Help Build a Better Community

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
    • Official Post

    I'll start this thread with an acknowledgement, the acknowledgement that I'm not as active any more in the community as I both should and would like to be, life has been very very busy for me and TF had to take a back seat to accommodate this, my huge thanks to everyone that has stuck around, and to Video and the executive team for continuing to keep the ship afloat.

    TF over the years has seen some significant shift in how it's ran, the player base, the community and fundamentally the appeal of the server itself. We started out many many years ago doing something very special, very unique and something that had never been done before, over the years this gap has closed, and today we're doing the same thing any of you could do with your own server, run a Freedom server.

    What has continued to make TF unique over these years is it's community and it's values, we're one of the few servers that has never had any form of pay to play, where we don't accept donations and where we do a significant amount of our discussions and staff application process fully in the open.

    I am starting to see a change in the community again, and one that we've seen in the not too distance past, and not one I am keen to see progress further, and it's progression further will lead to the end of this server.

    So this is me, asking the community as a whole, help us all do better. We ultimately need new players to join us and help to naturally re-shape this server, else we risk repeating history again and that's not something I or this community can take.

    While I won't be taking any direct action with regards to the server today, I will be watching closely and doing what I can to push through direct changes on the server with Video and the team.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • wild1145 July 19, 2023 at 9:58 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Helo Build a Better Community” to “Help Build a Better Community”.
  • As one of the members in the community managment team, as well as a community member myself, I would like to try and steer everyone away from the development doubts and questions as we've had plenty of time discussing it, and mainly use this thread as a place to discuss community matters, like transparency, interactions, stereotypes, goals and anything that revolves around such.

    We would love to hear from you all, and let's do our best in helping each other, shall we?

    C'est la vie

  • i tried to bridge the gap. it didn’t work.

    the problem with tf is arrogance. simple. management and players alike.

    i recall a few weeks ago making a long ass message in teams talking about the problem with communication. to put it simply it’s non existent. can yall tell me a single thing any of the executives are doing? the best is the ECD team but even then that’s probably cuz they’re very limited in what they do

    anyway so my teams message got ignored. entirely. literally brushed away. not a single individual even bothered to say why it’s that way or how i’m wrong or anythingo. it’s around that time i just gave up.

    Edit: Actually to her credit root actually replied except she’s in the same boat i’m in - her job isn’t one that has any public frontline work, but it speaks volumes that she replies and nobody else did

    this is alongside players just reading two lines of a particular situation before leaping to conclusions and hating on me/alco/erin/ryan in freedom-01. i can not even count the amount of times someone has said half a story, people throw around words screaming at the staff team before i explain our side and they go ‘eh fair enough’

    so i’m personally done. i’m doing the job i’m meant to be doing but not an inch further. til yall can work on your own fuckin issues in regards to communication and actually fucking listening we aren’t going anywhere.


  • Just as an addition to my previous comments, I've got back in contact with Steven, and amongst other things he made a comment that I'm going to share as I think it applies to us all

    Quote from StevenNL2000

    If you've been here for a while, you know that for all its flaws, TotalFreedom is worth saving. But what makes TotalFreedom TotalFreedom isn't a piece of Java code on a hard drive, it's the community. So please let us work together to keep the community healthy, because there is no community when everyone is on their own.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK