Make TotalFreedom Special

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • or like make it actually fun or special or enjoyable or not a hell hole
    what i mean is, there is no incentive (apart from TF's history) for a player to pick totalfreedom than other servers.
    adding plugins helps this issue, but there is a fundamental issue which unless we spam fun plugins i doubt will fully fix it.
    we need some sort of idea that will make totalfreedom enjoyable - case in point: the SMP managed by fionn.
    due to the map and SMPitems system we had 50-100 people on at the launch which never would have happened if we removed those plugins.
    one from nick: make the coin system an actual economy which people can exchange favours for, etc, and make an actual incentive to spend these coins (not the shitty-ish shop we have at the moment)
    if we can have the server as special as our playerbase, we will hopefully have a stable and good community

  • There is nothing fun to do on TF, as you've said here. The only commands I can do are worldedit ones and a few PVP cmds, as well as some basic ass car w carz. The only thing you can actually do is build and roleplay or PVP.

    I think issues over the year have taken part in removal of plugins - instead of investigating why a plugin can crash or harm the server, it gets/got removed, which was wrong. This has left TF to basically be a server which you can find on networks like PurplePrison.

    I looked at plan today and we have 4800 inactive players, meaning they once joined TF. This indicates ads have worked, but the server experience itself is s•••. 4800 potential players would've meant we could've filled our network at least 16 times at the same time.

    I think it's time to stop blaming the ESL team, I think it's time for the developers and ESL team to start working together (like you said). I think it's time for the community to come together, form ideas and look at them properly, not just because it's 'annoying'.

  • @Miwojedk#6251 the suggestions iirc were to do with adding more building commands for ops, etc, but as i detailed in the thread i believe we should do something (or atleast talk about) ideas to seperate totalfreedom from the other building/freeop servers or to atleast fix and/or improve the shitty shop, vote incetive, player retention incentives and community engagement with each other

  • I'm considering wiping the shop and coins and starting from scratch. The economy is fucked right now, the shop is in disarray and we need incentives for players to vote beyond "here's twenty coins" - A while back I approved a suggestion to grant players a temporary colored name in tab and possibly some fun items for twenty-four hours after voting. This way you can keep players coming back to vote because they want to keep said items/perks.

  • @square#6253 I think the first step is making TF playable. After that, then you can think about differentiating it further.

    The shop won't bring in players; vote incentives won't work if the server itself is of a substandard; player retention incentives should come naturally if you actually fix the core aspect of the server (creative) and I listed plenty of community engagement proposals in the thread.

  • I think you're a little conflicted. You say that you don't think plugins will fix the issue, unless you spam them, but then your solution to make TF "special" is to add plugins.. You compare them to the smp items which was... a plugin.

    I also think you're exaggerating smp's success. It was more like 10-15 players before it repeatedly crashed due to the server stalling, 20-30 for a couple of hours after you upgraded the server, then 5-10 after a couple of days, then 0-5 a week after. I think you're actually completely correct when you say it's pretty useless to add plugins, unless you "spam" fun ones. There's little to no player retention in that method.

    I agree with Miwo here, we need TF to be playable before we can start growing our playerbase. Like we have issues even agreeing on what to actually call the server (free-op? creative?) How is the ESL supposed to work with that? Its pretty hard, and there's a lot of effort and time that needs to happen if you want TFs structure to be fixed.

    It's not enough to be "the first free-op" server or whatever we call ourselves, lol, that's the reality. A normal player would rather build, play bedwars, pvp, or any other game mode on an already established server with 500+ players. Hub servers killed small communities like ours, we will never be able to offer what servers like theirs can, that's just how it is. There will never be a reason to pick TF unless you want staff, once you do that, there's little to nothing to do anymore. That system was fine when the server had a full 50 player slots, and admins rotated out regularly. Now, its like you join, a couple months later you have either left or you're pressured to become an admin because thats just what we do with every "helpful" op. Admin culture is still very real on TF, and a big part of the reason why so many players do come back is that they were once an admin. The see, wow, the server doesn't have any players anymore, think its now boring to be an admin, and leave.

  • @zeseryu#6288 by plugins, i mean an idea that differenciates totalfreedom from other servers, not bending and other generic plugins
    but yeah, i agree with you two and we should be making the server playable before we do anything else
    however I still believe we could fix the shop system (or atleast make it so players can pay each other which I think used to be a suggestion but I do not believe actually has come to fruition) in those changes as the incentive to vote kinda sucks. we could fix this after adding those changes
    lock this thread

  • Quote

    @square#6250 one from nick: make the coin system an actual economy which people can exchange favours for, etc, and make an actual incentive to spend these coins (not the shitty-ish shop we have at the moment)

    yes, i 100% agree, I think people would be able to have so much fun if they could transfer coins and stuff for shit, it would be dope. we could have casinos or playershops and other crazy stuff

    Also, on the note of the SMPitems stuff, is there any possibility we could bring those items into tf, mabye as like a TFitems plugin, where there could be a bunch more cool things to use, i think that would be neat

  • I think a rebrand to a Building Server would be better. The Free OP Audience is small, but the building audience is big. What if we advertise as a Building Server where you can do more than just building, because Free OP is just something that attracts small abusive children for a day, and nobody the next.

  • It feels like there are quite a few suggestions all bundled up into one here. Is there any general consensus for things that people want to see improved / changed as a result of this thread?


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Given there's no clear suggestions I could see here, or where they are they probably need to be split out, I'm going to close this suggestion down as it feels like it's ended up more of a rant than anything else.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK