Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
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      videogamesm12 Why didn't you do this before releasing the server?

    The bond and italics in this is funny, it’s not that deep.

    The reason this wasn’t done before is because Ryan wanted to keep the server on the old host until we accurately gauge the playerbase and the whole cracked vs premium issue. Once we have identified and mitigated the damage caused by the premium switch, we will move to SN infra.

    It’s funny how you think any of this is due to incompetence by anyone.


      videogamesm12 My issue isn't with testing. I know it requires testing, but seriously? Why didn't you wait to do testing before releasing the server?

    Because as I already mentioned, there are very small number of outdated plugins anyways, and absolutely none of them impact players experience negatively.

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      Shdwo To accurately (and quickly) find out what needs changing and what needs doing? Why do you think games release in beta before full release? Lol

    This isn't in beta though? This was presented as "extensively tested" and basically finished in the original post, when it clearly isn't and needs work.


  •   videogamesm12 the server was already released long before this post... We've avoided making significant changes until we understand all aspects we feel we needed to.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

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      RedEastWood The bond and italics in this is funny, it’s not that deep.

    The next post I will make replying to you will be written in Comic Sans MS.


      RedEastWood The reason this wasn’t done before is because Ryan wanted to keep the server on the old host until we accurately gauge the playerbase and the whole cracked vs premium issue. Once we have identified and mitigated the damage caused by the premium switch, we will move to SN infra.

    You could have switched hosts prior to release and updated from Spigot to Paper. Mind you, my original problem presented was the fact that it was using Spigot instead of the much more optimized Paper.


      RedEastWood It’s funny how you think any of this is due to incompetence by anyone.

    What? I think these issues are due to the merge being rushed, not incompetence.


  •   RedEastWood Adding a cracked server to our network when the community clearly doesn't want to have a cracked server? Yeah, I'd chalk that up to trying to rush things, which is just incompetence. Also not just "a few" plugins are outdated. Literally all of them are outdated because the server is running an outdated version....

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      Panther community clearly doesn't want to have a cracked server

    What complete and utter bullshit.. the majority of the server wanted a cracked server back and missed it in prior TF days.

    These are the most petty responses on a thread i've seen in a while. If you have general concerns / suggestions can you not nitpick through a bale of hay to flame a response and then call people incompetent, it's really fucking pathetic. Shame on you both @"Panther"#54 @"videogamesm12"#4.

    The amount of repeated text here is insane.


    You could have switched hosts prior to release and updated from Spigot to Paper. Mind you, my original problem presented was the fact that it was using Spigot instead of the much more optimized Paper.

    They've already said they're planning on upgrading, saying "you could've done this" or "you could've done that" is going to do fuckall. Your entire point here is to argue and it's honestly sickening.

    As well as making stupid remarks such as this in the freedom-01/skyblock-01 chat upon release.

    Of course there's going to be flaws, it's a newly integrated server - so how about instead of being a dick about it and commenting in a negative manner, you actually step back and suggest things nicely?

  •   Shdwo Chill out there with the personal attacks. The point is not to argue, it's to convince people to make changes to the server which I believe will be necessary if we wish for it to be successful. I am posting because I simply don't think the server is anywhere near the standard it needs to be released to anyone.

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      Panther Then why is the server "ready" and open to the public? To me this is a giant sign it still needs a lot of work before it actually is released.

    If you would read the thread and it’s posts you’d know.

    The mechanics all work perfectly. The only thing left is to migrate the existing playerbase from the old server to our new server. That can be done behind the scenes, and so the server was released.

  • This is becoming such a shitshow.. I left for like an hour and missed nearly 20 replies.

    In all honesty can we not just wait and see how it goes and cross any bridges when we get there? Maybe I'm not looking at this right but I'm seeing a lot of people who are just looking to find things to find wrong with this idea and everyone's bickering even though it's obvious nobody's gonna change their minds

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   RedEastWood It's not an issue of gameplay, it's an issue because it shouldn't have been released. Between this and the outdated plugins and the needing to bungee the server to TotalFreedom the server simply just isn't ready. It's not "my priorities," it's the difference between preparing a server that works and is up to standards or releasing something that's sub-par and getting heavy backlash from the community like what people are saying on this thread.

  • This isn't adding anything to the discussion but it's kinda relevant and I want to put these words out somewhere before I snap.

    The reason I came here and the reason I stayed and am where I am today is because I liked how together the community felt. It seemed tight-knit. Sure we didn't all agree on everything but we got by.

    And taking a good look through these recent messages kinda hurts. I'm seeing people I look up to on both sides of this.. fucking carnival. Pretty much all as bad as each other, determined to win whatever this fucking argument has become or die trying.

    It's genuinely making me think long and hard about this place.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • None of the opinions here are invalid. Instead of trying to prove eachother wrong, can we please take the criticism of other people and turn it into helpful suggestions for the server?

  •   burger Bumping this question

    From what I can recall smp anarchy was supposed to be the next big step in expanding the network, what happened to this? We shouldn't be jumping around from project to project and unless I missed an announcement declaring the end of anarchy's development, this skyblock server shouldn't even exist. I was actually pretty hype about the idea as, unlike the other smps (and this skyblock), it actually fit in with the rest of the server. Is smp still in development or has the idea been abandoned?