I managed to completely forget to make a goodbye thread, this goes to show how good I am at planning things and how I DON'T procrastinate!
It looks like this is indeed the end of the road for this server. This isn't how I ever thought it would go down. I thought at least Ryan or a future owner would decide for themself to shut down the server for the best of everyone, but this just seems to be it!
I've been on TotalFreedom for about 3 years now, and about 85% of it, I spent as an admin. So I never really was just an operator and was always under service for this place. But now, I don't have to. I'm not completely in the dark with no other community, there's another community I've been involved with before TotalFreedom that I can maybe get involved in more and make more friends there. It's also another smaller community nowadays. I guess I just appreciate smaller communities instead of the hustling giants. I may have never done everything I wanted to on the server, like achieve Senior Admin, something I only became interested as early as this year, see the player count go to 50, 75, maybe even 100, see large YouTubers like SalC1 check out our server, or hear the words "Oldest FreeOP server in Minecraft" from Fit. Perhaps all of these events happened in another world though?
I would like to now do the part in all of these goodbye threads where I tag specific people and say wonderful things and leave out other people
Szech/Szechuan - It's really sad that I have not seen you in years and haven't seen you during the fall of TF, but you were one of the first people I remember that I really got along with. You were a very humorous person and a role model. If you don't see this message now, I hope we meet again sometime.
videogamesm12 - I deeply appreciate Video for his extremely generous contributions to the server as a developer, admin, and entire Freedom owner as well. I wish the best for you in the future.
bowie - You deserve the best of things. Your time on this server was rough for sure. I remember being very worried constantly having to deal with shithead. But you beat them forever!
So it looks like I forgot about this thread. I was going to sort mentions chronologically, but no I will just mention whoever comes up in my head.
FrutiKitty - So close to admin, but alas...
ayunami2000 - You remind me of that kid in everyone's class that managed to get in trouble all the time. Rascal!
lyicx Carried the server during quarantine.
Anti95 - You managed to never piss me off compared to other OPs, that is great.
quack95 - You are very very weird. I enjoyed helping you being an admin for that little bit of time.
sergio24m - You'll probably never see this, but I couldn't forget the last ever Telnet Admin! I wish wonderful things for you.
root - I hope we don't boil one day in Texas!
Gommeh - Elmo is superior.
elmon - Don't you worry, I still remember our turtle sex.
eva - Made a very impressive redemption arc. Banned to admin and developer, very very good.
Feueristic - Your court date is 2/23/2023 for your Activity Coin fraud.
JagWire - Secretly one of my FAVORITE Senior Admins. You're very funny.
Tizz - Italian Toilets.
@EpsilonBot - You are a very talented builder. It's impressive how you managed to stay on the server for 24 hours constantly building! The best Master Builder by far.
Luke - You've probably lost sanity running our Discord, or your mind, or both, so I wish the best for you in the future.
You! - Some people didn't like you, that's because they wish they could be as cool as you!
Telesphoreo & everyone who developed the SMP - Thanks for creating the SMP. Even if it didn't have that long of a lifespan and was subject to lots of issues, I still found it a very fun time. You will also forever be the Wordle KIng for hundreds of years.
boxboy79 - Haha GD is getting an update first. Don't feel too bad, a new Rhythm Haven game will arrive eventually!
And finally...
You! - Do you not see yourself on this list? Are you upset? No worries, pretend this is where I mention you. You were so cool that I didn't have enough time to mention you. I wish the best for you.