Accepting ideas for custom server heads

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
    • Official Post

    I recently discovered how to add custom player heads to the HeadDatabase plugin, so I figured I'd populate it with content from the community. If you wish to contribute a custom skin or player head to be immortalized, this is a pretty good opportunity as I intend to carry them over when we do the 1.19.4 upgrade.

    You must provide the head data (namely, the base64-encoded texture JSON), and what you want it to be called.

    Pretty much anything is fair game as long as you meet these rules:

    1. The contents of the heads must be safe for work and meet the community guidelines
      This one should be common sense, but this is TotalFreedom, where common sense isn't very common apparently.
    2. HD heads are allowed provided that they don't contain any exploits or other nasty surprises
      We don't allow 1.16 clients to join, but some may use client-side mods like ViaFabric to join the server. There also exists some mods that allow HD heads to work properly again in 1.17+ again. These are the primary reasons as for why I'm allowing them, because they used to be part of the Minecraft item scene in 2021.
    3. The heads must actually work and can be processed properly by Minecraft itself
      If you are submitting a regular skin (that isn't a HD head), you can simply submit a NameMC link and I'll extract the head type from there. Otherwise, provide the NBT for the head itself and I'll manually extract them for you.
    4. The heads must not already be a part of
      This would be quite a waste and wouldn't be worth it.

    Here are some things to note:

    • HD heads will be put in a separate, dedicated category from the other player heads to keep things organized.
    • If other custom server heads exist with the name you are looking for, a number will be appended at the end for technical reasons.

    Here are some ideas for the kinds of player heads one could submit:

    • Decorative textures that could be useful in certain aesthetics
    • Cursed versions of player's skins (e.g. female Lyicx in a maid costume, me without glasses, etc)
    • Skins depicting characters that are an inside joke within the community (e.g. Josh Monaghan, Akefu Raider, etc)
  • Code

    This is another version of the Akefu head (a better version imo)

    "Dude, my screen is completely purple, I see Barney and I still die" - ExtesyyTV, 2022

    • Official Post

    This is another version of the Akefu head (a better version imo)

    Added as "Akefu Brewer 2".