DoctorZene Indefinite Ban Appeal

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Minecraft Username: NegativeEight
    UUID: 73534f2c-7ecb-40d3-88ab-f647799e326f

    Date of ban: June 2021
    Discord: Goofy Gooferson#1345
    Banned by: erin

    Reason: Ban Bypassing, lagging the server, serial griefing, being a d*** to people, Lying on forums, getting people to vouch for me, getting friends to do bad stuff to TF, making a racist/homophobic build, making a lot of enemies, and griefing other creative servers, trying to obtain illegal items, owning a griefing guild. I think that's it idk I tried

    Message to TF:
    I know I ain't the best liar as you saw from the last appeal. So let's be truthful. The reason I didn't put ban bypassing there (even though I did by definition) is because the following, I got a friend (Pop_trap) to get on and put signs saying I'll be back oooo how spooky right. He built a N*z* symbol and put signs down and griefed a bit, I also got on a different laptop, joined and got banned after 5 minutes. The user Pop_Trap is not an alt just a friend who did it for me. Well since than I am almost 3 years older then when I did all that stuff to TF and I could just apologize but that isn't even enough for the stuff I did to the server. I was just some kid with anger issues who wanted to be a lil D-head to some people. I truly messed up and I am not going to blame other people because it was all my fault, I wanna play my debt to this server and rebuild the stuff I ruined because I truly regret all the bad stuff I did. The name 'TheSense' will NEVER be brought up again, mark my words. I will not harm a hair on this server and that is a flipping oath. I wanna apologize to erin for all the trouble and stress I caused to them, I wanna apologize to Yuri (I'm sorry if I spelt it wrong) I am sorry to Yuri for being a jerk and weirding you out because I know you hate my guts. Also videogames, i am sorry for putting stress on your back when I got that one guy to join and build bad stuff. I don't wanna make this too long because I was at one point contributing a lot and I will do that 10 fold if I get back. I ask for your vouch and I will help TF grow stronger. I wholeheartedly promise to never do any bad stuff again, I won't even insult anybody and that's a pinky promise with sprinkles on top. So if it means anything people of TotalFreedom. I am really sorry for what I did. I hope I caused no permanent trouble to anybody. I truly was an idiot back then and this is one of my biggest regrets ever, this server was really fun when I was contributing, I was very excited to get home every day from school and play this server I really enjoyed it. And I am really excited to get back and play if I can. Top tier server i ain' gonna lie

    Do you agree to follow our community guidelines ( and all the conditions stated above?
    Yes I agree.

    Edited 10 times, last by fezlne (January 13, 2023 at 2:56 AM).

  • JagWire January 11, 2023 at 2:47 AM

    Approved the thread.
  • Just going to throw this out there but he bypassed more than once in the last days of February of last year and also created a really shitty swastika and made it pretty obvious who it was.

    For Admin reference, here are his other IBRs:

    Personally, I am Neutral. This doesn't sound too sincere and you forgot some details.

    I know I ain't the best liar as you saw from the last appeal. So let's be truthful. The reason I didn't put ban bypassing there (even though I did by definition) is because the following, I got a friend to get on and put signs saying "I'll be back" oooo how spooky right. He built a N*z* symbol and put signs down and griefed a bit, I also got on a different laptop, joined and got banned after 5 minutes. The user Pop_Trap is not an alt just a friend who did it for me.

    You had another account banned for bypassing around the time the shitty nazi swastika was made using Pop_Trap. The other account, 3XASTR0 was confirmed to be an alt of you so you indeed bypassed your own ban, and given you didn't mention that one, I do not find this to be very truthful since for that account to be tied to your main (DoctorZene/NegativeEight) you would have had to log in using it under the same IP as your main before realising you were indefinitely banned and thus by changing the IP, you could join the server to bypass and grief, etc but it shared the IP of your main, it got flagged as an alt.


    For confirmation, NegativeEight is you.



    Edited 7 times, last by Alco_Rs11 (January 11, 2023 at 10:38 PM).

  • It's been almost a year since you last did anything untoward and your original ban was June 2021.

    I believe in the ability for people to change and accept your apology and thus I'll vouch for the release of your ban.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Yes when I said "I also got on a different laptop," That was 3XASTRO. Also Pop_Trap isn't an alt. I made it very clear in my appeal it's a friend of mine I got to do stuff which I take full responsibility for.

    Edited once, last by fezlne (January 11, 2023 at 10:39 PM).

  • Vouch. I like to believe in second chances, and even if you left some things out of your original apology, I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt. It's been almost a year, and longer since the original ban.


    :!:trans rights are human rights! :!:

  • Uhhhh

    I am between vouch and neutral

    He was banned in 2021 and it’s been almost 2 years

    <<Item maker and your local friendly archivist>>

    Veteran Admin / Hub Moderator / Master Builder

  • Alco_Rs11 March 12, 2023 at 5:06 PM

    Closed the thread.