- Official Post
As many will be aware, we recently approved a change to one of the longest standing systems on TF which was to move away from indefinite / permanent bans, and instead set a longer term ban duration. Given the history around this it's been slightly more complicated than some of our usual changes to actually make, and for the time being there's a lot of manual steps involved, and some details we need to work through. I'm going to try to cover off everything that is changing with the indef ban process through this thread.
Bans that have been issued with a "Minimum Appeal Duration"
In all cases where a ban was issued with a minimum time until the player could appeal, that duration will now be treated as the ban duration itself. The user will be un-banned once that minimum duration has expired.
Existing Indef Bans that had no minimum duration
In all of these cases (Unless covered under a different category on this thread) the ban duration will be set at 6 months from Today. While this isn't perfect, it seems like a reasonably fair way to handle it. Likewise these bans (Again unless also covered under a different heading on the thread) will still be able to appeal their bans prior to the expiry date.
Appealing where the individual banned believes the ban was not justified, the player was innocent or evidence presented was mis-represented or forged
As per our existing process, we will always be happy to hear appeals where an individual has solid reason to believe the ban or other sanction they have been issued was inappropriate. If you genuinely believe the ban was made in error, bad faith or that you genuinely should not be banned then please proceed to make an appeal as you normally would.
I did the thing you accused me of but I don't think I should be banned as long as I have been.
For the most part the ban duration is set in stone, if you don't like the duration then for the most part, don't get banned...
The duration of the ban will be discussed by admins going forward as part of the ban request process, and it is expected that any justifications for a shorter / longer ban will be discussed and subject to a rigorous discussion by the staff team there. If an admin believes that the ban duration is inappropriate and doesn't align with existing precedence set they should raise this with the Executive Ban Manager and escalate as appropriate.
If the player genuinely believes their ban duration is not fair or justified, they should seek the support of a member of the server staff who can follow the above process to escalate and where appropriate revise the ban duration.
Unappealable Bans
These bans will now transform into genuine "Permanent" bans and will be subject to the same rules here where there are no appeals granted. Ultimately nothing changes in this case.
IP Only Bans
We have a number of IP Addresses that have been banned due to being associated with botnets / spambots. These will also remain permanently banned and are not time limited. Players that are affected by these bans will be asked to raise an appeal on the forums where we can review and wherever possible remove the IP Ban.
Self Requests
Self requested bans will continue to operate how they always have for the time being where there is no minimum duration and the player can be released on request.
Mandated Holidays / Forced Absence
In some cases we have had to remove individuals from the community for their own mental health. In these cases the ban manager will set a minimum duration after which they will review the ban and either release the ban or extend it for a future review. There is no guaranteed removals from a mandated holiday unless the ban manager / owner feels it is in the community and players best interest to return at that time.
I'm sure I'll have missed things on this list, if so please let me know and I'll edit this thread accordingly.