Someone is trying to backdoor my computer

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  • So my router has IDS / IPS (detects threats on the network and blocks them). A few weeks ago, I saw that an IP was trying to connect to port 4433 on the LAN IP of my computer on my home network. I thought I fucked up somewhere and installed something bad, so I completely reinstalled Windows. I got another alert later the same night that another connection attempt was made. I had only installed the most basic programs (Chrome, Spotify, Discord, Bitwarden), and was still getting them. I made a firewall rule to block any incoming connections to port 4433. I also added it to the deny list so that IP specifically could not connect as well. I just got another alert today that a new connection to port 4433 was made. But how and why?? I have port 4433 blocked completely on WAN In and WAN Out. Also I haven't even installed any new software since making those rules either. I noticed that my computer turned on at weird times like 5 am, and that's when the threats were logged also, so I correlated them together. Note that I got the alert just now while my computer was on already.

    This is the firewall rule I've made to drop any incoming connections to port 4433.

    With these rules, am I safe? I have it so it will block it rather than just alert me, and made those firewall rules. They might have a list of infected computers and change the IP out occasionally. Do you think if I got another IP that these attacks would stop? This is what they look like

    only posting here because steven and wild are here lol ok bye

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  • @wild1145#5552 I don't know but this started coincidentally around the time I added my Raspberry Pi to my network for NxFilter. It's on Ubuntu 20.04 from the official Raspberry Pi Imager so I don't think the image was tampered. All it has installed is Java, WireGuard, and NxFilter. I get notifications for DNS Information Leak attempted but I assume it never happens because my DNS is firewalled

    The only other new device on my network is my PS5 but that was weeks before any of this started.

    I changed my local IP for my computer to see if that'll change anything

  • The keyword is "attempt". seems to be a known port scanner, so if no connection was actually ever established, your public IP probably just ended up on some botnet's scan list. Perhaps the previous owner of your IP address had the Acidoor trojan that Wild linked.

  • wild1145 November 2, 2022 at 6:31 PM

    Selected a post as the best answer.