Requesting some advice

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • So, the senior application window’s just opened and I personally don’t feel I am that ready for the role myself. However, although it’s not something that may be necessary for me to do, I feel that being a senior may help me to help our community better.

    However, to me, senior is a role fit for those that want to better not only the server, but the admin team as well. I don’t feel ready for it and I think I have certain flaws that make me feel unready. I would really appreciate it if admins and senior admins would comment on these issues. FYI I wouldn’t work on those issues just for an MC role, as some of the skills of being a senior and even an admin can help in daily life (like having an objective approach to situations).

  • TBH Ashaz, I don't think I would trust you with senior just yet.

    You are good at engaging with the community. But tbh, I do worry of your ways of handling situations. You seem to escalate things a lot further than they need to be. Notable examples, complaining at players for using all caps. Not against the rules, but ops can use this against you to wind you up. If they see you're easily wound up, they will

    My advice is, take a step back from it, and don't be so on the trigger.
