Proboards Forums - Board Hidden

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • In the interests of transparency.

    I've had no choice but to hide the indef ban requests board and it's sub-boards from the Proboards forums. This is due to continued attacks and threats of illegal activities targeting this server from individuals that have taken issue with the fact they got caught breaking the rules historically, and their IP At the time is included in such a request.

    To remind folks, IP's aren't able to be used to personally identify anyone on their own, nor can it be used in conjunction with your MC Username or UUID to personally identify you, so there shouldn't be an issue with this, but again certain people would rather break the law than actually contact me or my company to request the data be redacted.

    The individuals in question are also hereby Indefinitely banned under the Category 0 offences, and their bans will be unappealable. A separate thread will follow in the appropriate boards.

    This is the only time I will be making such a chance to the proboards forums, if a pattern starts to form where we need to hide more boards, I will simply take the entire site offline for anyone that isn't Finest, Steven and myself and that will be that. The entire forum is intended as a read-only archive from when it was closed down and moved here, it's a deep shame and somewhat troubling to me that we've been forced to take such action to protect the community and it's members.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • In the interests of transparency.

    I've had no choice but to hide the indef ban requests board and it's sub-boards from the Proboards forums. This is due to continued attacks and threats of illegal activities targeting this server from individuals that have taken issue with the fact they got caught breaking the rules historically, and their IP At the time is included in such a request.

    To remind folks, IP's aren't able to be used to personally identify anyone on their own, nor can it be used in conjunction with your MC Username or UUID to personally identify you, so there shouldn't be an issue with this, but again certain people would rather break the law than actually contact me or my company to request the data be redacted.

    The individuals in question are also hereby Indefinitely banned under the Category 0 offences, and their bans will be unappealable. A separate thread will follow in the appropriate boards.

    This is the only time I will be making such a chance to the proboards forums, if a pattern starts to form where we need to hide more boards, I will simply take the entire site offline for anyone that isn't Finest, Steven and myself and that will be that. The entire forum is intended as a read-only archive from when it was closed down and moved here, it's a deep shame and somewhat troubling to me that we've been forced to take such action to protect the community and it's members.

    So, we're going to listen to trolls now? By doing what the trolls want us to do, you're literally giving them power, and because you gave them power, it makes them more confident to troll more in the future. You're essentially, letting them win.

  • No, I'm going to decide when it's better to cut my losses and align a legacy forum I had nothing to do with from an administration perspective with the current production version when people threaten, harass and attempt to commit illegal activities that target the server or it's community.

    If you take such great offence to this, suggest reversing it on this forum and the Proboards one, because last time it was suggested to be hidden like this, there was fairly strong community support.

  • Things would be easier if the community was more vocal on these real issues and ripped a new one on every one of those serial harassers to defend its rights.

    I have the impression the administration is too often left alone on these issues. We aren't superheroes. We work for the community and we need support from the community. Don't leave us alone and we won't get too tired for this crap.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  • If you take such great offence to this, suggest reversing it on this forum and the Proboards one, because last time it was suggested to be hidden like this, there was fairly strong community support.

    No, this is false. The community wanted IPs and other personal information to be hidden from IBRs, not the IBR itself to be hidden. You just made the IBRs itself admin only as an easy way out because you're not willing to have two versions of the same IBR, one for the public and one for only admins to see.

    Also, I have already made a suggestion to make IBRs public again, that doesn't involve making two copies of an IBR since you don't like that.

  • If you take such great offence to this, suggest reversing it on this forum and the Proboards one, because last time it was suggested to be hidden like this, there was fairly strong community support.

    No, this is false. The community wanted IPs and other personal information to be hidden from IBRs, not the IBR itself to be hidden. You just made the IBRs itself admin only as an easy way out because you're not willing to have two versions of the same IBR, one for the public and one for only admins to see.

    Also, I have already made a suggestion to make IBRs public again, that doesn't involve making two copies of an IBR since you don't like that.

    Which would require going through historically and purging IP's from old threads, in this case including Proboards, which would mean those records would be permanently lost. The forums act as a copy of the historic indef bans and is a useful resource if we ever need to re-ban someone.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK