Make TF cracked again

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Alright so before I start, I know this suggestion isn't gonna get 100% positivity, and even though I know that I am fine with still posting this suggestion.

    TF is dying. We've got a huge admin to OP ratio now, just in the last month we got over 5 reinstated/new admins and we barely hit 8 players on even a US night now. This is the lowest it has ever been, and it is honestly not going to better unless we try and do something major to turn it. No small temporary things like plugins. Major things, one of them which is to make TF cracked again.

    We can't list the server on websites if we're cracked

    At this point does this even matter? The listings have been up for a year now with little effect. The only listing that worked was the one made a month ago on PlanetMinecraft, where the server boomed with players. Then we had an even higher increase as fionn started off the weedhouse, and then after that things dipped.

    It creates a heavier job for admins

    Although going cracked will definitely make a heavier job for admins, the admins in the past managed to handle these situations. Because of the amount of admins we already have, if the player count was to boom, then I'm sure there will be admins available to handle this.

    Plot world is gonna get messed up

    We can give players 1 month (yes, a whole month) or longer to create schematics of their plots. If this isn't possible, we could find other solutions. However, the Plot world is currently not used as much and if it is, it's only by a few players. Giving players a whole month and setting a reminder to go off everyday will make sure that they can save their plots.

    If we are able to keep the plots, that's even better.

    Everything on TF right now is made to support Premium

    This is why in the above point I mentioned 1 month of time for people to save schematics. We could use this whole month of time (or longer) to prepare for the movement of Premium to Cracked once again.


    Going cracked will help TF a lot, in my opinion. We can open our playerbase up once again to so many more players, who cannot afford Minecraft. For some it's only a 'measly 20 dollars' but for others its expensive. Going cracked again will help us to expand our playerbase. We won't get all those cracked players back instantly.

    Thanks for reading.

  • Hard objection. It's honestly perplexing that people still even consider this an option. Cracked mode has so many issues that you haven't even started to discuss:

    • How are we going to ever move on from TFM's primitive permission management if we are cracked?
    • How are we going to set up mandatory verification (which is obviously needed for cracked mode)?
    • How are we going to weed out real players from fake ones? (Especially since people are going to immediately attempt to claim other people's accounts/identities)
    • What are we going to do when we want to use a plugin that requires premium mode to work?
    • How are the developers going to respond to needing to roll back more recent changes to TFM that were made for premium mode?
    • How are we going to respond to privacy issues associated with cracked mode? (i.e. someone logs in under another IGN to get their coords)
    • How is the server going to grow? (growing a cracked playerbase is much harder than growing a premium playerbase)
    • Are we going to expect that the playerbase just trusts the staff (which, let's be real, have gained a not-so-great reputation over the years) with authentication info? (i.e. AuthMe password)

    One of the biggest issues with this is that this is the ultimate way of regressing back to the "quantity over quality" mindset that used to run TotalFreedom. Sure, you might get a couple more extra players, but going cracked isn't the magical band-aid solution you can just slap on the issue of a shitty playerbase. Going cracked does not mean the playerbase is going to grow. It might get a few more players online, but eventually even that gain is going to vanish because the quality of the server goes straight down the shitter as soon as we switch to cracked mode due to the monsoon of unnecessary problems it causes. Last time we were cracked, someone logged on to other people's accounts, locked them by abusing the verification system, and wiped their plots. This brainless person caused devastating damage to the server with ease, because security with cracked mode was simply non-existent.

    If we actually care about the quality of the server, and we actually want to make progress, we need to look at actual marketing solutions rather than just making the server cracked. What about that successful "free-for-all" event we had just a bit ago? It seems like when we focus on ways to improve the quality of the server, and keep the playerbase busy (like hosting events and trying out new gamemodes/plugins) we manage to see a bit of growth in the playerbase. Why aren't we trying more of that before just going nuclear and making the server cracked again? This is a complete disregard to the quality of the server. If you care about the server's playerbase, and if you care about the experience you have when you join the server, and if you care about the growth and success of the server, you should be objecting as well.

  • previously would have vouched but it would be so much work to switch back to ip's over uuids, its not really worth it. I still think the youtuber route would be a viable option for a player boost, but would obviously cost money in most cases, and will not always come through (i.e the salc1 video we were told about)


  • I really appreciate your effort, but im afraid this cant be done.
    Most people in the past complaint their usernames were locked with player verification by someone.
    Also, it would be easier for people to impersonate OPs, admins or the owner.
    People can also bypass (indefinite) bans more easily (i dont want to give examples of ways cuz people would blame at me)

    Overall, this would be a huge drop of the TotalFreedom security.
    So you guessed it, object.

  • fucking hell, this again.


    You forget the fact that we would have to practly rewrite a whole bunch of shit in TFM, or just remove it (which would mean no shop or plan, or anything like that) in order to do this, and also that it would involve a huge rework of network wide punishment systems with bungee and stuff, and also probably would break a shit ton of other stuff. Hell, even when we were cracked, a shit ton of stuff was broken. so no. end of story. no further explanation needed.

  • I still believe that the ability to join under any username is one of the core principles of the freedom concept. Since we once had a cracked server running perfectly fine, we have no one to blame but ourselves for introducing all these roadblocks that make moving back difficult.