Its been a wild 10 years

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • So where do I even begin.

    I knew this would happen eventually but this was unprecidented.

    I came across this server back in October 2012, when I was looking for servers with free op and mob disguise. There was 2 that I found. The first one, now that I think about it, was basically Kaboom.Then the 2nd one was TF. Back in the day I wasn't a great player and used to get banned for doing stupid things.

    At the time, markbyron was the owner and founder of TF.

    I applied for admin in about december 2012. Back in the day, getting admin wasn't about getting a lot of votes and recs, as long as one person could rec/vouch for you that was good enough for mark. he put me on probation for 30 days. First day on the job i already screwed up lol, the thing is there was quite a few admins who really disliked me, and mark new this. He stuck up for me on more than one occasion to keep me as admin.

    Here are some memories over the years:

    -The kid who threatened TF from the "Fossil bureau of investigation"

    -Doing many skype prank calls, some of them trying to make TF references and confusing the hell out of the people on the phone

    -Accidentally breaking mattmcmatt's build with movecraft, causing it to blow up lol

    -Clanforge and doing map resets frequently


    -Border wars with Lyicx,Tyler and Banter

    -The SPAS/TPAS program, one of the picks being videogamesm12

    -The admin tower!

    -Meeting wild1145, fyrsta, james and some others IRL and played cards against humanity lol

    Although TF has been through many ups and downs over the years, I am glad to have come across the community. I've been here that long, that saying people's names on TF is like referencing characters in a TV show.

    All I have to say is, best of luck to everyone, its been a fun ride, but nothing lasts forever I guess.
