more then I guess keep reading.

    According to Ryan I was targeting him. But there could've been several other ways you could've dealt with this than to just permban me, because none of this stuff was *really* intended to be hurtful, it was all just jokes. But it seems Ryan can't take a joke. I don't have anything against you. I will admit that I was wrong about me being totally 100% innocent, I am somewhat guilty, but I still dont think it merits a complete network-wide ban from the server and discord to the point where several of my friends now don't want to associate with me whatsoever. The lack of transparency here makes it seem as if I had done something completely horrible when in fact it was pretty minor in my eyes. Now yes, I am aware im probably not being unbanned since Ryan's word is Ryan's word, but I just wanted to state the facts and let the players know why I was actually banned, with transparency. This is also another reason why IBR's should be publicised again (without showing IP addresses) because it makes things way more transparent, even if the OPs have no say in these IBRs.

    I don't have much more to say, so have a good day and idk go clean ur teeth 8) .

    So will you state the truth? You are most likely talking about when I found an exploit in plan to manipulate join IPS by editing /etc/hosts, I admit I abused this, but targeting you? This wasn't me and I know who it was. But you don't do any thorough research. Did you actually research any of this? I don't have any problems with you, Ryan, but this is totally unjustified lol. I'm starting to think that this happened because some particular staff have a disliking towards me and I know who you are. I don't care much for the hub mod role, but I do care for the fact I'm banned. In a community I cared for and most of my friends are from here, I would rather just be unbanned than anything else, but that's your decision, a decision that I know what way will swing.

    Disappointing lmfao

    ps if I even did anything bad why am I banned now and not 3 months ago?

    because sometimes theres not enough people active in chat to get a message starred that would have when the server is more busy. Take these examples, if the server had just a few more players active at the time these would've been put on the starboard, the only reason the starboard was even upped to this limit was because people were starring every message (which was really funny) but that jokes dead now, so I don't see the point in lowering the limit

    I would suggest lowering it to somewhere around 6 or 7.

    Лорем ипсум долор сит амет, ет дуо пробо аццусам, граеци яуодси еуисмод ин хис. Ут хис импедит перфецто, ерант цлита еффициенди ет еум. Цонцептам маиестатис ех сед. Вим модус граеце аетерно ех, интегре яуаестио вих ут. Сеа солум фацилис диспутатиони цу, омнис юсто мунди ин нец, ех усу инвенире лаборамус цонституто. Хас фугит омнес постеа ан.

    Меи елитр муциус губергрен не, модо татион дуо еу, ех пер агам тимеам аперири. Те вих прима яуаеяуе еррорибус. Ан хис моллис албуциус елигенди, нусяуам делецтус менандри еу вим, еам ад денияуе омиттантур. Алияуид санцтус вих ех, фастидии сенсибус витуператорибус вел цу, адолесценс садипсцинг ат при.

    Унум афферт дебитис вих ут, те сит латине санцтус сплендиде. Фалли сплендиде при ан. Ет сеа уллум импедит фацилис, вис иисяуе алиенум еа. Убияуе воцент те при. Пер ан елит мунди граеце, не яуем импедит перпетуа иус, менандри витуператорибус цум ад.

    Яуи утинам вертерем ан. Яуо ипсум аппетере вертерем ан, вис ут петентиум сцрипторем. Хабео яуандо сеа ан, ан фиерент симилияуе еос. Те иус иллуд импетус интегре, вивендо яуаестио вим ид, при цу аеяуе путант. Ест ат трацтатос торяуатос дефинитионем, ад дицунт нострум яуи.

    При ассум нулла партем не. Мазим еверти анциллае вих еа, яуи малис малорум платонем ид. Яуас поссе воцент ад вим, вереар феугиат адверсариум яуи ех. Алии адмодум цонсеяуунтур сед еу, цу хис нисл иусто. Меа ментитум перципит еу, путент алияуандо яуаерендум иус ин.

    Ет нам сусципит пертинациа. Ферри миним граецо нам но. Вис цу долорум яуаестио еффициенди. Но яуо цонцептам неглегентур. Ут граеци моллис нецесситатибус меи, ех яуи ассум еррем инсоленс. Яуандо диспутатиони ат еам, еи лаудем тациматес сед. Либер денияуе вертерем ат при, нам хендрерит диспутатиони но.

    Яуо аутем видерер ратионибус ин. Ад веро лобортис цум. Ат вел меис алияуид диспутандо, усу еа иллуд лабитур. Инани харум при ин, еи иус маиорум аццусата сцрипсерит. Меа прима граеци цу.

    Еу яуот суммо цум, цонгуе плацерат персеяуерис те цум, мел анциллае нолуиссе ан. Усу ат вирис постулант петентиум. Еу граецис делецтус цонсеяуунтур цум. Еи яуи еирмод тациматес адолесценс, либер цонцептам яуо ин, ест те диссентиас цонституам аццоммодаре. Цу персиус еффициенди медиоцритатем нец, вел ид ассуеверит еффициантур интерпретарис, граецис репудиаре меа те.

    Иллуд поссим те дуо, епицури аццусамус еум ин, сед но дуис цонсеяуат инцидеринт. Меи ассум долорес десерунт еу. Путант глориатур инструцтиор ан яуо, адхуц тимеам посидониум цу вис. Пер не реяуе промпта интеллегат, магна абхорреант аппеллантур вих ут. Еа алии омнес тантас еам. Не лаудем хабемус яуи, ин суас денияуе вел.

    Ет усу вивендо инсоленс, популо цонтентионес ан дуо. Мел ет ессе индоцтум. Ут яуо цонвенире дигниссим, ид иус интегре вертерем еурипидис. Ест амет деленити цомпрехенсам ет, ид нам диссентиет репрехендунт, вел еу мутат тибияуе волуптариа. Вих елит иллум алтера ад, еу путент облияуе аццумсан еум. Ин меа ерант феугаит сентентиае, вис ессент интеллегат сцрипсерит ид. Сед ут иуварет саперет дефиниебас, те нам ассум.

    The raids are over, they most likely arent going to come back, and this setting is SO FUCKING ANNOYING.

    I can't use a fucking VPN because of this half of the time, even if I log out and back in. My bot (which is essentially just a joke) also cannot join because it relies on a proxy so I dont fuck my playerdata. My friend remixfusion (___fusion) said earlier he had trouble joining because of this (he uses a proxy)