Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Semi serious: 1.17 is genuinely so unoptimized. I know this is a joke server but I actually can't run two servers at once anymore with 8GB of RAM on 1.17. The server will be down for a few days. I found a better deal on Hetzner for their cloud servers. It's ~$19 a month and has double the RAM. I'm gonna move to that as it's a better deal than what I was paying for from OVH anyway. Sorry, even running one server was maxing out RAM. I tried everything. Switching back to Spigot helped and running it from the command line without Docker being involved made things worse actually (sorry Wild)

  •   lyicx no kidding. and I'm still shocked Mojang decided to go with Java 16 with no other option. They could've added a warning in the half assed update and actually changed it in 1.18. And I would've made it Java 11 instead since Paper put a big warning saying Mojang will switch to Java 11 a while ago.

    A server with no plugins at all is still idling at around 3gb of RAM used. It's genuinely insane how unoptimized this new update is. At first I thought there was a memory leak in ProtocolLib but no, it made hardly a difference when it was removed. The CPU on the hetzner cloud appears to be much better than OVH's was so that's a plus

    Also side note, yes I am using the Aikar flags. I'll try removing them. Perhaps there's some behavior changes in Java 16 that the flags don't account for

    Regardless, I'm moving to the new server as it's a better deal and better specs

  • Quote

      Telesphoreo I found a better deal on Hetzner for their cloud servers.

    Hetzner is generally a better deal, except for two specific use cases: very high bandwidth usage and adult content.


      Telesphoreo And I would've made it Java 11 instead since Paper put a big warning saying Mojang will switch to Java 11 a while ago.

    The move to Java 11 was actually Paper's own (reasonable) initiative. Mojang gave no prior warning, they just suddenly released a snapshot that only supports Java 16.


      Telesphoreo Also side note, yes I am using the Aikar flags. I'll try removing them. Perhaps there's some behavior changes in Java 16 that the flags don't account for

    Java 16 is a completely different beast than Java 8. Aikar does keep his flags updated, so we will most likely see new ones shortly.

  •   StevenNL2000 Well obviously I'm not using it for adult content LOL. It has a 1 gig connection and I'm not uploading data to it 24/7 so I think it'll be fine.

    The main difference I'm noticing is from Haswell CPUs on the OVH one to a Xeon Skylake one. Of course its all shared but its a newer CPU.

    I could've doubled the RAM from OVH but then it's only $10 a month more for a dedicated server from Hetzner.

    Mojang really screwed everyone over by changing it to an unstable Java version, especially toward the end of development of the update

  • The server continues to idle at nearly 8GB of RAM

    Holy shit

    Edit: So the problem is using HotSpot vs OpenJ9. The server literally doesn't start on OpenJ9. At first it said it was BukkitTelnet. I removed it and then it started up. Now it's magically stopping on JDA.

    Fuck you Mojang

  • Quote

      Telesphoreo Edit: So the problem is using HotSpot vs OpenJ9. The server literally doesn't start on OpenJ9. At first it said it was BukkitTelnet. I removed it and then it started up. Now it's magically stopping on JDA.

    Trying to use OpenJ9 causes problems even in Java 8. OpenJ9 "fixes" inconsistencies in the JVM and breaks a lot of Minecraft code in the process.

  • After doing more testing here's what I found:

    1. Using OpenJ9 does improve RAM usage, significantly
    2. Running it from the command line would be second best option of OpenJ9 is not available (which is weird, I'm pretty sure the Ubuntu OpenJDK packages are HotSpot
    3. Using the HotSpot Docker image. Just no, don't do this.

    Using OpenJ9 Docker images and running from the command line used nearly identical amounts of RAM on the server. On the server itself, using the Docker image took slightly more memory, but nothing of significance.

    I may have gotten a bad Paper build last night. Paper is back doing its magic. A server I run for a friend which only has AuthMe and CoreProtect as plugins was idling at 2GB of RAM on Spigot. It's now idling at 1.4GB on Paper. The CPU usage is also reduced on startup with Paper. However, when idling Paper and Spigot's CPU usage is almost the same.

    As for StevenNL2000Freedom, it's pretty much the same story. The only difference with Paper vs Spigot is LibsDisguises throws an error on startup with Paper.

    This is what RAM and CPU usage is looking like with Paper on OpenJ9.

    (Note that the Paper support team was yelling at me for using OpenJ9. They wanted me to use HotSpot and said all the other Docker images were bad, which is ironic)

    Looks like things are a lot better now