Posts by You!

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    So, the senior application window’s just opened and I personally don’t feel I am that ready for the role myself. However, although it’s not something that may be necessary for me to do, I feel that being a senior may help me to help our community better.

    However, to me, senior is a role fit for those that want to better not only the server, but the admin team as well. I don’t feel ready for it and I think I have certain flaws that make me feel unready. I would really appreciate it if admins and senior admins would comment on these issues. FYI I wouldn’t work on those issues just for an MC role, as some of the skills of being a senior and even an admin can help in daily life (like having an objective approach to situations).

    I can understand the caps and spamming being out of anger, but being provoked is no excuse for griefing (at least, in my opinion,) especially after being daybanned and warned multiple times, yet continuing to come back and repeat it.

    Not justifying his actions with being provoked, but rather saying that even if he is breaking the rules we ought to see if someone or something is provoking him.

    How is it fair if someone else was banned because someone annoyed them?


    Sorry to jump the gun on this conclusion but has anyone else looked into if anything is causing him to break the rules?

    I dealt with the user a few times when they were rule breaking normally, but after my warnings, the user stopped. However, when they started again, I noticed their actions were out of anger and I looked into it - this lead me to find out that 2 users had annoyed and provoked the user in question and thus lead to them spamming the chat. Furthermore, it didn’t help that admins were not bothering to look into the situation and instead sanctioned the user for spamming without looking into *why* this was happening.

    I would personally appreciate it if we could check on the reasoning behind their rule breaking and see if there was anything that caused them to break the rules. Some of the time it’s been mainly misunderstanding and given how small the grief is it could’ve been accidental.


    This is used in big servers mainly because Mods and Admins in said servers don’t like their DMs having people from the server contacting them.

    We’ve got #support available for matters that can be public and a private thread can be requested for private matters.

    ModMail wouldn’t really quicken things up, speaking from experience here.

    To be fair, your latest announcent said you were going to use freedom-01 but then you asked me to use the events server so that you could use movecraft and whatever.

    We did use freedom-01 for the first stage of the event, which was planning. As for set building, and for filming, freedom-01 had a small fraction of what we need to make this work. This is when we switched to events-02.

    And I just noticed you NEVER posted it in the Events section as if this was never supposed to be an official TF event

    It never was. I mean I even told you in DMs that this event was waiting a long while to be scheduled and done, I think ayunami was waiting 2-3 weeks. If he’s not communicated to you about it then that’s not on me, I’m not the host and I’ve just posted this on behalf of ayunami.

    I apologise for the lack of communication and clarity throughout the posts.

    Following a request by ayunami2000, I have set up a VPS to ensure that the event can continue to take place. This is because the current stage of the event is the building stage, where we were supposed to keep events-02 open for about 2 weeks for set buildings with reviews often taking place. Unfortunately, because of the events last night, we can't go forward with this.

    Although MCEvents is supposed to have ended and was shutdown, I'm just going to label this VPS as part of MCEvents.

    We're not starting the event till 20:00 BST tomorrow but you're welcome to use the server as some kinda freeop server. We're also looking for more plugins to add in order to aid this event.



    Edit: This is an unofficial event

    Edit 2: Discord server is

    I can’t reply properly on phone for some reason, can’t seem to quote properly. However:

    - Reply to Tizz:

    Luckperms was never enabled. If you heard that in VC there were others shouting at me (which is fair given the server was upside down) so there were probably things misheard.

    - Regarding TFM:

    I did attempt to load TFM but it wasn’t successful, at which point I contacted a plex developer about putting it on events-02, to which they said it would run like normal TFM. I was unaware of the various modes Plex had.

    I accept full responsibility for my actions, and I’m ashamed of course this has happened. However, it would be good if people could stick to the facts and not make their own interpretations based on half of the story that they’ve heard

    On the forum, you talk for a bit more, you get more perms like threads without approval. This is to ensure the forum's security.

    Having a chat cooldown is really, really annoying. It's 1 second, but it's just proving to be more annoying day by day. I suggest we just make it so, without having a special tag or anything, after a few hours of gameplay or after hitting level 2 or 3 on the network, you get the cooldown removed.

    Either that, or we remove the cooldown.

    TV cameras will film in some criminal courts in England and Wales for the first time from Thursday.

    The major change in the law will allow broadcasters to film judges sentencing serious criminals.

    The arrival of cameras at the Old Bailey and other Crown Courts comes nine years after the move was first promised.

    Broadcasting of entire trials will remain off limits, unlike in the US and some other nations.

    The expected first broadcast will be from the Old Bailey on Thursday and concerns a man who killed his own grandfather.

    Under the new rules, the BBC, ITN, Sky and Press Association can ask to film the very last stage of a criminal prosecution when a judge sentences a convicted defendant.”
