The August 2019 Senior Vote Rigging

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • In August 2019, Executives and other elite staff members under the Seth administration conspired to rig the results of the Senior Admin voting stage in order to prevent Luke (a promising candidate who they disliked) from reaching Senior Admin status. They did this by deleting a number of votes favorable to him. StevenNL2000, who had noticed this, privately raised concerns about the integrity of the results to Zaid (the Executive Admin Officer at the time), who ignored his concerns because Zaid was in on it, unbeknownst to Steven at the time.

    In April 2020, Zaid (who had long since been excommunicated from TF as a whole after the group changed the narrative to make him appear as a racist) became a whistleblower, creating a public thread that detailed the massive amount of corruption in the Seth administration (which mentioned the conspiracy) and apologized to those he felt he wronged. The thread sent shockwaves throughout the community, sparked a chain reaction in which Luke and I (both operators at the time) publicly exposed additional instances of corruption jointly over the next few weeks, and started the beginning of the end of the so-called Smartn't era.

    Robin and Ivan immediately stepped down. In the end, nearly every staff member in that group either went inactive, resigned, got suspended, or got permanently banned from the server. The revelations sparked an urgent need for accountability within the staff team, which led to the formation of Internal Affairs. While all of this happened years ago, the impact it had on the community lingers on to this very day.

    Evidence of the conspiracy

    Here is a series of entries from the ProBoards audit log, showing that Robin secretly deleted votes favoring Luke:


    Here are some messages from the group chat right after Robin nuked the votes:


    Here's the PM Steven sent to Zaid after he noticed the discrepancy:


    Here are some messages from the group chat, which shows the group's reaction to Steven's PM:

    Big image



  • The internal damage control following the release of that PM with Steven screenshot is quite similar to the damage control exhibited by the 'Granite Castle / Akefu Raiders' after they got played by Video. I found that quite funny.


  • Honestly what they did to you was fucked.

    eh im over it im just glad zaid did the right thing ultimately cuz i wouldve left tf for good. without trying to sound like pompous and that, i was a quite a big part of actually getting them taken down so its like

    Robin and some others were still even allowed on the server even after this all happened.

    Yea by that point kae took the killing blow and got rid of most of them. me & caleb then made ibrs for ivan, lemon & robin.

    what i do have to say though is that some in smartnt weren’t all that bad. for example there were individuals in there that assisted us (e.g. nero & eventually Zaid) and some who just did nothing and was just in the chat (e.g. premintex & lionnco).
