Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • I have thought about writing something like this for a while now and I've decided to just do it. I would like to talk about my experiences with harassment.
    As most of you know I was being bothered by Nathaniel, but I also want to talk about some of the other people that have affected me.
    If any of you dont know who Nathaniel is, he is honestly the biggest weirdo ive ever come across in my whole life. He obsessed over me for over a year, he would watch my every move, even back when I was an irrelevant OP I would always catch him following me ingame. This was way back in March 2020, when I had about two friends on totalfreedom. Nathan used the excuse of me being 'popular' as why he was harassing me but I never understood that because even when I had no friends, he was obsessing over me, calling me cute etc. At first I honestly thought he was just trying to be friendly, but it just went on and on. It got worse as most of you know. It did really upset me and it still affects me to this day but I am so thankful for everyones reaction to what he was doing. He was horrible to so many people. I just want this as a way to thank a lot of people, nero, fionn, seth, square, elmon, video, lyicx and ryan, both cactus and owner ryan. I dont know what I would have done without these guys. There is many more people who were so kind so just thank you.
    The other person I wanted to talk about was CurtainPoles. CurtainPoles was a senior admin who was suspended a good few months ago. He would harass me in vc and in our dms on discord, at the time I was only 16 and he was an adult so yeah it just makes the situation worse. So for those of you who are curious to why he was suspended its because of that. I was terrified to talk about it because I felt super guilty, I felt like it was my fault.
    I also just wanna say that if anyone is being sexually harassed or harassed please talk to someone about it, I know it can be scary but no one deserves to live like that. I am proud to say that i am not scared of Nathan or CurtainPoles anymore.
    I dont really know the point of this thread I just wanted to write something about those situations.
    Thank you for reading <3

  • you should be very proud of yourself for coming forward and revealing this to the public. You should also be extremely proud of the fact that you have overcome your fear of them both, as for some that is an extremely difficult thing to do and you should be commended for it.

    I am also glad that both the owners who were responsible at the time (Seth and Ryan respectively) for handling these situations handled them as perfectly and respectfully as they could. Credit must be given here, as some server owners I know and have dealt with in the past would've swept it under the rug, given a slap on the wrist and said "its just a server bro"

    Well done dude. I'm extremely sorry you've had to deal with this.


  • bowie im so sorry thats awful :(
    you shouldn't be subjected to harassment period, but for it to happen in a close community thats supposed to be a safe space is terrible. good on you for making this thread, you are very brave and a wonderful part of the community <3

  • I am sorry that you've had to put up with this sort of behaviour during your time on TF, and I appreciate you coming forward to tell your story.

    To reiterate for everyone, harassment, discrimination or any behaviour similar to this is absolutely unacceptable, and I have and will continue to operate a strict 0 tolerance policy on the matter. There's absolutely no place within this community for predators and those who go out of their way to make others feel uncomfortable.

    I would continue to ask folks to report any such behaviour directly to me, if you're not comfortable coming directly to me please raise it with another executive, I'm sure folks such as Steven and Video are always open to being made aware of such issues, and where appropriate can escalate it to me anonymously if required.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

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