Posts by fssp

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    @wild1145#7315 ...but I'm not a flarum developer, and frankly unless you are or you're otherwise an experienced web developer, you probably don't know really what you're doing...

    I simply can't agree on the basis that "unless you're a developer of Flarum, you probably don't know what you're doing." I've managed several forums using this particular forum software, and have never encountered any problems either requiring the assistance of a developer or not having been solved by clearing the cache. As for experience, yes, it's expected that system operators and web administrators have some experience in their field. This isn't exclusive to Flarum, and for this reason, there are hosting services designed to simplify the process of starting your own forum. There's a forum host called "FreeFlarum" ( which does just what you'd expect.


    Private messaging and polling are both fairly basic features that make up a message board... While it's all good and well saying there are other platforms, they are just that, other platforms. We shouldn't be mandating members have to sign up for multiple accounts just to contact someone in private. The forums have always been our primary way of communication...

    I am willing to concede that private messaging is considered a "basic feature" of any message board, however Flarum does not aim to emulate message boards and has the stated goal of creating a "fat-free forum software." I beg to differ when it comes to polling, as I know of several forums and traditional message boards alike that do not support (or go so far as to discourage) polling for reasons stated in my previous post.


    @wild1145#7271 The fact the software is classed as beta is absolutely relevant. There as big warnings on their own website telling people not to use it in production, the fact someone decided thst was ever a good Idea is super stupid.

    There's a difference between something being relevant and a valid complaint. "Flarum is in its beta stage of development" is not a valid complaint because it does nothing to demonstrate any sort of discontent with the forum software. Something isn't automatically bad if it is revealed to be "in beta."

    I fail to see where their website tells people "not to use it in production." Here is what Flarum's documentation says about using the server software in production:


    Beta is all about fixing these issues and improving Flarum. Please don't use Flarum in production unless you know what you're doing. We can’t support you if things go awry. Upgrading to subsequent versions will be possible, but might involve getting your hands dirty.

    I would personally argue that "features" such as private messaging and polling do not belong on a forum, let alone one without two-factor authentication. Discord already supports direct messaging, is a platform with mobile applications, and better security features for its users. As for polling, I'm sure you can determine how I feel about how polls stupidify the democratic process and allow members to lapse into clicking on a button instead of articulating their opinion.


    Were moving to new software soon because flarum ultimately never met the requirements this community have... And isn't fit for purpose... We need software that is actually supported and remedies a lot of the issues in this thread and previous ones, flarum might be great software in the future but right now it lacks a lot of fairly important features for us.

    If "we're" already doing this, then what's the point of defending (or attacking) Flarum? It seems like you've made up your mind already.

    @videogamesm12#7248 Here is a linear response to your "complaint thread" as you put it:

    1. Complaining that something is in its beta stage of development is not a valid complaint unless you believe that because it is "beta software" that it has not fulfilled its purpose, to which I would disagree.
    2. These are two individual complaints. Firstly, the capacity to privately message others has been made possible through well-integrated extensions, and the forum software's developers have voiced their reasoning for designating private messages as something in the realm of the third-party. Secondly, the scope of Flarum has always been to construct a modern forum software, and again, the capacity to "follow" users is something for an extension.
    3. This is a legitimate complaint because the functionality for original posts to be "previewed" in their endmost form is something which used to be possible in Flarum, however is no longer part of the software for reasons unknown. Regardless, there is an extension which replicates this feature, and perhaps the forum administrator should add it.
    4. See above. Modern forum software. Yada yada yada.
    5. It's common professional etiquette for e-mails to begin by addressing the recipient. For example, an e-mail I received from a local office just last week began with "Dear Mr. Mosley, [...]" which not only is traditional, but helps users sort between "formal" messages and those pertaining to different accounts.
    6. I have always found falling threads to be deceptive, and I personally understand the forum software developers for not wanting this functionality in their base software. That being said, extensions.
    7. This has nothing to do with the forum software. See my previous post.
    8. I feel as if your "Flarum complaint thread" is more or less a "what I want on this forum thread" in that you do not seem to understand the distinction between what belongs in the core software and what Flarum's developers encourage their community to fulfill using third-party extensions, many of which have already been made.
    9. Perhaps I'm missing something, but letting users rename their own threads defeats th
    10. While there are some legitimate objections to infinite scrolling, it's much better than having to navigate between pages, and has been preferable for mobile users. Flarum's implementation of infinite scrolling is one of the more comfortable examples I've seen, from the perspective of someone who uses Chrome.
    11. I presume this is a complaint about whitespace, which is valid, however whitespace is unavoidable on forums due to the nature of discussion boards being nothing more than walls of text. ProBoards did the same thing, however laid threads out from left to right, whereas Flarum tends to center threads in a more unified fashion, which I find easier to read. It's not really a "mobile-focused" look, but takes on a different approach to organizing threads and posts.
    12. This is hardly a user-level issue, and while things may have changed since I created my forum four(?) years ago, I had no particular issues with the "permissions in Flarum." That being said, this server has a lot of hierarchy, and perhaps that's the real issue here.

