mossy spirits bring good fortune, they say

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • it's been a fuckin' ride, hasnt it ? :O

    HELLO!!!! ive wanted to go ahead n pop back in over here for awhile now and i just wanted to go ahead and say hey!! i played a lot on here back under the name of rovertdude or rovertpug, though as of late ive mostly been espeon or lucky! im an aspiring video game developer down in oklahoma that's going for a masters degree in video game design in the coming years! ^^ i plan to go into the field of education to teach at the college level, and in general how to teach ppl to make games :OO

    i mostly know unity at this time however are in the sort of beginning parts of trying to learn unreal engine!!!

    i think i did things here in like. good lord was it like 2015 or 2016? it has been fcukig insane and im so sorry that i was cringe as hell back then LOL i promise im just an excitable fuckin weirdo nowadays tbh i may be shy but i need more ppl to vc with pls hmu

    im sorry if u thought i would be anything productive im just a fcuking furry who writes so much i got into a major about fucking writing a language that i dont even understand

    i ended up becoming a discord partner for awhile so that was fun, now im a community manager for smart technologies and just kinda vibe tbh im in the game dev room on campus as i type this

    come dm me imn lonely uhh


    im like mostly on discord LOL

    ok ok have a good dya

  • wild1145 October 28, 2022 at 8:27 PM

    Approved the thread.
  • YOOOO no way

    According to quantum mechanics, unless something is observed, there is an equal chance of it both being and not being there. Hence it is said to be in superposition, until observed. However we are somehow fully certain, despite never having directly observed, that you indeed have no bitches. Your bitchlessness has broken the rules quantum mechanics had established. Indeed an impressive feat.