Folfy_Blue - MB Application

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  • Object

    The second to last build is cool looking, but doesn't really show builder qualities as the shape is generally just a large hollow circle composed of pathways leading to spheres.

    The last build is small, and has some cool details, but the tree could definitely be improved. For example, the trunk is quite large in scale to it's leaf portion. The leaves also look unnatural.

  • I vouch honestly. Your building abilities while not perfect are still good and I feel your redstone capabilities and knowledge can bring something new to MB projects.

    I'm voting this way under the belief that MBs work together when doing things for the server, if I am mistaken please let me know.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   DragonSlayer2189 Is there currently a set percentages of needed vouches relative to objections to accept a player to the MB team? You asked for more feedback to combat the voting tie and immediately accepted the user when just a single vouch was added.

    Currently the vote is: 55.5% vouches and 44.4% objects - Not really that large of a difference.

    It's not my place to tell you how to accept your applications but allowing applicants like folfy to slide with just a little bit more than half the votes is only going to make MB an even more laughably easy rank to attain.

    Ont: Congratulations folfy 🎉, I think with some practice you could make a very good mb

  •   burger

    We currently have a severe lack of MBs, only around 13 in total and out of those maybe 7 are active

    We do not have room to be picky of only the top 0.00001% of Minecraft builders.

    If someone is good at building and seeks to be an MB and they have a 50%< margin of vouches, in my view it’s good enough

    The MB role is not like admin and doesn’t require as much dedication or trust, so there is no real reason to be harsh.

    What we need more of is constructive feedback on MB applications rather than insults, and we should be giving people a chance.

    Everyone has room for improvement in building, and we should be encouraging people who are decent enough rather than turning them away.

  • Quote

      UnderTails We currently have a severe lack of MBs, only around 13 in total and out of those maybe 7 are active

    Problem? From what I can see there is also currently just as much of a lack of use for such builders.


    We do not have room to be picky of only the top 0.00001% of Minecraft builders.

    Refer to above. Also consider that accepting MBs just because they demonstrate even the slightest amount of ability is a very poor mindset. It depreciates the value of the product produced as this new build team would be filled with less talented builders.


    The MB role is not like admin and doesn’t require as much dedication or trust, so there is no real reason to be harsh.

    Then why are you pointing out the lack of active MBs? If they don't need to be fully dedicated there shouldn't be a problem.


    What we need more of is constructive feedback on MB applications rather than insults, and we should be giving people a chance.

    Where did I "insult" anybody in my post and how are we currently not giving folfy (or anybody for that matter) a chance? I don't understand the relevance of you pointing out that we need to give people a chance as that is literally how all promotions work.

  •   burger as was stated by Tails, I am currently accepting applications which have a majority ruling of vouches, there are a few reasons for this, but one main reason is that, at the moment, MBs are severly disconnected with the normal playerbase of the server, Many MBs have essentially left the server, but, are still part of the mb team, and while i could remove all of these MBs, It really wouldn't do much good, and would only leave us with ~6 mbs. i really want the role of Master Builder to be something that players actually try to strive to achieve, that way, other players will be encouraged to improve their own building skills, and maybe become mb themselves. Part of that means that, at least for now, MB applications are less strict. Master Builder is, in my eyes, not so much a formal role, like an admin or a senior admin is, as it is a symbol of recognition, providing players on the server with a goal which they can work towards.

    Tl;Dr: All our mbs are inactive, thats a bad thing. so mb applications are now a bit more lenient. they still do require skill, however not as much as what may have once been required. I am doing this because i believe it will better help the community in the long run

  • Iirc there's no policy about MB applications votes, accepting one or not is entirely up to the ECD. @"DragonSlayer2189"#25 has opted for the simple majority for reasons stated above.

    Congrats @"Folfy_Blue"#356

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager