Ownership Policy Applications

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
    1. What is your IGN & discord (name#tag) required

    2. When did you attain Senior admin?

    3. What recognizable achievements have you made during your tenure as admin?

    4. If you attained ownership, what would be some of your actions?

    5. Do you understand and accept the responsibilities below?
      Making sure the server is paid for.
      Maintaining reasonable activity.
      Stepping aside if they cannot continue to fulfill their duties.

  • 1 -
    MC: Wild1145
    Discord: Wild1145#4581

    2 -
    December 1st, 2012. Source

    3 -
    During my time as an administrator over the last 8 and a bit years now, I've been proud to make various contributions to help maintain and grow the server. Back towards the start of my time on the server and while I was also co-running CJFreedom, upon new Minecraft releases (Which were surprisingly often back then) I would provide Mark and TotalFreedom as a server with the more up to date enabling TF to update to the latest Minecraft versions without needing to wait for the official server developers to make the update.

    I was later appointed developer status on TF and started working along side DarthSalamon (Later known as Prozza) and Madgeek to help support the ongoing development of TotalFreedomMod. Some examples of early contributions included the MOTD Messages when the server was in admin mode, Blocking colour codes in tags that were at the time forbidden (Such as &k) and created the setup to automatically tag admins as their ranks on join.

    Throughout my time I've made a number of proactive suggestions to try to make improvements to the server that would have been beyond my remit as a developer at the times.

    In more recent time I originally created the ran the official discord server which has proved to be a key medium of communication and helped the server to grow, it's also been absolutely critical more recently when we lost all of our standard communication routes, but due to having discord available, we were able to re-build fairly rapidly.

    I have also acted as the temporary server host both throughout this current loss of an ownership, and again also previously when Windows went AWOL and the server went down. While this time there have proved to be some complexity issues compared to last time, we did manage to restore the full server file set. As an extra to my role as the temporary server host, on this occasion I've setup the service on the website to allow people to download the worlds that we've previously hosted which was especially critical while we were running a temporary server (Source).

    I am sure there are very possibly other things worthy of mention, but these felt like some of the key major ones, and without admin on the legacy Proboards forums it's tricky to find all my old posts and threads :)

    4 -
    Initially my primary focus would be around working with the current developers on getting the server up to date and running smoothly. A key improvement I would like to see made is bringing the SMP server back into a bungee configuration and to look to bring that to be a fully integrated part of the server. I believe ensuring that the main server setup is reliable, well tested and stable makes it considerably more attractive for players, and makes the work of those who advertise the server considerably easier.

    For me as well I would look to bring TF into my current company and running the server as one of the projects within the estate, this partially mitigates the issues of having a single person running everything, which I appreciate is currently very appealing at the moment. This would also enable the server to gain expertise from our staff team, and for our staff team to be able to work closely with the existing executives to gain skills and knowledge from them around managing a community such as TF.

    5 -
    Yes, understood.

    Note -
    While I appreciate I've not been all that active in the community especially during Seth's ownership but as you've seen I've come back to host the server, and have kept an eye on things running while I've been absent from the server. I hope that in the last 8 years I've been able to prove my commitment to this community and hope that if you let me take this server into it's next era that you'll be sure not to regret it <3


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK