smartnt - Admin Reinstatement

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Your Minecraft name:

    Are you using the same forum & Minecraft account that you used when you were a staff member in the past? (Yes or No). If no, state all former account names and be prepared to verify that you're not an imposter.
    No, since the forums have changed since my suspension. I believe all admins can verify my identity.

    What rank were you (Administrator, Senior Admin) and the approx dates you were a staff member: (e.g. super admin from Jun 2010 - Jan 2013)
    Admin: 2015-2019
    Senior Admin: 2019-2020

    Why were you removed from your staff position? (Answer one below and exclude the rest)

    d. I was removed or suspended for misconduct (Yes or No) If yes, explain why and detail your plan to ensure it won't happen again.

    I was suspended due to my involvement with the Smartn't friend group, which was responsible for corruption that took place between 2019-2020 on TotalFreedom and shit-talk. I was also suspended due to using an offensive term towards PHR. I have since took full responsibility, apologized for my actions, and deeply regret them. I have tried to make up with all of the people that I hurt and offended, and I have not been a member in the group for around 6 months now.

    If you were removed just for long term inactivity (yes to 4a above and no to 4b thru 4e), please skip to Q 6 otherwise you must answer this question: What current activities have you performed to merit reinstatement?
    b. Assisted new or existing players (explain how)
    f. Other (provide detailed explanation)

    I always try to help players when I see they need assistance, for example there was an incident with a lag chunk a few days ago and I ultimately tried my best to help fix it.

    If you are reinstated, how often will you be able to do staff duties?

    I will attempt my best to be on every day.

    Have you reviewed the server rules and banning protocols to ensure you're up to speed on any changes that might have occurred since your return from inactivity?

    Yes, I have reviewed the server rules and banning protocols and am up to speed on any changes that might have occurred since my return.

    Do you have a family member that's been on the perm ban list within the past 60 days? If yes, your request will be denied with the exception of the allowance in rule 18 of

    No, I have no family members that play on TF.

  • Vouch. I know this may be controversial but Ivan has been very helpful in catching rule-breakers, and in general, has been doing what he can to atone for his mistakes. I believe in giving chances, and I believe that he is a better person than he was at the time of his suspension.

  • I'll vouch for you (for probation,) I believe you have changed. However, I won't hesitate to turn my back on you if you show you haven't. The last thing I want is for totalfreedom to return to the way it was when the smartnt friend group had power. I believe the server was truly at its worst during that time. The server's reputation was put in jeopardy by the completely unacceptable behavior that the group participated in and encouraged. People were being kicked out just because they tried to call out the smartnt group and failed, and the permanent effects of that are still here, as some of those people never returned. The group also caused permanent damage to the reputations of many current members. The management of the server during that time was so horrible that it inspired people to leave and manage their own smaller communities instead. I personally have seen a lot of the smartnt chat, and reading through it, it was made clear to me that it wasn't just "shit-talk." It was a group of people who wanted to participate in the bullying and harassment of other members of the community, and since nobody could really stop them, they did. It took months of people like Video, Wilee, and myself picking tooth and nail to finally bring justice to the group.

    I know people change, and I really believe you have, and I am a believer in giving people another chance. But I hope people will remember that the smartnt group was one of the most nightmarish things to ever happen to this community. And for that reason, I really can't blame anyone for objecting, either.

  • I'm gonna go ahead and vouch. Although you have had a lot of negative history, you have contributed some good things to this serer as well. Even from running SMP at one point, and helping develop TF. I'll give you another chance.


  • Vouch however I think that you should temperarily only be put as an admin on the server (i know we have a name for doing this, it happened to luke once, so he might know) for about a month or so, so that way we can all know that you have actually changed, and are willing to help and stuff, before being brought back to your rank of senior