Posts by Xen

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

      Alco_Rs11 It will do justice. Maybe not a lot, but it is better than nothing. And as mentioned in the thread, it is something that can be approved as time goes on. At this point, nothing else is being done other than continuous back and forth of this person bypassing bans, joining, spamming, and admins sitting there just banning.


      Alco_Rs11 And for the “raids,” this is just a temporary thing that will eventually have an end.

    This server has been experiencing raids since at least when I joined which was 2013 and I assume they've been happening long before that. They are not going away anytime soon.

    Trigger Warning: This thread will include words that may be offensive to some.

    Chat and commands need an increased time limit in-between messages. Also, enforcing a basic chat filter--only banning derogatory words such as "N@GGER" or "F@GGOT"--would not hurt anyone and only make it harder for trolls to join and spam. Obviously yes, they can be easily bypassed, but nothing else is being done to prevent these raids other than admins just sitting in-game and continuously banning. As time goes on, that chat filter can be improved to better filter out attempts of bypassing it. I do not see it being easily bypassed as a valid argument. We continue to ban people despite it being easy to bypass a ban.

    Admins cannot be relied on 24/7 to stop these raids. It gets even worse when the spamming is being done from Hub using /msg. Due to the lack of permissions admins have in Hub, they essentially cannot do anything until a hub moderator comes on (which is also really dumb, but unrelated to this thread).

    Popular servers, such as Hypixel, wouldn't have a chat filter if it didn't work. Just imagine Hypixel’s servers with a ton of admins just constantly banning people and clearing chat because they decided that a chat filter was too easy to bypass.

    Here are some examples of something that could be EASILY prevented if we enforced a BASIC chat filter. Nothing crazy.

    Screenshot by @"Alco_Rs11"#91

      Fleek If you consider that "spam" and grounds for my reinstatement to be denied, then half the server needs to receive some sort of consequence--including admins.

    This is what my chat looked like during those moments of my “spam” for anyone wondering. I was not the only one getting spammed, it was everyone else on the server as well.

    I cannot comprehend the "chat filters are easy to bypass" argument when people are joining and spamming the n word without the need to even try and bypass a filter. With this logic, no one should be banned because bans are easy to bypass.

    I object for this plugin, but vouch for simply putting more restrictions on chat and commands. Banning certain words and increasing the time limit in between messages. I don’t think we need a whole new plugin to prevent the issues we are currently having.

    1. Your Minecraft name:


    2. If you have discord, please post your username#discriminator here. (Not required).


    3. Are you using the same forum, Minecraft, and discord accounts that you used when you were a staff member in the past? (Yes or No). If no, state all former account names and be prepared to verify that you’re not an imposter.

      Same forum and Minecraft account, but different Discord account

    4. What rank were you (Admin, Senior Admin) and the approx dates you were a staff member: (e.g. super admin from Jun 2010 - Jan 2013)

      Admin May 2014 - April 2021

    5. Why were you removed from your staff position? (Answer one below and exclude the rest)

    a. For long-term inactivity? (Yes or No) If Yes, did you post an inactivity notice or did you leave without notice - please explain if no notice was left.

    Yes and yes I did

    b. I left or was told to leave the server due to a security breach of my accounts (Yes or No). If yes, explain the circumstances and how you plan to ensure it doesn’t happen again.


    c. I quit or resigned (Yes or No) If Yes, please post a link to your resignation thread (if available).

    Yes -

    d. I was removed or suspended for misconduct (Yes or No) If yes, explain why and detail your plan to ensure it won’t happen again.


    e. I voluntarily left the server to avoid a suspension or possible suspension (Yes or No). If yes, explain the circumstances and how you plan to ensure it doesn’t happen again.


    f. I rage-quit or left in a dramatic manner (Yes or no). If yes, explain the circumstances and how you plan to ensure it doesn’t happen again.


    1. If you are reinstated, how often will you be able to do staff duties?

      A couple of times a week

    2. Have you reviewed the server rules and banning protocols to ensure you’re up to speed on any changes that might have occurred since your return from inactivity?


    3. Do you have a family member that’s been on the perm ban list within the past 60 days? If yes, your request will be denied.


      videogamesm12 Honestly I do to. This is mainly just to create a placeholder until something better is designed because IMO, what we have now just doesn’t look good at all.

    Once I get more time, I’d be willing to at least try to recreate the old website.

    Jush a quick update, we’ve made quite a few changes. We’ve moved away from Materialize completely and made the page even more mobile-friendly (Both thanks to @"Folfy_Blue"#356).

    Folfy_Blue and I also fixed some bugs and added other minor details that make the website look and function much better. Live version is up-to-date with the GitHub repository (check it out, feedback is much appreciated).

    More of what we’ve completed and what’s to come can be found here:

      RedEastWood Gladly, I just need a version with a transparent background.

    EDIT: Managed to make it transparent using a website. It would probably be better quality if Rhymix did it himself.

    EDIT 2: Rhymix provided the proper image. The screenshot below was updated with it.



    @'court' I agree, especially when viewing it on mobile. Having a bunch of text links makes it harder to look at.

    Here is a design with buttons (not sure what color to make them tbh):



    EDIT: I have updated the live version with this. Instead of the underline animation only underline the text, I made it go across the bottom of the entire button.

    Hello Everyone,

    I have been working on a redesign for It is not 100% finished, but it looks nicer than what we have and includes more. I believe it is ready to go live on the main website, but the community should have some input (as well as Ryan of course).

    I will not be making any more major changes or additions consistently as I have to focus on school and work, but I can maintain what I have currently (i.e. changing logo, merging pull requests, etc.).

    DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional web developer. This is mainly just to replace what we have until someone or something better comes along.

    GitHub Repository:


    Live Version:


    @"Rhymix"#45 - Logo

    @"Folfy_Blue"#356 - Background


