Posts by fionn

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    Likely the last thread ill ever make on TF, or on any sort of forum for awhile

    i only got this window to make my final message to the TF community, or what remains of it as a whole. i think i better make it count while i still got somewhat of a platform here. gonna be jumbled to fuck

    when i returned for the first time in around may 2020 and gained notoriety in the community, my first thought is i'd slip up at some point in the future and drop a slur and heaven forbid you all never fail to make me remember that i was an inch away from that actually happening. my background isn't the best sort of background to come from when it comes to online. i come from areas that are known for fighting entire wars over personal information, doxing and mass harassment prevalent and every major figure in said community had some paedophile scandal. was quite anarchic, sort of like some lord of the flies type shit.

    while i was an inch away from that happening, i think the actual turnout was more surprising. for the first time in my life i was actually somewhat meaningful, even if i was a glorified punching bag in some aspects i'd like to think i was a lot more then that. i've met a fuck ton of people on this server, people that i will continue to directly speak to going forward and a fuck ton of memories especially early on in 2020-2021 that i wont ever really forget while i still have a functioning brain and a pulse. i know im not unique in that regard, you reading this likely also have fond memories of this place and maybe its even your only social outlet.

    i wont jump the gun and go into whats going on, if you've been around for a bit you can probably put two and two together. this isn't a "you should have all done better" type post so i wont elaborate. this is just a bit of retrospective and where im going to go from here but i kid you not this was a long time coming since last year, that camel had a lot on its back and a few extra straws snapped it in half so, its very likely the end of the line. shit happens ig

    for starters, it sucks that i never got to be the forum manager for long, i've been still learning the ropes and its sort of upsetting myself and my team wont ever get to see ourselves flourish into something special. i reckon eventually things would run like clockwork, more similar in line with how luke ran the discord. sucks even more my new mods didn't get their fair shake but i gotta say props to Deauthorized for his forum knowledge, thats about it.

    truth be told, i honestly don't know where im going to go from here. call me a narc but i have a feeling a few people will likely have an interest in my next chapter and honestly, your best shot is either my twitter or youtube. ill link them here because if i or my group (G5) ever starts something public, high odds are you're gonna be catching it there first. i've been big on trying to rebuild a discord community or even an entire minecraft server alongside it for sometime but haven't had ample reason to until probably now given i dont really got much of a place to go outside of a collection of private groups. and finding a place where im not a background character is rare, for me atleast.

    with that, i dont really know what much more to say. i feel more, jilted then im probably ever willing to let on about this. i mean it was going to happen at some point, nature of life. entropy or some shit, everything goes in time and it seems like times come for this show's fuckin curtain call. im not gonna write an essay on each notable individual to me but ill give a good few mentions to people that spring to mind

    fionn - general great guy, Lot of time for you and you were probably the best executive admin officer this server has ever seen

    fionn - I can’t believe I had the pleasure of being friends with you for so long on this server and I’m so proud to have called you a friend for so long.

    fionn - we should really catch up soon, you’re a really great guy with lots of morals and honestly one of my favourite people on this whole server

    fionn - wow. Where do I even begin?

    it was definitely inevitable and there was no way with the direction that the server was going that it was possible to sustain it for much longer, I feel like the attack was really only the straw that broke the camels back.

    with that being said, it’s definitely sad to see the community that basically shaped me as a child shutdown.

    as much as I’ve distanced myself in the last few months and years, not just from totalfreedom but discord and my computer in general, I’ve definitely always had totalfreedom pop into my head at random times lol and I definitely suspect that’ll happen long after the server is gone as I’ve met some great people and had some great memories on this server

    who knows maybe caleb might get a girlfriend or lose his virginity now

    bye tf


    I seriously cannot fathom how stupid and shallow someone would have to be to seriously advise against using the word "brave" because anyone who's maybe weak might be insulted by it. I understand that this is all mere recommendation for official posts on Stanford's behalf -- but it's only a matter of time until this becomes commonplace, and these words are no longer socially acceptable to use. Some other examples I've seen at just a quick browse of that document are "she, man, you guys, user, grandfather, and straight". It seriously has me wondering who's actually getting offended by the use of any of these words, if anyone, or is this mere nitpicking to take advantage of a society that is trying to become more inclusive?

    I do feel for any of Stanford's journalists who I have no doubt will have to proofread any article / official legislation they write a ridiculous amount of times simply because they are using words on this list. How strongly are they enforcing this? If they use the term "African American" instead of "black", will they get told off? Will they get sacked? If this is the direction that colleges are going now, how long until the likes of the New York Times, or the Sunday Post enforce this, and before long, how long until the word "brave" is revered by the general public who grew up thinking that the words listed on that document are bad because god forbid someone is weak and might get offended by it right?

    Where people can't appeal is when they want to come back and don't like that they're banned.

    Ryan what I think gets away from you a lot of the time is that this server has kids on it. Genuine kids. I started this server when I was 7 dude. Full of dumb kids who make dumb mistakes and the only way they learn is from being disciplined - being banned for 6 months unless they care acutely about the server, will more than likely result in them completely forgetting about the server, which, at the minute, is something we really and truly cannot afford due to the strength of the current player base (not very strong). If a player really likes the server, I don't know why appealing is something we should take away from them.

    We issue punishments for breaking the rules and I don't see why you should be able to go "yeah I don't want to be punished any more so let's not"

    Because that's how it is everywhere else, it works Ryan. It's not like they submit an appeal "I want to be unbanned" and then they're unbanned. It's a lengthy enough process that players would vote in. That's how the system was for the last 11 years and it was practically flawless.

    you're a prime example of why the appeal system doesn't work.

    How about a prime example of how it does? You! was permanently banned twice (excluding self-requests). He appealed and is now a very active member of the discord server, he was a discord events manager for some time and is also an admin. He's changed a lot from when he was permanently banned and I find it unfair to pick one dude as an example and use him as reasoning. I was permanently banned like three times, twice before I became the EAO and discord admin and all that other stuff. If I was forced to wait instead of having a chance to appeal my sentence I probably wouldn't have come back.

    it's like saying we should let pedo's out of jail because 'They said they're sorry and learnt their lesson'.

    Pedophiles =/= griefers. I would be much more inclined to agree with your analogy if you used a different crime, such as maybe vandalism. That's basically what griefing is however when you replace "pedos" with "serial vandals" the analogy makes no sense as vandals can be sorry and they can learn their lesson.

    Because for almost the entirety of human history there were no such thing as school, and yet despite that we still survived.

    Yes with a literacy rate of like 10%

    However, very recently at some point, it was decided that people must go to school.

    By very recently you mean 1,600 years ago? I think they probably realized that humanity genuinely cannot function without an educated generation; without it, society would never evolve and stand still in terms of technological advancements for the rest of history. Cavemen, we would be glorified cavemen lol

    I think your outlook on education really substantiates your claim about you being dumb... this is genuinely probably one of the most braindead posts I have ever seen on this forum and I have sure seen a few

    The education system is not without its flaws but jesus christ removing it completely would literally result in humanity going backwards

    Under Mark, resigning was seen as an aggressive way of relieving yourself of administrative duties, which, in hindsight, is pretty silly considering they are practically synonymous with each other on here.

    Anyway, I don't see why you should be able to reinstate after going inactive and be entitled to your position back. If you go inactive you should haver to go through a voting process to get your rank back 🤷‍♂️

    Sorry if this is the wrong tag

    I’d like to bring everyone’s attention to this

    this image shows DragonSlayer2189 streaming Microsoft Teams, the executive discussion, to me and some others. he streamed multiple discussions, violating copyright laws and also breaking an NDA. he began streaming after most people had left the VC, and after they had left, dragon began streaming. I was in the voice chat before he began streaming, a person has testified to it being the official Microsoft teams

    this raises the question of why dragon has gone unpunished for all this time while others have been punished aptly. Ryan has said that he’s been investigating the matter but with these events having occurred there should be no question of how to proceed, seeing as piracy and the distribution of copyrighted content would likely go punished if the offender were not a discord mod. Ryan has taken a hard stance on banning players for what he interprets to be illegal and so there doesn’t seem to be any reason an exception should be made here.

    Laws violated:

    1. NDA Violation\~:text=An%20NDA%20is%20a%20legal,NDA%20for%20you%20to%20use. (U.K. Law)