Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Hello,

    I was thinking if we should do an Uno event for TF. I love Uno and I think it would be absolute chaos. The problem is that the Ubisoft version only lets 4 players in at a time. We could do a system to eliminate people every round if there are enough people maybe. There is also the option of Tabletop Simulator where you can play with up to 8 players. But it doesn't seem to be as good and Tabletop Simulator is more expensive than Uno. Would anyone actually want to do this?

  • Vouch if it can be a more accessible version (e.g. browser) that also allow more than 4 players. In fact, may I take this moment to semi-hijack the post and suggest a full on slew of events themed around game-nights, with stuff like jackbox, scribble, gartic phone, cards against humanity and other games in a similar vein. We desperately need events to officially come back, since they boosted playtimes and were just plain fun.

    Organising weekly game nights would be great IMO. TF has plenty of mentally unstable people to perpetuate jokes during these sessions, and lots of historic moments to poke fun at.

    According to quantum mechanics, unless something is observed, there is an equal chance of it both being and not being there. Hence it is said to be in superposition, until observed. However we are somehow fully certain, despite never having directly observed, that you indeed have no bitches. Your bitchlessness has broken the rules quantum mechanics had established. Indeed an impressive feat.

  • What about on tabletop simulator?

    You have a lot of faith in this community to not fuck around and completely demolish the board.

    According to quantum mechanics, unless something is observed, there is an equal chance of it both being and not being there. Hence it is said to be in superposition, until observed. However we are somehow fully certain, despite never having directly observed, that you indeed have no bitches. Your bitchlessness has broken the rules quantum mechanics had established. Indeed an impressive feat.