Ban players from using pornographic HD heads

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  • I'm iffy about this, but i think i will vouch, mainly due to my past experiences with these things, and having to deal with things like me going afk for 5 minutes, and then having to figure out who the fuck put gay porn in my inventory. Which is not a question i think i should have to ask ever.

  • Quote

    @StevenNL2000#10074 I would argue that there is no difference between a build of a penis and a photo of a penis if you're not seeing either of them.

    While I do agree with that, I do feel there's a difference between someone building a replica of a mans genitals (or any pornographic figure for that matter) and an actual photo of someones genitals. I see building something like that in a block game as the equivalent of someone scribbling a (excuse my example) penis in a notebook vs showing an actual picture of one. I might roll my eyes at the first example, but the second is what would creep me out and worry me if it's shown to children, and I've seen several other examples of HD heads (thanks to the person that linked to the database) and it's honestly no different than a screenshot from an adult website.

  • I'm approving this. It does not help player engagement to have literal porn. This will include builds that replicate pornographic images pixel by pixel (like that one plugin where you can convert an image into a build in-game). Dick builds are still allowed away from spawn - there's a line here.

  • For clarity because I had to update the rules after this, and this thread was never closed down as it should have been.

    The rules were updated to ban these within a 250 block radius of spawn. Happy to have a further discussion if people think it should be banned in addition to that.


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