Changes to improve the Free-OP feature of our server

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • So it's become clear that we need to improve the Free-OP view of our server, we've known this for a long time now. I've got a few ideas to help improve it.

    Suggestion 1 - Lighter punishments on OPs for section 2 and 3 offences
    We should provide lighter punishments for section 2 and 3 offences. For example, if an OP spams, don't bother muting them, just smite them and tell them not to spam. Then if they do it again, you smite them. The same thing for griefing and other section 2 offences. If an op griefs, you tempban them for a few hours (such as 1-5 hours) and then if it gets worse, you ban them for 24 hours. This means that it gives an OP time to realise they can come back on later and not grief, and are still welcome.

    Suggestion 2 - Monthly Plugin Suggestion Thread
    The ESL team are here not only to market, but also to enhance op experience. We should have a thread that opens on the 1st of every month, and closes around the 15th of the month. This thread will be a thread where players can suggest plugins. The plugins will be evaluated by the ESL(and his team/a dev) and then if there is enough interest, it'll be added. Any old plugins that aren't used much (or even at all) would also be removed after an evaluation.

    Suggestion 3 - Focus on marketing the main view, not the trends
    This is more about the marketing side of stuff, but we should really focus on marketing our 'free-op' feature on TF. Trends like bending or HD heads will probably not last long enough. By the time we get ads based on these small trends, the trends may already even be over. No one uses bending anymore, and I think we might see HD Heads no longer a trend as well.

    These are honestly just some of the endless opportunities we have at our hands. If we all work together, we can achieve a better TF.


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    @Ashaz#5708 Suggestion 2 - Monthly Plugin Suggestion Thread
    The ESL team are here not only to market, but also to enhance op experience. We should have a thread that opens on the 1st of every month, and closes around the 15th of the month. This thread will be a thread where players can suggest plugins. The plugins will be evaluated by the ESL(and his team/a dev) and then if there is enough interest, it'll be added. Any old plugins that aren't used much (or even at all) would also be removed after an evaluation.

    That's the entire point of the suggestions board... New plugins take time to get working, and to limit them to certain times of the month feels like a silly way to do things. If people think there would be good plugins that can be added to the server, then they should make a suggestion and make their case for why they think it would make a good addition.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • @Ashaz#5710 You should really suggest each plugin on a separate thread, then the individual plugin can be discussed. Once the discussion has ended I tend to then make a decision to approve / reject them. It shouldn't be hard to make a thread and go "I want to add plugin X because reasons 1, 2 and 3" and for the rest of the community to have an informed and sensible discussion about it.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Vouch for suggestion 3, you are free to make a plugin suggestion at any time, and how section 3 offenses are typically dealt with at the digression of the admin giving the punishment, it is up to them weather they choose to smite, mute or warn, section 2 offenses will almost always be a ban

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    @Ashaz#5708 For example, if an OP spams, don't bother muting them, just smite them and tell them not to spam. Then if they do it again, you smite them.

    Both are logged in the punishment log and are often used to sanction users who commit Section 3 offenses. It really doesn't matter which one is used, since both reach the end goal.


    @Ashaz#5708 If an op griefs, you tempban them for a few hours (such as 1-5 hours) and then if it gets worse, you ban them for 24 hours.

    No. Absolutely not.

    • Banning someone for griefing (a section 2 offense) has been a part of protocol for as long as I can remember. This has been the case for years and has literally become muscle memory at this point, which would be hell to try to change. Just to note: in the past, the duration of bans for griefing was dependent of the severity of the grief.
    • Section 2 offenses were intended to be 24/48 hour bans back then, not 6 hour bans. Griefing is a section 2 offense.
    • You can appeal bans even when you're guilty. If you're just honest about what you got banned for, you can usually get unbanned. It's not like the only way they can come back on is to wait out their 24 hour ban.
    • Why do you think people grief? Certainly not to feel welcome in this community.

    @Ashaz#5708 This means that it gives an OP time to realise they can come back on later and not grief, and are still welcome.

    A 24 hour ban would achieve the exact same result as a 6 hour ban and would probably catch their attention better.


  • Given there seems to be no support or even comments for these suggestions, I am going to decline the thread. Would suggest if you want to re-raise the suggestions to split them out on to unique threads that are a bit easier to work with.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK