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  • Putin's on a one-way trip to gamble his country away in an attempt to make yet another Soviet Union.

    Given what the quality of the shit their military has been using has been like so far, you can only imagine what the quality of their nukes is gonna be.


  • Putin's on a one-way trip to gamble his country away in an attempt to make yet another Soviet Union.

    Given what the quality of the shit their military has been using has been like so far, you can only imagine what the quality of their nukes is gonna be.

    putins got a fuckin nostalgia boner for pre 1991 russia lmaoooo. guys unironically tanked his own country and its funny to watch

    although tbf, they do have a lot of nuclear warheads iirc. they aint like people that are affected by morale and you dont need to trick nuclear weapons to do a shit ton of damage

    Train go boom

    fucking more than train go boom if that happened :skull:

    taylor predicts WW3

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • Nuclear war is extremely unlikely because it is mutually assured destruction. Everyone knows that if they send a nuke, it won't be long before there's one headed the other way.

    The threats of nuclear war have been thrown around quite a lot since WW2 ended - look at the 40+ year cold war, where, especially at the start of which, both the US and USSR were flooding tons of money into developing nuclear warheads they never actually fired at anyone in a war that never technically had any fatalities.

    I may be wrong, I may be misjudging the threat. But all I can see it as is a threat. I wouldn't go building bunkers and stocking up on soup just yet.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • 40+ year cold war, where, especially at the start of which, both the US and USSR were flooding tons of money into developing nuclear warheads they never actually fired at anyone in a war that never technically had any fatalities.

    this is because the war was fought via proxy, and there were indeed many fatalities (malayan emergency, korean war, nam).

    i don’t think its fair to compare the cold war (a proxy war situation) to the present climate (active battle).

    i don’t really think that Putin will ever use a nuke, but I am almost positive that he will launch various missiles if Ukraine ends up joining NATO and/or resisting Russian control.

    zelensky wants nato to do preemptive strikes

    this will never happen; NATO doesn’t want to get physically involved in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. if push comes to shove i have no doubt that they will let Putin take what he wants from Ukraine (although this raises questions about how China will respond in relation to Taiwan).

    in an attempt to make yet another Soviet Union.

    this isn’t why Putin is doing what he’s doing.

    putins got a fuckin nostalgia boner for pre 1991

    putin has more of a boner for the security of Russia; although I do accept that his execution was incredibly flawed and has started a humanitarian crisis

  • with how poorly the Russian army has performed so far, there's basically no chance Putin's gonna win the war

    the masses of people fleeing Russia right now indicates that many people are discontent with the way Putin has handled the situation

    if he nukes Ukraine, a large number of the remaining people would likely rebel, and Putin can't really do anything about the rebellion. if he does try to handle the rebellion, it would likely lead to more international condemnation and more actions against Russia, which Putin can't really afford right now

    if he doesn't nuke Ukraine, they'll keep liberating their territory and the remaining Russians would likely be discontent (again). they rebel, Putin tries to handle rebellion, and shit hits the fan

  • Nuclear war is extremely unlikely because it is mutually assured destruction. Everyone knows that if they send a nuke, it won't be long before there's one headed the other way.

    This is made under the assumption that the leaders of the countries involved in the situation think rationally.

    You have to consider some context. Putin is very egotistical and is currently losing a war in which he started. That’s like throwing the first punch in a fight, then end up getting your butt kicked. It’s embarrassing. In many situations, a person getting pummeled on the ground may pull out a weapon that could be lethal (such as a knife or a gun) and actually use it. Same thing with this situation. Russia is losing a lot of key territory that they took from Ukraine and are having a hard to capturing new territory. With the amount of time and money they have invested into this war, on top of all the sanctions they have received, I can’t see them just waving a white flag and calling it quits without a bang.

    Now I’m not saying that they will for sure use nuclear weapons and to go panic buy food and supplies, but there is definitely a real threat that should not be taken lightly.

    Edited 2 times, last by Xen: Wrong your (October 11, 2022 at 12:52 AM).

  • one of the benefits of russia being an oligarchy is that it means they will probably never use nukes.

    russia's government is ran by billionaire oligarchs who only think about profit, and nukes are bad for profit

    if putin ever tried to use nukes, the oligarchs would depose and replace him.

  • At this point it is just a big dick measuring contest.

    Idk, seeing Biden and Putin swinging their penises like helicopters in front of each other isn't as harmful as invading a sovereign country causing death, destruction, torture, rapes, deportation and emigration...

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager