My plans for TotalFreedom moving forward

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • I've decided to give some insight into my plans for the future related to TotalFreedom, or at least what's left of it.

    For those who don't know, last night two players (NekosAreKawaii and maniaplay) abused an oversight in the server's hub setup to log in as Ryan and proceeded to give themselves operator permissions. They then proceeded to grief severely the hubworld and unban everyone they were friends with from the hub server. Upon hearing the news, I acted quickly and attempted to intervene by both repeatedly stopping the hub server and attempting to de-op and ban those who were abusing it. Ultimately, I realized at that moment that by the time they gave themselves operator privileges, it was too late. The operator permissions were already network-wide. To avoid any further damage to the infrastructure, I got in touch with Rylie and asked her to immediately shut down all servers on the network so that the damage couldn't spread to Freedom-01 and other servers on the network. Ryan, who had just had to clean up the mess caused by an attack on the forum that was perpetrated by one of the two previously mentioned players, decided that enough was enough and killed the network completely.

    Since then, Ryan has shown little to no interest in spending the resources needed to rebuild the network after the treatment that he's been given over the years as the owner. Even still, I desperately tried to get the lights running again on my own. I stayed up until 6 AM on the night attempting to negotiate with him a deal to handover ownership of the network to me so that I could bring the server back online myself. This was unsuccessful as he pretty much refused when I practically begged him to allow me to do the rebuilding work for him. He views the entire network as compromised and will likely never start it up again. He also views the community as a toxic shitshow that would continue the cycle of the next owner in line being bullied into insanity until they give up on the server, and refuses to allow such a cycle to continue. With that in mind, I've decided to shift my focus to a part of TotalFreedom that will live on even after the actual Minecraft server dies: its history.

    You definitely saw this coming from a mile away. I'm practically obsessed with the history of this place and it's one of the major factors that kept me playing on it over the years. Because the history of this place is still barely documented, I've started working with Telesphoreo to build an unofficial wiki for the server and community to document as much of its history over the course of its 13 year lifespan as possible. This is something I wanted to do for years now, and with things wrapping up, my goal of documenting the server's history has become much more viable and much less perpetual. If you want to contribute to this project, it's currently being hosted at

    TL:DR - The network was effectively breached, Ryan is highly likely going to throw in the towel and will not transfer ownership. As such, I've decided to continue the legacy of the server unofficially by working with Telesphoreo to build a wiki for it to document its history.
