Hello! I have not seen you... in another 6 months. Well, if you don't include me contacting through email appeals, I haven't seen you guys in a full year.
So, first of all, I would like to note that this is not the first ban appeal I have made for the same ban reason, but the previous one was denied. Turns out, you're meant to wait 12 months, and not 6 months for the minimum indefinite ban appeal time to pass. Video told me that it was 6 months, but nevertheless, everyone makes mistakes, and I can understand that. Although I'm pretty upset that I had to wait a full year just to get unbanned, when I fully understood my actions and apologized 6 months ago, ideally indefinite ban minimum appeal times should not be this long, but what happened already happened, so what gives. I'm fine myself at the moment, and thankfully I have recovered from certain mental issues, I've cut contact with many of the people involved in the incident, although with some of these attackers I still do talk, but it seems like they're not doing any attacks actively, and while they have done some attacks previously, I have no information on that and I'm not willing to be some agent trying to figure out everything because to be honest, I already had enough mental stress due to certain personal problems that I won't get into.
Anyways, I have done many projects in the time being, so at least I had something to do lol. I'm sincerely sorry for the stupid shit I did, it was inconsiderate of me and it was not something that I should've done. So as protocol says for me to do it, here is my ban appeal form.
1. Minecraft name:
Originally banned under _TheRedX, although the name is now changed to _TheRedX_Old and this account is abandoned due to certain reasons (fuck you mojang, i tried contacting you for months on end tens of times and never got an answer), current username is _TheRedex, alt account is Duck575 which I think is also banned.
2. Discord username and discriminator (username#discriminator) (if any):
I'm going to make an attempt to switch from Discord to matrix.org at some point, but for now the account is staying, and it probably will stay unless matrix.org gets much bigger:
♫ The Red ♫#7227
3. Approximate date of indefinite ban:
12 months ago, 2022 February was around the time of the incidents.
4. Reason for an indefinite ban. Please do not lie and try to be sincere and apologize as applicable:
Reason for ban is participating in the 2022 February TotalFreedom Forum attacks.
Due to manipulation, peer pressure, mental health issues, and some people, who I will not name because they do not deserve clout anymore for this shit, I fell victim to their manipulation, eventually becoming part of a group of attackers. While I did not attack myself, I supported this, and it was a stupid decision of mine. I have since spent an entire year changing my ways, I operate much differently, and a lot of people have seen change in me. I've learned a lot over this year, and I got a taste of managing my own community once again, since I got to host a server network. I sincerely apologize for the stupid shit I've done, I realize it was much better to actually go away from a community temporarily rather than to attack it because of your mental health lmao. I've since been less manipulatable (if that's even a word?), and I've worked out my mental issues.
There was a person, who I will not name once again, who I have known for 3 years, and this person has caused me a lot of mental issues, since they tried to kill themselves multiple times and shit like that, I tried to help them, but at that point I just couldn't handle it myself, it was too much stress to me and it impacted me a lot. I've distanced myself from this person a bit since they really just want people's attention, because they do not get what they want, literally this person was mad at me for building a UFO in Minecraft which brought up cows into it a while back. I will not mention who that is because to be frankly honest, if I did such stupid shit, I wouldn't want to be mentioned, and for the benefit of the doubt, I will not reveal who this is.
TL;DR: I'm very sorry for this shit and I won't do it again, I've solved the underlying issues and I'm becoming a more stable person as time goes on.
5. Do you agree to follow our community guidelines (https://forum.totalfreedom.me/d/2961) and all the conditions stated above?