Posts by fionn

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

      RedEastWood I’d assume this includes ones people deem as quite important

    If they were deemed as quite important, they would not be a low priority on the backlog. I made this suggestion to help the development team out because at this rate with the number of suggestions left on that backlog I'd be surprised if we ever get through them. It sets quite a precedent when there are suggestions 8-10 months old that have not even been touched yet.


      RedEastWood Object, this is a complete slap in the face to the countless suggestions people made, voted on, argued on, and actually cared for.

    Having to wait 8-10 months, perhaps longer for your suggestion to be implemented isn't a complete slap in the face?


      RedEastWood Not only that, but you’re proposing to remove all of them?

      fionn Maybe even just wipe low priority suggestions that have been sitting there for more than a month.



      RedEastWood but perhaps we should look for an alternate solution rather than just completely remove them.

    Any alternate suggestions you can name off of the top of your head? I'd be more than happy to adapt this suggestion to suit the both of us if you can list a viable replacement for my current suggestion.

    Our current backlog is way too long and doesn't have the development power to efficiently get through all of them at this point. My suggestion is to wipe the backlog and and let people resuggest them. Maybe even just wipe low priority suggestions that have been sitting there for more than a month.

    At this point, most of the backlog is irrelevant at this point. This will also allow the development team to power through newer suggestions faster without having to worry about a backlog spanning longer than Joe Bidens presidency

      Luke Not particularly. In some aspects it most definitely has however I'm reinstating because I've decided to try and express some of these concerns.


      RedEastWood He resigned because I got executive.

    I'm almost certain I said I didn't have time for the server in my resignation. Not sure if you're aware of this or if you're totally self-absorbed in which case I pity you. Whether I resigned over you getting executive isn't in the question, it was a culmination of a lot of things, if you think I would resign solely over you receiving a position, as I've said, I very much pity you.

    If you have a look at my activity around the time I resigned, I'm pretty sure it's obvious that I didn't have time for the server anymore, I now do.

    I think it's pretty pathetic that you're objecting because you think I resigned solely over you becoming executive and I think that's showing more about you than myself lol

    If you were a former Total Freedom staff member (of any rank) and you wish to be reinstated, please apply using this template and place your application in the admin application section with the subject Application for Reinstatement and your Minecraft name.

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    senior, staff from june 2016 to april 2021

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    here my two cent

    it's a pretty simple mistake, I've done it plenty of times however didn't receive nearly as much slack for it afterwards. A common trend I'm beginning to notice is people picking on Ashaz in particular and I think it's more or less been like that since he was an OP. There are a few people I had to warn when I was the admin officer because of people being disrespectful to ashaz and it's always the same 3 or 4 people.

    On the other hand, I do notice that ashaz likes to overreact in these situations which often leads to him lashing out, resigning, and then shortly after reinstating. I think I speak for most when I say that you should toughen up when it comes to being an admin because you take things to heart quite frequently and as I've said that leads to you making rash decisions that you come to regret later on. Look, I was worse when I was 14, ask anyone who's been in the community for a while, they'll tell you that I was a nightmare, but you come to mature as time goes on, so don't worry about it lol but I would say that if people are seriously bothering you and you feel like they're nitpicking at every single thing you do, speak to elmon about it. But don't mistake nitpicking for giving genuine advice. You're a great admin and a great person to have in the community.

    Vouch anyways


    @'Ryan' The TLDR (Because I'm fed up of saying the same thing over and over again) is we are actively working to improve the Freedom gamemode, but it requires significant amounts of development effort, which we just don't have. The Skyblock gamemode we absorbed into the network required 0 developer effort, and minimal effort from our existing staff team, meaning it was a low effort & low risk, with the chance of being somewhat rewarding... This won't take time or effort away from the Freedom gamemode, but does give us a low maintenance gamemode that players can enjoy.

    I must say I've been on the server and it's very well done, not particularly indicating 0 developer effort but it's the same as any old skyblock server just with TotalFreedom branding. I mean it's not even connected to the main server's hub. At the end of the day, it's gonna more than likely die and just end up being a massive waste of resources. Also with Seth, he would literally do the majority of suggestions himself and there were tons, now with a full development team, there's no excuse only laziness for suggestions to be left undone for 10 months, come on man.


      RedEastWood As I've said before, this is the direction Ryan and I think is best.

    on what basis? you can't say this is the direction you think is best without telling us what made you come to this conclusion


      RedEastWood If people's thoughts are "let's stick to the freedom server that averages 7 players", then I won't be entertaining it. If

    Did you not read where I said


      fionn work on getting more players and then if you still insist, expand and Jesus Christ do something original

    Nobodies asking you to stick with the regular 7 player freedom server but if the server is averaging 7 players maybe that's something you should work on, and not by thinning out our player base to other servers, either. People only join servers where there is at least some bit of a player base, especially in this stage in totalfreedom where it's basically a roleplaying server, realistically nobody is going to have fun on a server where nobody is on it because you and Ryan decided it would be best for the community to have people playing skyblock for a week and then it ends up just being a waste of resources


      RedEastWood TotalFreedom will be expanding, and there really isn't anything you or the community can do to stop it.

    that’s insane

    you’re handling this embarrassingly red

    I get you can’t please everyone but would it not be better to please the majority of the community or at least let us have some input

    Take peoples thoughts into consideration it’s not much good as the marketing manager to ignore everyone except for yourself and the management team

    Expanding is going to thin out an already thin player base until there’s nothing left red how don’t you fucking see this?? work on getting more players and then if you still insist, expand and Jesus Christ do something original, the whole reason this server has survived for 11 years is because the idea of this server is original


      RedEastWood If you guys don't like how this server is being run, or if you don't like the direction the server is heading in - you are more than welcome to leave.

    Not an exactly fantastic response to criticism considering you are meant to be bringing in players not telling them to leave for having an opinion on how the server should be run differing to your own