What is the worse guild

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  • Member-wise, The guilds that got deleted.

    Going off military power (based on those that have it in the first place), Galactic Empire (Yes, thats apparently a thing on here, ask sergio for info on that), they're using normal matter, which has a tendency to be easily penetrated by explosive shards moving faster than light (Which they do, when fired out of a high tier Cannon). I also dont think it would stand up to the other guilds that easily,

    In terms of overall quality of builds, Corp is the worst, its only 1 color (Couldn't a bit of white be in there, given corp ships are organic?), with Ender Empire coming in at a close second if you only look at the capital ships. Imperium is best in this section.

    Activity-Wise, Imperium. Basically a ghost town.

    Overall power? Eso, enough said.

    Now lets talk about which ones are best.

    Member-Wise, Imperium

    Activity-Wise, Ender Empire and Corp are easily tied for this spot.

    Military power, Ender Empire, its basically carrying the allies (of server war 2) for the most part.

    Quality of builds, Imperium, for sure.

    Overall power, Labs Inc, Enough said

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."

  • Quote

      Zarcana In terms of overall quality of builds, Corp is the worst, its only 1 color (Couldn’t a bit of white be in there, given corp ships are organic?), with Ender Empire coming in at a close second if you only look at the capital ships. Imperium is best in this section.

    beg to differ. imperium's color scheme is litterally one of the most boring stones in the game. the enders use a unique combination of colors that gives their builds a quality that the imperium lacks. also, the placement of enders, kinda floating and growing into and out of itself once again imo beats the generic build plot that the imperium's guild has used

  •   burger Finally, someone realises that its not just purple and black.

    Incase anyone missed them, here is the full list of colors that can be seen on Ender Empire ships



    1. Purple (Usually on the front of the ship, representing a large "Eye" of sorts)
    2. Black (Can be seen very clearly)
    3. Red (Found in Weapons)
    4. Orange (Its the majority of the back of the ship, and sometimes seen representing Portal Endermatter)
    5. Blue (Used to represent Conversion Endermatter, Seen on the Banisher and Viper)
    6. White (Can be seen on the Railguns, and on some of the older ships, the Middle layer of armor, which albeit barely visible, is still there)
    7. Magenta (Shockwave Endermatter, only seen on the bottom of the Banisher so far, but may end up being used more)
    8. Gray (On weapons of all kinds, typically in stair form, but can be in slab form as well)
    9. Yellow (Although a minor color, can still be seen on the Supervampire)
    10. Green (Not in use yet, but could become a builder unit version of red)

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."

  • ive been procrastinating on posting this for like an hour, have fun!

    in general i think corp is the worst.
    but in terms of building i still say corp, their style makes me think they tried to copy enders and failed horribly.

    the good guilds i'd say imperium and enders because they're both good at their style of building.
    (though i do like imperium style more, despite my builds looking somewhat futuristic).
    images of some of their ships are below. (corp, enders, imperium).

    also i swear the only reason imperium exists is because tails was in enders and he didn't like the futuristic style, i don't remember much but imperium used to be called Elders.
    odalys doesn't have a forum account, but she said:
    eh, personal opinion is that imperium is the highest quality in terms of creative builds. enders looks like a 12 year old kid who watched star wars and tried to make something like that with obsidian and structure blocks. corp looks like the 10 year old kid who thought enders was cool and copied them while trying to make fun of them for being "nerds".