    This forum's implementation of Flarum is far from perfect, and the same goes for the forum software itself, however both have been far better than our "old" forum. I believe that nostalgia and the brume of disinformation are playing large roles in fueling the bandwagon on this thread.


    @videogamesm12#7248 The modular aspect of Flarum means that we have to wait until each extension is updated before we can actually update the forum itself.

    @Alco_Rs11#7251 ...the entire concept of having everything as 'extensions' (mainly shit that should be included with the software) is just sad and makes even setting up a basic forum a nightmare.

    The purpose of "extensions" is to offer a forum software centered around extensibility which means that undesired features "in" (or in this case, "with") Flarum can be easily disabled. The advantage of this is that "features" will not continue to leave remnants when disabled, as some attributes tend to do in forums, and in all varieties of software.

    When Flarum receives an update, core extensions are updated in unison, as they are maintained by the same development team that handles the forum software's mainstream growth. Third-party extensions must be updated by their respective developers, as is the case with any forum software, regardless of how extensible its core features are in terms of design.

    I'm personally a fan of this approach, but others are welcome to their own opinions. That being said, some posts in this thread do not accurately illustrate the distinction between the first and third parties. Some updates to Flarum are more substantial than others.


    And yes, it does indeed take a whole lot longer to load the page.

    Nothing has shown that the speed of this forum has been on account of Flarum. You're welcome to look at their own community forum along with the regularly updated "nightly" forum, both of which are not hampered in terms of "load time." Blaming these issues on the forum software would be unattested.

    1. grntbg#1685 / colloquially "fssp."
    2. I was banned by Darth or "Amon."
    3. I was banned approximately on the date of 12/22/20.
    4. I was banned for disruption of the #server-chat as I was discussing the specifics of my suspension with wild1145 and had refused to terminate the conversation.
    5. I believe that I should be unbanned as I have come to terms with its reasoning, and as the suspension has been finalized, there is no need to continue disrupting public channels with matters regarding the event. In addition, I vow to privatize any disputes in the future, and not clutter the server chat with "needless drama."

    Paldiu informed me of this suspension having taken place just recently. My only thoughts on the matter are sympathy for any bad blood still existing between MEGAF4IL and myself; given that I've been an inactive member of the community for some time now. I never intended to cause strife within this community nor did I aim to make them "miserable" to any degree.

    Mega: you should remember that your wellbeing is of paramount importance, and if any dramatic effects of this server have brought about paranoia, employ this suspension in a way that is beneficial to yourself.

    Going into the future, I wish you nothing but the best, and hope that enmities can be forgotten.

    @wild1145#4037 Considering this server has an elaborate history of its security being breached through the violation of game accounts, "second guessing" the game's security would be necessary to protect the server's basic interests of not being undermined by simple attacks.

    Account security should not rely on the end-user being educated in how to protect their account when it is inevitably breached as a consequence of popularity; rather, options such as two-factor authentication (even a basic, rather outdated primary method of validating an account through landline calling or text messaging) or one-time passcodes should've been afforded from the start.

    Mojang's account security is terrible. Even if TFM's IP-based verification in the context of administrator sign-ins was not implemented with the sole intention of acting as a safeguard, it should not be removed. Many administrators have detailed stories of their accounts being breached, and the integrity of their person having been ensured by IP-based verification.


    @lyicx#4030 vouch, fuck IP based verification

    IP-based verification is not only a quirk of TFM's inconsistent reliance on differing standards with respect to various commands, however acts as an additional step in verifying that the recipient administrator is legitimate.

    Minecraft accounts in their current form have no method of two-factor authentication. Thusly, it is not difficult to break into accounts which are improperly secured. In addition to lacking the TOTP standard, Mojang Studios uses security questions to verify the legitimacy of account owners, which can be worse than having nothing at all.

