Rename Mentally Unstable

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Object, rename to something like "Regulars" instead of the rude other suggestions Noah listed. I really hope Noah isn't attempting to undermine the suggestion by making a self-contradicting/silly version of our suggestion. That would be really immature of him.

    What I was originally suggesting was that calling people "mentally unstable" is insulting, at no point did I mention so-called "ableism", I think it's rude that the reward for playing on the server for a long time is to be granted an insulting role.

    It's not a matter of ableism, political correctness or any of that bullshit. I just think it's rude.

  • Object.
    I failed to understand why there's need to change the name, as "Mentally Unstable" fits as a joke name for the most active players.
    In addition to that, some of the suggested names on the thread seem quite offensive and rather unfit.

  • Fair enough, I understand the issues about why mentally unstable could be seen as offensive to some. I personally have never seen it that way, but I'm only speaking for myself in that regard.

    I still want the role to remain as a little tongue in cheek. I feel it's one of the few ways this server doesn't take itself incredibly seriously, with a sort of kamikaze insult directed at both the server and those who play on it most (and if you're here enough to qualify for the role, you understand the humour behind it) - but none of the suggestions in these original post are something I'd be happy replacing it simply because they're not as good, and diluting it with something like "Regulars" is something I abhorrently am against.


    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • I object to the names suggested and I have a strong feeling that Noah saw this idea on the forum and didn't bother to understand why this idea came to thought in the first place, given some of his suggested names are worse...

    As for the idea, I maintain a neutral stance at this moment in time. I think it is worth noting that the name is remnant of a specific period in TF's history, when the joke was more relevant. I can see why newer, more recent players would not understand this, therefore thinking the role has negative connotations.

  • Object, I find it very fitting to be the name it is now ¯\(ツ)

    Also, for any arguments about it not sounding professional or something… stfu. TF should have never been taken so seriously to begin with

  • huge object. should stay as "mentally unstable" for traditional sake from a better time. it shouldn't be touched or changed at all. i think the whole sanitization shit isn't well good for this server longterm either

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  •   Shyrix


    Personally, I didn't suggest we change the role name to make TotalFreedom sound more "professional" or "sanitize" it.
    I suggested we change it because it's rude to the people awarded with it.

    But, maybe that's just me. As a new player, why would I understand how branding dedicated players as "mentally unstable" is a good and positive thing, instead of a bad and negative thing?

  •   Allink I never said you did, but if anyone was to bring that up as a point (I do recall someone mentioning it being unprofessional not long ago, although fuck do I remember who) then that's my stance on it.

    Also, who so far has been given that title and found it rude? It's just a funny light-hearted title given to people who play the server more than others and shouldn't ever be taken as anything else. New players probably won't really see it as anything offensive either and will likely see it more as a server inside joke than anything (or will be quick to realise that it is).

  • Quote

      Shyrix I never said you did, but if anyone was to bring that up as a point (I do recall someone mentioning it being unprofessional not long ago, although fuck do I remember who) then that’s my stance on it.

    I was just stating that wasn't one of my reasons, not that you said I did.


      Shyrix Also, who so far has been given that title and found it rude?

    I wasn't saying anybody had found it rude, I was saying that it is a rude name to give to a role for dedicated players.


      Shyrix It’s just a funny light-hearted title given to people who play the server more than others and shouldn’t ever be taken as anything else.

      Shyrix New players shouldn’t really see it as anything offensive either, and will likely see it more as a server inside joke than anything, which it is.

    I don't understand.

    PS: I don't really care if it gets changed or not, in-fact the main reason I agreed with people wanting to rename it was just because I don't really think it's a good name in the first place and if it was a joke, it's lost on me.