Several Plugins Updated

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
    • Official Post

    As promised in my announcement about updating Essentials, Telesphoreo and I have updated several plugins on the server to much newer versions that aren't from the 1.16 era. Here's some of the plugins that were updated tonight:

    • HeadsDatabase
      For nearly 3 years, we were running an incredibly out of date version of HeadsDatabase from at least July 2020. What surprises me is the fact that despite the maintainers of the plugin killing the ancient API that the plugin relied on, through what can only be described as a miracle of epic proportions, the plugin still worked. How this 3 years out of date plugin still worked almost perfectly is beyond me. Regardless, it's been updated to the latest version.
    • Spark
      I wasn't even aware this one had updates because it never nagged people about updates and was pretty rock solid, but it's been updated anyways. We hopefully won't need to update it again when we move to 1.19.4.
    • CoreProtect
      This one should have been updated, but simply wasn't so it kept nagging admins about it. It shouldn't need to do that anymore.
    • GSit
      Now it won't whine about being outdated every time you join the server. At least until tomorrow, when they release the 583th update this week with their changelogs that shout the changes like a madman.
    • ItemizerX
      This mainly received some under-the-hood changes that will prepare it for the 1.19.4 upgrade as it supports multiple versions of Minecraft now.
    • OpenInv
      Even though this plugin is still severely out of date (which is due to circumstances beyond our control), it's now slightly less out of date.
    • Plan
      This one was out of date by like a hundred builds or so. I figured I'd do Ryan a solid and update the plugin for him.

    We're looking into updating PlotSquared despite Ryan's plans to start the plot server which has been unfortunately 2 years overdue due to circumstances out of our control. Hopefully we'll fix some of the long-standing issues with that plugin in the process, too.

    • Official Post

    I've taken the opportunity to update some plugins again tonight.

    • GSit
      Not even two weeks later and the plugin has another update. This time, however, we have made some major progress. The changelog uses actual periods in 2 of its 5 changes. It apparently includes some bug fixes this time around. Mind-blowing.
    • ItemizerX
      This plugin received some under-the-hood changes which significantly reduced the file size of the plugin from 130 KB to 40 KB.

    We also started work on PlotSquared a few weeks ago, but due to bullshit related to how that plugin is currently compiled and the fact that it seems to not support 1.17.1 properly, I am unable to give a timeframe for when that will be complete, if at all.