ErickpintoMC2020 - Indefinite Ban Appeal

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • 1. Minecraft name: ErickpintoMC2020

    2. Discord username and discriminator (username#discriminator) (if any): I don't have one

    3. Approximate date of indefinite ban: April 2020

    4. Reason for an indefinite ban. Please do not lie and try to be sincere and apologize as applicable: for being a serial griefer and troller and saying the n word. Hey guys, It's me again. Did you all remember that I posted a forum where I was mean and I would never come back here? And did you remembered that I was being mean to James who gave me an indefinite ban request and more? I'm sincerely sorry everyone, I'm sincerely sorry to StevenNL2000, I'm sincerely sorry to James, I'm sincerely sorry to absolutely everyone on this forum and this server. I mean, I was too angry and mean because I wanted to be back on this server again and you don't like me. I'm actually a big idiot for saying the n word, and being a serial griefer and troller. I know, n word in this server is not allowed here. But I was just trying to have some fun in this server, I mean look at all of you guys!, you guys are having a good time. But I wasn't because I was banned. I was being a bad person because I say the n word and I leave which is not very nice. I was also not nice because the thread I posted I said it was trash. I was also angry because James posted an indefinite ban request and I was considered a bully and would never come back here again. I mean It's either normal or not normal that I change my username every year. I want to have lots of fun in this server but let's face it. I'm a bad person, and I hurt all your feelings. ;( Again I'm really sincerely sorry to everyone in this server. I will never, ever do this again. I will have fun the right way, I won't say the n word, I won't grief anymore, and I won't use disguises for trolling purposes. That's all I have to say. Erick Pinto

    5. Do you agree to follow our community guidelines ( and all the conditions stated above? Yes, I did

  • Alco_Rs11 November 8, 2022 at 7:05 AM

    Closed the thread.