Flobbier - Ban Appeal

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  •   jwmphall I think after the amount of abuse I received by this player and encouraged by this player, the fact he's not looking at a lawsuit or criminal charges for harassment is probably the bit people should be taking away here.

    It's still my belief that time has not been served on the sanction, we've banned people for a hell of a lot less for a hell of a lot longer, realistically this should have been a category 0 ban for violating UK law (Harassment) but I had other things going on when the IBR was filed, so never stepped in, and in an effort to show some level of understanding here, I've gone against my own better judgement and left this Indef Ban at the level that it was.

    I don't know if the OP is sincere or not, and frankly at this point I do not care, I don't think time has been served, and I think it would be a mockery to our other indef banned players to approve an appeal so soon after the IBR was approved in the first place.

    I am the owner of this server and it's community, but importantly I am also the victim of a pretty horrific amount of personal abuse, harassment and borderline stalking in some case, to which this OP was involved in, so it's hard for me to go "Yeah they've learnt their lesson, hugs all around, let's forget it ever happened". It was mentally and emotionally draining and devastating to be treated as poorly as I was, I am a human just like everyone else, and I think that's being forgotten here in an effort to pat someone on the back and tell them they've clearly learnt their lesson.

    I personally don't think it's unrealistic or un-fair to have stated that the minimum appeal window was 12 months, but that's not the case, and the OP is within their rights to appeal, but likewise I'm also within my rights to object in the strongest possible terms because to me, this is still all pretty fresh.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

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    @'Ryan' I think after the amount of abuse I received by this player and encouraged by this player, the fact he’s not looking at a lawsuit or criminal charges for harassment is probably the bit people should be taking away here.

    He is a minor, lawsuit, criminal charges? I really think this is overreacting.

  •   ThePyroManActualAccount It doesn't really matter... The dude broke the law, It's harassment... It's why they were banned from this community.

    I've said my piece on the matter, I'm not interested in debating the original ban. I'm saying I don't think they should be un-banned as I've said twice now on this thread.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Switching to object. The person afflicted is clearly unhappy with the ban being lifted at such an early time considering the mental and emotional stress caused.

    Quite frankly in a case like this I find it absolutely appalling that individuals are arguing against the individual harassed not wanting their harasser to return so soon.

      ThePyroManActualAccount did you read any of the rest of his post?

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • It is very ignorant to say that a lot of people didn’t vote object solely because it was Ryan who was affected.

    I am going to object not because of the fact that Ryan hasn’t gotten over it, but rather because Flobbier feels as though he is owed this unban - specifically when he argues that he shouldn’t have to wait out a punishment if he understands what he did was wrong. That notion is so incredibly flawed that I don’t even feel the need to expand on it, unless someone asks.

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    @'Ryan' not looking at a lawsuit or criminal charges for harassment

    I’m sorry dude but this is a fucking Minecraft server I’m not trying to start shit but if everyone who was a bully on a Minecraft server was charged or sued we would have millions of suspects.

    I personally believe that Flobbier did take this too far. However I can pinpoint so many other admins and ops who took it too far in the past and are yet still existing among the TF community.

    My main question if what if Ryan never forgives him? Would you all still object?

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      Ivan I’m sorry dude but this is a fucking Minecraft server I’m not trying to start shit but if everyone who was a bully on a Minecraft server was charged or sued we would have millions of suspects.

    And on its own that's one thing. But relentless harassment is a very different kettle of fish. This part of my post seems to be the only bit people are reading when the reality is it was supposed to provide a quantifiable bar here. Not be used as a stick to beat me for objecting to an indef ban appeal...


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • I object. It's one thing to appeal a month later if you got banned for screwing around and trolling in general, but you should have to wait longer for repeated attacks on one person. I saw this happen myself and it was honestly just a really low blow on someone who you already knew was unable to handle more personal attacks from the community.

  •   matscalle I'm allowed to object to an application on whatever grounds I want. If you continue to argue on here you will be forum banned because you have no right to dictate to me what my vote is allowed to be.

    I have objected and elaborated further on my objection. My decision will not change.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK