Weird server connection issues HopeGamer10

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • I've been having trouble connecting to the Minecraft server I have no idea if it's my Wi-Fi or you guys but I highly recommend checking it out thank you for understanding I have put a link in this post so that you guys can view this as an example this incident has been happening for the last I would say 3 to 2 days maybe

    New item by Nathan Online
  • Luke

    What do you mean it's dead ?

    I'm sorry this doesn't feel right

    I was just there a few days ago this is either some sort of weird fluke in the system or the owner is just treating us like dirt I have no idea what's going on I mean I would like to connect back onto the server because I have some interesting projects there but to not be able to have the similar access it's just unfair ?

  • Luke

    Well that's disappointing I hope we can get the server up sometime next week also was it some weirdo with a lag machine or whatever because that would definitely close the server for a while I mean either that or we have a corrupt owner I think that happened before ?

  • Kadalyst

    Okay so from my understanding there was an attack incident I have no idea if it was a lag machine or a general hack that shut down the server if the community could better understand this it would benefit everyone on the server also it could have been general spam in the chat I'm just trying to pick up the pieces and figure out what's going on ?

  • Kadalyst

    I did see your thread

    Also I just discovered that the incident was linked to a player that somehow logged into a invalid account and gave a select amount of players op without permission resulting in them destroying server property I know this conflict is hard for everyone because they had to shut down the Minecraft server I'm hoping that we get back online sometime next week bear with me I am in the same position I didn't even know what was going on until now to add on I don't know if there were any form incidents but if it did happen that is probably punishable what I've heard at this moment is the server is done for now but I'm pretty sure we will have a published restart date soon as long as all the files are secure specially the server ones

    Edited 2 times, last by HopeGamer10 (August 19, 2023 at 6:46 PM).

  • Kadalyst

    I did see your thread

    Also I just discovered that the incident was linked to a player that somehow logged into a invalid account and gave a select amount of players op without permission resulting in them destroying server property I know this conflict is hard for everyone because they had to shut down the Minecraft server I'm hoping that we get back online sometime next week bear with me I am in the same position I didn't even know what was going on until now to add on I don't know if there were any form incidents but if it did happen that is probably punishable what I've heard at this moment is the server is done for now but I'm pretty sure we will have a published restart date soon as long as all the files are secure specially the server ones feel free to write me on forms if you need to get in touch for me this was hard because I almost felt like crying I had so many good memories on total freedom someone's got to step up and be the next owner I don't want this platform to be confidented if I have any updates I will probably change this form post every once in awhile stay alert and stay up to date on current information as well

    Edited once, last by HopeGamer10 (August 19, 2023 at 6:52 PM).

  • Kadalyst

    I did see your thread

    Also I just discovered that the incident was linked to a player that somehow logged into a invalid account and gave a select amount of players op without permission resulting in them destroying server property I know this conflict is hard for everyone because they had to shut down the Minecraft server I'm hoping that we get back online sometime next week bear with me I am in the same position I didn't even know what was going on until now to add on I don't know if there were any form incidents but if it did happen that is probably punishable what I've heard at this moment is the server is done for now but I'm pretty sure we will have a published restart date soon as long as all the files are secure specially the server ones

    It's not coming back next week. It's closed permanently.

  • isaac

    I understand that the server is permanently closed thanks for the update I have a couple proposals

    1. find a new owner

    2. Figure out the culprits of this incident

    3. Replace any infrastructure that was damaged

    4. Propose new environment regulations

    5. Recommend new and better predicted plugins

    6. Player background checks and history

    7. Multiple owners if possible

    If I think about more advantages of keeping the Minecraft server up I will put more information into this form post

    Also it doesn't seem like the server is going to come back online next week it will probably be at least 3 to 2 weeks Max before we hear any information if this projection doesn't feel accurate feel free to correct me

  • 1) at the current, ryan isn't inclined to hand the place over to anyone else.

    2) already known

    3) not quite the issue

    4) ?????

    5) also ?????

    6) not exactly easy or possible lmao

    7) is that really viable though? last time ive seen that sort of thing, it ended poorly...


  • we're bringing back rubyfreedom with #7 bois

  • I'm kind of scared for total freedom it was one of my favorite places and I have a couple of my projects on there I don't know what to think about this except this is a poor situation waiting to happen I want to be back on the server it feels like deja vu all over again and it doesn't feel right that's why I'm making the push to bring total freedom back this is going to be one of my goals for a while it's sad to see the place go but I hope that's not the case the only reason why it feels like deja vu it's because I recently got removed 2 times from the server previously and it feels awful also the removal was 24 hours but then I was able to get back into the server everything is so complicated not being able to access my favorite place

    I vouch for the total freedom Minecraft server and I hope to have it reinstated soon or have a possible reactivation date

    Edited 2 times, last by HopeGamer10 (August 19, 2023 at 9:59 PM).

  • I'm hoping that we get back online sometime next week

    Unfortunately, this incident was the final blow in sealing the fate of this server. There's a 0% chance outside of exceptional circumstances that the actual server would restart. Unlike your bans which were finite in duration, the server closure is permanent unless someone somehow makes a spin-off.


  • If there is no chance that the server will be turning back on the least you guys could do is send me the files responsible for the corresponding worlds or the one's responsible for the server or possibly a couple download options so that I can play on my own time thank you guys it's been real I appreciate you guys

  • If there is no chance that the server will be turning back on the least you guys could do is send me the files responsible for the corresponding worlds or the one's responsible for the server or possibly a couple download options so that I can play on my own time thank you guys it's been real I appreciate you guys

    Eventually, once the world files are determined to be not compromised by the attack, they'll be uploaded to the World Downloader Tool for people to download. You just need to wait and it'll probably be announced when that time comes.


  • burger

    If you're trying to mock me that's not a nice thing to do please respect me if that is your intent then that is not appreciated I'm being very cooperative with this situation and I don't expect complications I understand that the server may be permanently closed but I've already asked for certain world files or downloads I'm just hoping they get submitted here in this particular form so that I can find them easily

    Edited 2 times, last by HopeGamer10 (August 20, 2023 at 3:43 AM).

  • I have some good news there's a more likely chance that the Minecraft total freedom server May reactivate but not on its current platform the reactivation date is still to be determined

    We're in the final stages of testing and validating the new Freedom-01 server, which will replace the current server as we then start the sunset process on our current server.

    As part of this we've not transferred the majority of content from the servers, this was to try to give us the best success with launching the new server with a fresh start.

    To enable you all to get a head start on both moving content from the current server to the new one, as well as keeping access to your schematics that you use day to day we will be moving requested schematics from the current server to the new one.