    Microsoft account integration will hopefully change this, and render TFM's usage of IP addresses for verifying administrators useless (provided that everyone migrates, which I'm sure people won't go through with, probably for some dumb stubborn line of reasoning) but that hasn't happened yet.

    It's easy to forget why this feature is in place, and I was only reminded of its significance earlier this week.


    @wild1145#4021 It's certainly something to look into, I want to re-jig schematics in general along with the HTTPD setup for the server. Upload needs some thinking out for various reasons (Virus's and stuff being one) but something I'm open to discussing as part of the overall HTTPD review.

    I personally believe in adopting more graceful methods of handling file uploads/downloads on behalf of users as opposed to "reviewing" the current HTTPD implementation.


    I am sure that any original discussion regarding the matter has been lost to time, however this server's development team should consider if running a server program executed from within a Minecraft "server" is the best way to go about invoking schematics.

    I've seen some clever methods of pushing server files to the end user as deployed by various servers.

    TFM's method of serving files involves a crude list including links to each file, which makes it impossible to download a group of schematics, or efficiently download a group of schematics. The current "upload" page does nothing to check the validity of a schematic; you can give any file the extension of ".schematic" and it will be accepted.

    Here is my server's method of using wget to import schematic files. No thought was put into security, and this syntax assumes that the schematic file has already been uploaded to a remote web server.

    If there is an overall review of TFM's HTTPD, hopefully the reviewers will discover CSS.

    Seconded. I find a tinge of humor in this server transitioning from a focus on the aspect of freedom to a building server when it is one of the most uncomfortable creative servers to build on.

    If this server continues to move in the direction of a hobbyist's community, a decision which I would not object to alone, then what exactly is the average player supposed to do here? Block selections are handicapped, the average player cannot import schematics, and from my personal experience as a master-builder, the team is split down the middle between engaged contributors and legacy holders of the position who do not wish to engage in any team effort.

    In terms of my activity as a master-builder, I was of the latter group, given that I already have a server of my own to make progress with, and my application for the position of master-builder was filed at a time when the rank was not seen as a project of dedication to the server. What we have now is the natural effect of taking a position and changing its directive.

    People are going to skim over this thread and come to the conclusion that inactives are complaining to complain, however this belays something that everybody should realize: the server, in its current state, has a problem which cannot be fixed without fundamentally changing its goals. Seth and Windows firmly placed the server on differing paths, and Wild should decisively state where he wants this server to be in three years for this community to work towards that effect.

    There's no use in advertising a server with no clear purpose. For those who put advertising over a change in directive, you should consider what new players are expected to do on TotalFreedom.


    @MEGAF4IL#3135 My mind is already made up. This was an error on either side/for both of us, being perhaps that I wasn't clear enough. Shrimp is your friend, a close one, according to shrimp. And you are technically my enemy.

    That's great, but this isn't a kid's cartoon and you believing me to be your "enemy" doesn't give you an excuse to encourage suicide or other tragic events.

    I stand by my objection to your appeal.


    MEGAF4IL I've had a lot of friends-of-old-friends try coming into my life to do the same shit those old friends did. What makes you any different?

    The difference is that I'm not your friend, nor was I ever your friend, nor do I want to be your friend. I am your fellow administrator on a Minecraft server.

    If you don't like me, block me on Discord or avoid confronting me. You did the exact opposite: you came out of the blue and began harassing people in a fit of rage.

    @MEGAF4IL#3127 If your intent is to apply this "a friend of my enemy is my enemy" logic here, then perhaps you should hang up the coat as an administrator. Being a member of this team requires that you learn to cooperate with people you don't necessarily like, or wouldn't get along with in a casual setting.


    You're literally the only person on the admin roster who I have a legit problem with.

    In your previous post, which is right above the one in question, you said:


    A friend of an enemy is just another enemy.

    You need to make up your mind.

    @wild1145#3123 I have previously voiced my contempt for the idea of revising previous sentences (as in punishments) because it would undermine that member's decision.

    I believe that this previous incident was properly handled, but because they're done the exact same thing once again, their history goes to show that nothing has been learned from this earlier occurrence.

    I do however agree that those images of an earlier incident, when left undescribed, can portray a misleading story about what happened today. I hope that my post here can provide some context behind those screenshots.