Put more trust in operators

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • I'm noticing that there is an overall lack of trust in operators in the community. Granted there are the people that come here just to troll, but not every single operator is some sort of troll that is actively trying to destroy the server in some shape or form.

    The problem

    Sometimes when someone with malicious intent joins the server, the feature that they used to do the malicious actions gets blocked just because of that person that decided it was funny to come here and troll.

    Why this is bad

    Because when something gets blocked it gets blocked for all operators. It assumes that every single operator is some sort of troll in reality that is not the case. Useful features like //brush are blocked and we're going steps backwards thanks to these kinds of people.

    The solution

    Put more trust in operators, don't assume that every operator is some sort of troll. Try patching a feature, or find some sort of solution instead of completely blocking a certain feature unless there's absolutely no other option.




    The blocking of unicode nicknames

    The blanket filtering of certain phrases with /tag set

    The privatization of indefinite ban requests

  • after 4 years of this place i cannot bring myself to see this way and thats not a case of me being an out of touch sra given i was an op for a while like a month ago

    //brush is a debate thats been going on for a long time now and i dont see it changing any time soon cuz of abuse. ateotd while we trust ops it can cause some significant damage. it sucks, but sucks to suck innit

    Try patching a feature, or find some sort of solution instead of completely blocking a certain feature unless there's absolutely no other option.

    that is what we do iirc cuz videogamesm12 made a ton of changes to how devs do shit cuz it used to be far worse. just we dont have enough devs to do this in an efficient manner

    this server has been around for eleven years. its not a case of ‘we havent tried it’ its a case of ‘we tried it and it fucked up’


  • Because when something gets blocked it gets blocked for all operators. It assumes that every single operator is some sort of troll in reality that is not the case

    No, it's blocked for operators because we have had a long painful history of dumbasses bypassing bans repeatedly to abuse exploits in our plugins.

    Useful features like //brush are blocked and we're going steps backwards thanks to these kinds of people.

    Brush was blocked because a certain component in it causes untraceable grief and it bypasses WorldGuard protection thanks to the good for nothing AIDSyncWorldEdit plugin. We had originally blocked said component using a regex pattern, but some dickhead over at EngineHub thought that allowing quotations as part of arguments was a brilliant idea.

    If it weren't for the fact we're not using permission nodes and the task to switch from free-op to permission nodes requires development effort that we literally don't have, we could have easily resolved the issue weeks ago by removing the permission node that component uses for its permissions. We literally had no choice but to block it.


    Yes, because some fuckwit decided to abuse it to locate players and invade their privacy. Again, if we weren't free-op we could have resolved this super easily with a permission node removal, but once again we had no choice given the lack of resources to get the fuck off free-op.

    The blanket filtering of certain phrases with /tag set

    This was always a thing in TFM, and can be easily tweaked on the fly to fix the issue.

    The privatization of indefinite ban requests

    Several players complained about us publicizing IP addresses (apparently a simple Google search of a username would return the indefinite ban request as a result), which apparently resulted in people getting doxed in communities outside of ours. We had to make them private to please some cock-knockers who were literally DOSing the forums and posting administrators' Discord tags on adult chat sites because we had requests that were public. Again, we didn't have a choice here.

    I genuinely wish we had better options, because it never feels good to block features from operators. But sadly, we don't.


  • If it weren't for the fact we're not using permission nodes and the task to switch from free-op to permission nodes requires development effort that we literally don't have, we could have easily resolved the issue weeks ago by removing the permission node that component uses for its permissions.

    Again, if we weren't free-op we could have resolved this super easily with a permission node removal, but once again we had no choice given the lack of resources to get the fuck off free-op.

    This whole "lack of resources" and "lack of development effort" is false in these contexts. You already had implemented permission nodes on July 2nd, 2021. You already did it before (by yourself), so what's different now?

  • I've moderated plenty of servers that are just like TotalFreedom, and I cannot trust anyone who does WorldEdit commands, cause you never know what someone could be doing. They could be actually doing something useful, or they could be griefing. And I'm not saying this because I actually have trust issues, it's just from what I've experienced as an admin on FreeOP servers.

    Hub Moderator


    Rhythm Game Enthusiast

    Owner @ [REDACTED]

  • Every time we unblock shit it gets abused and re-blocked again as a consequence (eg. worldedit brushes). Until perms nodes actually work right, it'll be a never-ending cycle of giving people trust and then some asshole abuses a feature and then it's blocked again.
