How could we players revive the server?

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • The best we could do as regular players is

    • Being welcoming and nice to new players, helping them, playing with them and encouraging them to stay.
    • Advertising the server and voting when possible
    • Improving the server through suggestions on the forum.

    and be a femboy bc everyone loves femboys uwu
    Making cool builds, maparts, bots, etc in the server also helps new players see how cool TotalFreedom is and makes them more likely to stay on the server!
    And side note, even if the playerbase is small TotalFreedom is a big server as in it has nice people, I wouldn't worry about bringing in new players ;‎)

    >w< pat me pleasee pat mee pleaseeeeee

    Edited 2 times, last by frizzydoggy (August 12, 2022 at 2:28 AM).

  • Advertising the server and voting when possible

    I'm surprised how few people consistently vote. Even I didn't do it until recently tbf, but I started and try to do it daily. There's also ways to set up an extension or something to auto-vote for you, not sure how many would do it. though. Voting, imo is probably one of the best ways to increase the servers exposure-- when I first found TF, it was many pages down the server listing. I think the server itself has plenty of things to keep players on, assuming they have a little bit of creativity, but actually getting them on to begin with is the issue.

    As for your edit, I wonder if there should maybe be more public/official documentation and stuff about EpsilonBot, so new players have a better chance to learn about it. On the one hand, I kinda feel like EpsilonBot is almost like a fun hidden feature, reserved for regular players, on the other hand, it's extremely cool and everyone should know about it.

    "Dude, my screen is completely purple, I see Barney and I still die" - ExtesyyTV, 2022

  • A coin reward for voting would be a good start, the reaction system is lowkey annoying as hell.

    That already exists.

    Currently, the only ways to get coins are:

    • Voting (~20 coins per vote)
    • Reactions (10 coins per reaction win)
    • Winning Events (not too sure about this)
    • Getting on the Mentally Unstable List (250 coins or ~500 if you get on it twice in a row)


  • the server is pretty inactive

    To be honest, I disagree with the sentiment of the server being inactive. The server averages around 10 players on Fridays and weekends, occasionally on some weekdays too.

    any ideas on what regular players could do to revive it

    I think the best way to "revive" the server, as you put it, would be to just tell a friend who's interested in Minecraft servers. That's basically how I found out about TotalFreedom in the first place anyways.

  • Okay, so here's the problems thats holding the server back:

    Lack of creativity

    Minecraft is a game about building and creativity, our community is not creative. The random builds that are just //copyed and //pasted and spammed around near spawn, and the Off Topic board proves this.

    We focus too much on new players, and not our current players

    We keep on trying to find new players. We should instead focus on retaining the players that are already here, that way, if new players do join, we don't lose them immediately.

    Server plan has shown that on average 86 new players join per 7 days.

    There are a total of 5952 players according to plan, however only 93 are considered "Regular" (to be considered "Regular", you need an Activity Index of 3.0+)

    Image Proof


    There are 750 members registered on the forum, however, only 102 members are "Student" or higher (to get "Student", you need 300+ WoltLab points)


    The issue is not that we can't find new players, the issue is that we keep losing these players.

    Lack of problem solving

    The skill to be able to solve problems, being able to solve problems will help the server during a dire situation. However, the fact I was unable to provide any solutions to the problems mentioned above proves this.

  • I've been thinking about this on and off for a couple days, ever since that dude joined the server and was bitching on and on about how much "potential" the server had to "grow big" and "attract new players".

    I completely agree with characterslimits, we should focus on improving retention not growth.

    I have had one idea, which I'll make a full thread for later, but I'll give a summary now:

    Weekly or Monthly Building Contests. At regular intervals (Weekly, Every other Week, Monthly, whatever) a contest/competition will be held, to see who can build the best or coolest thing within the given category. The first one could be Medieval, next one could be Sci-Fi, next could be, I don't know... Retro: Pre 1.8 Blocks Only or something. No clue what the prize would be, but I think this would be a good start to increasing activity and retention.

    "Dude, my screen is completely purple, I see Barney and I still die" - ExtesyyTV, 2022

  • I've been thinking about this on and off for a couple days, ever since that dude joined the server and was bitching on and on about how much "potential" the server had to "grow big" and "attract new players".


    I have had one idea, which I'll make a full thread for later, but I'll give a summary now:

    First impressions matter a lot. It's one of the main reasons why I think spawn shouldn't be getting switched around constantly like it does, as a spawn with stuff in it is more likely to interest people than a spawn yanked from planetminecraft with nothing within a 100 block radius.

    A better hub might help with things as well, as it's the FIRST thing anybody connecting will ever see. Maybe having some citizen npcs that you can click to teleport to any server on the network would help. Make it look "professional" idk the word.


  • Weekly or Monthly Building Contests

    I'll re-explore this and other activities but this specific one was dropped because people weren't showing up anymore. It seems like we barely have any active builder left. This could be mitigated with targeted advertisement, but also needs some stuff in the devs' backlog to be finished to avoid new frustrated players.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  • this is actually the entire reason for my complete overhaul of the server plugins, especially TFM. I'm not trying to attract or inspire newcomers, I'm trying to provide our current community the tools they so desperately seek to acquire.