Minecraft Username: NegativeEight
UUID: 73534f2c-7ecb-40d3-88ab-f647799e326f
Date of ban: June 2021
Discord: Goofy Gooferson#1345
Banned by: erin
Reason: Ban Bypassing, lagging the server, serial griefing, being a d*** to people, Lying on forums, getting people to vouch for me, getting friends to do bad stuff to TF, making a racist/homophobic build, making a lot of enemies, and griefing other creative servers, trying to obtain illegal items, owning a griefing guild. I think that's it idk I tried
Message to TF:
I know I ain't the best liar as you saw from the last appeal. So let's be truthful. The reason I didn't put ban bypassing there (even though I did by definition) is because the following, I got a friend (Pop_trap) to get on and put signs saying I'll be back oooo how spooky right. He built a N*z* symbol and put signs down and griefed a bit, I also got on a different laptop, joined and got banned after 5 minutes. The user Pop_Trap is not an alt just a friend who did it for me. Well since than I am almost 3 years older then when I did all that stuff to TF and I could just apologize but that isn't even enough for the stuff I did to the server. I was just some kid with anger issues who wanted to be a lil D-head to some people. I truly messed up and I am not going to blame other people because it was all my fault, I wanna play my debt to this server and rebuild the stuff I ruined because I truly regret all the bad stuff I did. The name 'TheSense' will NEVER be brought up again, mark my words. I will not harm a hair on this server and that is a flipping oath. I wanna apologize to erin for all the trouble and stress I caused to them, I wanna apologize to Yuri (I'm sorry if I spelt it wrong) I am sorry to Yuri for being a jerk and weirding you out because I know you hate my guts. Also videogames, i am sorry for putting stress on your back when I got that one guy to join and build bad stuff. I don't wanna make this too long because I was at one point contributing a lot and I will do that 10 fold if I get back. I ask for your vouch and I will help TF grow stronger. I wholeheartedly promise to never do any bad stuff again, I won't even insult anybody and that's a pinky promise with sprinkles on top. So if it means anything people of TotalFreedom. I am really sorry for what I did. I hope I caused no permanent trouble to anybody. I truly was an idiot back then and this is one of my biggest regrets ever, this server was really fun when I was contributing, I was very excited to get home every day from school and play this server I really enjoyed it. And I am really excited to get back and play if I can. Top tier server i ain' gonna lie
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