Announcing - Anarchy

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Yes, you read the title right, Anarchy is coming to the TF Network, but wait - There are some twists so make sure to read everything.

    What This Is:

    We will be launching a 4-6 week Season of a new Anarchy Game-Mode within the TF Network, during this time the server will be available 24/7 for players to enjoy and revel in the chaos. It's important to remember that the game-mode is just that, a game-mode. This does NOT expand into other game-modes, the rules for the Anarchy game-mode will only apply in that server.

    The Game

    This isn't going to just be any old Anarchy Setup, while we are going to be allowing and encouraging the Anarchy style of game-play, however we're running this as an ultra-hardcore game-mode. This means it's 100% Survival, in hard mode, with hardcore enabled, and to make it that bit more spicy, you'll get banned on death and that'll be game over.

    There is going to be a spawn area when you jump into the game, in there you're safe, but don't be too content, once you leave the spawn it's everybody for themselves, and you're going to be fighting for your survival.

    The Goal

    To survive. And to survive until the end of this season.

    What do you get from being one of the last players standing? Well for one thing the glorious gloating rights for all of time over the peasants that didn't make it past the opening day.

    There may or may not (I'm still working through) be some form of coin based prizes, or recognition in another way, but if nothing else just know you can gloat and show everyone how you kicked their asses when it mattered.

    The Rules

    Generally, as long as what you do is not illegal, and doesn't damage the stability of the server or other player clients. I don't really care what you do… Generally targeted abuse at others will still get you sanctioned (So please don't see this as a free pass to spam chat with slurs) but for the most part everything else is on the table.

    And just remember, if I decide to smite you for being a dickbag, you'll die and we know what that means…

    Generally speaking, play to win, but don't destroy the experience for others. This is fun, it's an experiment and if you all act like dickbags, we'll just never run anything like this again.

    When Does It Start!!?

    We're planning on kicking it off Saturday 19th March 2022 at 4PM UK Time. I'd suggest if you are playing to win, you want to get in early.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I used a hacked client?

    Yes, knock yourself out. Just follow the rules above

    Can I Spam Chat?

    Not really, I might decide you're a dickbag so I'd suggest you don't

    Can I spam Messages

    Nope, if you do this I'll kill you 100% and there's a good chance you'll get network sanctioned, don't do it, there's no need.

    Why should I even play?

    Well you might want fame and glory, or just somewhere to fuck around and shit on others dreams

    Can I destroy others builds / loot / raid?

    Yes. Absolutely on the table, just don't die trying ;)

    Can I team up / work as a guild

    Yes, but there will be no guilds installed / teaming. So you'll have to defend yourself as well, if one of your fellow guild / partners turn on you and kill you, it's game over.

    Can I come back when I die?


    Can I use an ALT to login when I die?

    Yes. you can "Bypass" a death ban without an issue. Bypassing any actual sanction will result in bad times.

    Is the end or nether enabled?


    Is there a world border?

    There is a world border, it's set 3000 blocks from the spawn point, that way you can't run off and just wait it out. Conflict is fun right?

    Would you increase the world border?

    If it looks like there are more players joining than I currently expect, I will consider increasing the world border to adjust for the number of players, there should be plenty of room to survive and cause chaos though.

    When will this end?

    This first season will end after at least 4 weeks, but will not go on longer than a full 6 weeks. I will give a few days warning before I plan to bring this to a close but I want to be slightly flexible because if it's fun and people enjoy it, I don't want to turn it off too soon.

    What MC Version do I need?

    The server only will support 1.18.2


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Reminds me of Horizon's take of making a hardcore anarchy server. Before the gamemode event ends, you should have your staff team become Hunters, pre-equipped with

    • Netherite armor (Prot VII, Unbreaking X)
    • Netherite sword (Sharpness VII, Unbreaking X)
    • Netherite Tools (Efficiency X, Unbreaking V)
    • One custom item that doesn't contain additional items inside, have enchantments above level 5, and should have Curse of Vanishing to prevent it from getting into normal players' hands. May also have up to five /pt commands that DON'T directly effect players (by getting their position or their entity reference)
    • +10 HP (5 Hearts)
    • Totem of undying

    Also if you haven't already planned this, add:

    • Command: /kills [Player/recover [Player]/clear [Player]] - Shows how many kills you or another player has.
    • Command: /killtop - Shows the top 15 players with the most kills.
    • Command: /dbag - Propels the player into the air and explodes. If any blocks are in the way of the ascent, they will phase through. The player will additionally drop a custom item depending on the kill count, but less than 5 kills will summon a 90° corpse of the player that falls to the ground.
    • GM Specific CMD: /op[all] - Gives you or everyone an item resembling a random OS instead of Operator status. Cooldown is 5 minutes for /op, 1 hour for /opall.
    • Final Hour Event - During the last hour of the event's lifetime, the server (canonically speaking) proceeds to corrupt, sending spoof error messages every 10 minutes. Also, your kill count's display starts lowering, and once that goes to 0, it will underflow, and since the system tries to keep integers valid, it will attempt to execute a kill order towards you originating from yourself, fixing the issue and killing you in the process. When the event is 20m away from closing, the world will start getting eaten away, and unloaded chunks will be instantly replaced with air. In the end, everything is gone.
  • @'Ryan' on anarchy servers, 2b in particular, people rename withers to advertise their discord or send a message or something. The boss bar shows whatever they want to say, which shows up to all players in range.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   erin ahh that makes sense.

    It'll be allowed but the guidance in the op stands. If you come on and that's the only thing you're doing, you may get smitten down for being annoying.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Might be an obvious answer, but I'm assuming there won't be any form of anti-cheat nor punishment for managing to somehow get access to operator commands?

    Also fuckin' love the twist with hardcore, makes it more hectic.

    According to quantum mechanics, unless something is observed, there is an equal chance of it both being and not being there. Hence it is said to be in superposition, until observed. However we are somehow fully certain, despite never having directly observed, that you indeed have no bitches. Your bitchlessness has broken the rules quantum mechanics had established. Indeed an impressive feat.

  • Quote

      Beta_Alpha punishment for managing to somehow get access to operator commands

    this one might end up in punishment, but everything else not already stated is likely to be fair game. the only real problem with someone getting full operator command access is potentially messing with shit like plan and networkmanager, which i think can be messed with in game if you know the right commands, which we don't want.