upgrade flobbier & bobpop's indefinite ban to a cat 0 ban

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • hello seniors and nons

    so i bring this up because flobbier and bobpop didnt just break a few rules and got indef banned for it. they targetted and harassed members of this community, engaged in raids, said some pretty horrific shit and sent some fucked up stuff to server chats. their actions went beyond the scope of just regular misconduct and therefore this should be reflected in their ban. they continue to raid and do stupid shit to this day.



  • Not only do I vouch for this, but it is my personal belief that this category 0 punishment should extend to all those involved in the raids - jwmphall, charge, kanst, dr_fools inclusive.

    As you put it, this is more than rulebreaking - all of these individuals conspired in a plot which, in their own words on a geteso thread, was intended on eventually killing this server. Their constant spam was meant to put people off playing the server to the point where nobody played anymore.

    I don't want any of them to ever be able to return to this community because frankly they don't deserve any chances.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • 100% Vouch.

    I, along with many others have been a victim of their antics on more than one occasion with some of these actions including personal attacks that could easily be treated as credible threats. They do not deserve any chance of being welcomed back to the server anytime soon. I'd also have no problems adding Dr_Fools and the entire 'Granite Castle' group into the mix as well since they all were involved in some way with these actions.

    These individuals had a set goal of trying to 'destroy' TotalFreedom and were also behind the failed plot to have Ryan removed from owner - a clear attempt to have TF killed. Their actions consisted of spamming the server into the late hours of the day with obscene messages, threats of linking illegal content in chat, pasting gore links into chat, breaking basically every rule on the server, and most likely resulted in many potential players being drawn away through their antics or wrongly banned due to everyone being on edge.


    Edited 6 times, last by Alco_Rs11 (August 24, 2022 at 10:27 PM).

  • So because there has been no evidence / formal write up of why these people are banned, I have actively refused to change the terms of the ban.

    There's a greater than 0 chance that if this information isn't published in the near future, the bans will be retracted because it's not really right to go "We've banned you and have evidence, but we're not sharing it with even our own staff team"

    If evidence is shared that supports this, I'll consider making it Cat 0.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • There's a greater than 0 chance that if this information isn't published in the near future, the bans will be retracted because it's not really right to go "We've banned you and have evidence, but we're not sharing it with even our own staff team"

    if you take a gander in senior lounge you’ll find the doc. I would post the proof but eao wants it posted in the doc.


  • There's a greater than 0 chance that if this information isn't published in the near future, the bans will be retracted because it's not really right to go "We've banned you and have evidence, but we're not sharing it with even our own staff team"

    if you take a gander in senior lounge you’ll find the doc. I would post the proof but eao wants it posted in the doc.

    Actually, go ahead and post it here. I'll write up a thread publicly tomorrow with the evidence and then ask for any questions.