Posts by shrimp

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    Last night I couldn't sleep because all I could think about was doritos locos tacos. When I finally slept at around 8am (i had a lot of caffeine at work late), I was extremely hungry but wanted to hold off for a true feast. I get taco bell like once every 2 years and today was the day. I absolutely destroyed 3 doritos locos tacos in a matter of minutes and I just really wish I would've gotten a few more. I wish the entire world was a doritos locos taco. Absolutely delicious.

    My grandfather was a smoker his entire life, and he died of cancer which caused my family to be torn apart. My mother made me promise to never touch a cigarette because of what had happened, and to this day, I haven’t. Now I wish I would’ve because it doesn’t matter, since now that I’ve read this thread, I’m now dying of cancer.

    update- just came down from a 700ug trip and fuck me that was extremely intense. i loved every second of it but i'm definitely gonna lay off for a little while. i dropped at around 9:30PM last night and it's now 7:51AM and im pretty much sober but i can still see some visuals if i look closely enough. if i were to put the entire thing into one sentence i'd say that it felt like my soul was being ripped out of my body :D


      Tozzit how much did you have?
    would you rather do it solo or in a group? (i was thinking of doing it solo so i can play my own music but im not sure tbh)
    weed or acid?

    I had 300ug

    I'd rather do it solo but only if you've done it before. There are a lot of things that can go wrong and you have to always keep an extremely positive mindset and be in a comfortable environment or else things can go horribly wrong. There were a few times after my friends went to sleep that I could feel myself spiraling into a bad trip just because I didn't like what was on TV, so definitely be with at least 1 other person for your first heavy dosage. But at times I really found myself worrying about how my friends were feeling so I wasn't able to fully focus on my own trip which kinda sucked, so that's why I want to do it again by myself.

    I think for now I prefer acid but that's probably just because I've smoked a ton of weed and acid is still a fresh experience. For my next trip I'm planning on taking 450 or 600ug depending on how I feel after 1 tab.

    The 300ug trip was about as intense as described on a website I found: "The peak of this trip can be very intense or even scary but like any LSD trip, once the peak effects are over, a state of contentment may follow. Sense of self remains intact, but irrational thoughts and obsessive thought patterns may arise, including “thought loops” or “looping”. Panic about one’s own safety, of the safety of loved ones, may occur. Closed-eye visuals are very strong at this dose. Strong visuals, loss of sense of self/ego dissolution begins. Standard logic may no longer apply at points. Visuals are intense. May be difficult to walk or understand normal day to day activities. " This is definitely super accurate because as I said, I was doing things like asking the same questions over and over, didn't understand time or language, etc

    For my next dosage, the description of the trip is as follows: "Time distortions may become intense, including feelings of time stopping. Sense of self often gone/full ego dissolution is possible. Body movement becomes difficult and disorienting. No longer able to form rational thoughts as one enters a temporary psychotic state (not generally unpleasant). Very intense visual hallucinations. Closed eye hallucinations may be overwhelming, with some wishing to be able to escape the intensity of the trip." (450ug) "Very strong hallucinations. Objects appearing that do not exist. Elaborate hallucinations. Strong loss of reality. Entire ego dissolution likely. Strong religious or symbolic imagery may occur/mystical experiences reported. Often overwhelming. " (600ug)


    I'm also planning on going into vr for that trip so we'll see how that goes

    To preface this, I want to say that I do not recommend taking any sort of drugs nor is this post an advertisement for drugs.

    My entire life, I've had many many runs in with various drugs, none of which have impacted me as much as my recent acid trip. For those who don't know, acid or LSD is a psychedelic drug that causes hallucinations and really fucks with your head. I've been wanting to try acid for years now, and Saturday night I finally did it. I went over to a friend's house, and two of us dropped at around 11PM, the other one stayed sober for a few hours (smoked later on in the night). For the first 1-2 hours, I felt an intense body high; I had lots of energy, was very giggly, and was overall very intoxicated. During this, I took two 2 blinker hits off of a cart (basically two 15 second drags off of a weed pen) and proceeded to cough to the point where I thought I was going to throw up. Expecting to throw up, I got on my knees and put my head into a bush (we were outside listening to music around a fire), and after my coughing fit was over, the leaves that were all around me began to shift in color and move around. During this time, the other person I was with also began to see some visuals, so we spent a little while looking around at the stars, plants, and anything that had any sort of interesting texture. We decided to take a little walk over to a nearby beach because the only person sober wasn't able to drive, and at some point during the walk, I started to peak. Everything around me began to morph together and almost look like a cartoon, everything had strange outlines, the stars moved around and looked like a kaleidoscope, and the cigarette I was smoking felt very strange and smooth. We walked past some woods, and when I looked up at all the leaves, it looked like every leaf had a big eyeball on it and followed me as I walked. At this point, I really had no idea what was going on and found myself repeating the same questions over and over again, and whenever someone answered me, I couldn't even understand what they were saying. I lost all touch with basic concepts such as time, where I was, and at one point, even the English language. Looking down at my phone was almost overwhelming due to the shifting colors and graphics. We didn't make it all the way to the beach for whatever reason, and when we returned to the fire, we listened to some more music, and I felt as if I was living in thousands of realities at once. Whenever someone began to talk to me, I played out hundreds of conversations in my head at the same time, and couldn't ever find the words to express what I was trying to say. Whenever I could understand what was being said to me in response to a question I asked, I always felt like my question wasn't ever interpreted in the way I meant it to be, and thus, the response I got always left me needing more. After we spent some more time by the fire, we headed back inside to watch a movie and smoke some more weed (~3:00AM). At this point, I was past my peak and on a gradual come down, and although I could have fluent conversations and my mind was working fine, I was still seeing a lot of intense visuals. I sat down on a rug in my friend's basement and put my hands down onto the rug which seemed to be moving around, I watched my hands melt right into it. As scary as all this may sound, I actually only found it quite interesting and got all excited. At about 4:30 or 5:00AM, both of the people I was with fell asleep, and I stayed awake until around 7:00, still tripping. After I woke back up around 10:45, the trip was completely over, and I felt extremely at ease and fulfilled. Today, I am still filled with the same feelings and have been spending much more time outside and appreciating the world. Of course this is only a small part of what I experienced and can't currently find the words to describe everything else, but I still think it's really interesting. Overall, it was a life changing experience, and I plan to do a solo trip sometime soon. Thanks for reading

    If you have any questions feel free to ask